Porn and Hollywood have perpetuated this as has some of society. I think it makes it must put a lot of pressure on black guys who are not huge worrying about whether he is going to measure up to expectations. I think this is most obvious in gym locker rooms based on my own experiences and observations. I am a white guy on the small end and it is easier for me and other white guys I see to strip down even if we are small. On the other hand the black guys who hang get naked and walk around flopping, but I notice some other black men who skip the shower and I assume feel like they will be looked at differently than a small white guy is.
Porn and the media have only expounded upon what was discovered during chattel slavery in the US. Black people were stripped nude and sold as property, with every inch of their body’s being inspected by white people. Athletic and attractive black men were bred like animals, with young attractive black women.
So, that’s what has been utilized to build the framework of this big, black, well endowed threat to white women’s virtue. It’s evidentiary, yet used to invalidate black men as been little more than stallions, devoid of intellect, or humanity. White men are captivated you , lustful of, and envious of nature’s bounty to black men. Not all black men fit that mold.
However, when looking at scientific studies in the field of endowment, men of African descent outpace other groups in penile size. Those from the continent of Africa, and across the African diaspora will be (on average) more well endowed compared to men of European descent.
For those who aren’t Of African decent who dare to provide commentary about how black men internalize the violence of the BBC trope, stay in your lane. You all aren’t educated in these areas and are in large part ignorant to the injustices of the black experience in American society. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Collectively, the African American men in this thread should be heard when we say it’s offensive. It’s offensive whether our bodies are in alignment with the stereotype or not.
We are more than our penis sizes. Women wax poetic about being reduced to their sexuality, there’s little more dehumanizing to the over-sexualization and infantilism of black men. If you feel like that doesn’t align with your worldview, pick up a book! Don’t attempt to correct or curate the experiences of the people that live the experience daily on a visceral level.