Are black men really bigger?

The average dick size is 5 inches worldwide, In The Congo, an african nation where on average men where the most endowed its 6.6 inches. so we could say that on average, blacks are 1.6 inches longer down there.

For what i've seen, blacks trend to be bigger, or we could better say they trend to rank above average more often, but still, dick size between black people its pretty diverse too, the thing is black people have been fetichised for their endowment and that makes non endowed black men to hide the fact out of shame cuz... they do not meet the expectations bestowed uppon their race by pornography.
From my observations on line, the simple answer is YES, black men are larger on average.
Videos, photos, and twitter etc, can be misleading. Overall height and build can be misleading.
Our best bet is to make "in person" examinations for proper test results.
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The average dick size is 5 inches worldwide, In The Congo, an african nation where on average men where the most endowed its 6.6 inches. so we could say that on average, blacks are 1.6 inches longer down there.

For what i've seen, blacks trend to be bigger, or we could better say they trend to rank above average more often, but still, dick size between black people its pretty diverse too, the thing is black people have been fetichised for their endowment and that makes non endowed black men to hide the fact out of shame cuz... they do not meet the expectations bestowed uppon their race by pornography.

I have heard about men in the Congo, Zimbabwe and Uganda complaining about condom sizes, allegedly the typical brands are too small. (Men complained they were breaking too easily.... I know the feeling.)The Ugandan government even addressed this issue to combat HIV.

I’m sure there are articles online about it.
From my observations on line, the simple answer is YES, black men are larger on average.
Videos, photos, and twitter etc, can be misleading. Overall height and build can be misleading.
Our best bet is to make "in person" examinations for proper test results.

probably. I’m 8 inches and thin but still above average .

people say the average is 5 inches
Maybe because that's what study after study tell us...

Besides that "people say" make me think of the orange dictator :worried:
LOL! Very fine people. Both sides of the “are black men really bigger” debate. The thing is, folks...

Average size is somewhere around 5 inches & black men are not bigger on average according to all the available, credible scientific literature. This will be the status quo for people who care about actual evidence over hearsay, personal anecdotes, rap songs, & fairy tales unless proven otherwise or even plausibly challenged.
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LOL! Very fine people. Both sides of the “are black men really bigger” debate. The thing is, folks...

Average size is somewhere around 5 inches & black men are not bigger on average according to all the available, credible scientific literature. This will be the status quo for people who care about actual evidence over hearsay, personal anecdotes, rap songs, & fairy tales unless proven otherwise or even plausibly challenged.

Can you point to any studies where a large sample size of men of African descent are measured erect? Because I can find none.
Black men made up 2% of the 17 studies compiled in the BJUI, while European and Middle Eastern men comprised of the remaining 98%.

In the Nigerian study of 320 males, the men were only measured flaccid (not flaccid stretched) and it included young males going through puberty.

The Tanzanian study measured 253 men, ages 10-47 flaccid (not flaccid stretched).

And another Nigerian study measured 110 older men (median age 47) flaccid stretched (not erect, and they state the inconsistencies between flaccid stretched and erect skews the data.)

So, does anyone have a link to studies where Black men are measured erect? Because these studies are not good data as there are no erect sizes.

In the US studies, 99% participants were White and a flaccid stretched method was used.
The Tanzanian study was done for medical circumcision purposes, so that’s why children were included. This study, nor any of the studies above, were meant to study size alone as implied in the abstract of each study.
There are not a lot or many African Americans down here in New Mexico, but for the handful of them who I have hooked up with, they were definitely bigger than the typical White or Latino guys, though not all of the men were huge. Besides, when I do travel to other states, I have hooked up as well. In general, not many Black men were small even though I saw just a couple that were.
Porn and Hollywood have perpetuated this as has some of society. I think it makes it must put a lot of pressure on black guys who are not huge worrying about whether he is going to measure up to expectations. I think this is most obvious in gym locker rooms based on my own experiences and observations. I am a white guy on the small end and it is easier for me and other white guys I see to strip down even if we are small. On the other hand the black guys who hang get naked and walk around flopping, but I notice some other black men who skip the shower and I assume feel like they will be looked at differently than a small white guy is.
Porn and the media have only expounded upon what was discovered during chattel slavery in the US. Black people were stripped nude and sold as property, with every inch of their body’s being inspected by white people. Athletic and attractive black men were bred like animals, with young attractive black women.

So, that’s what has been utilized to build the framework of this big, black, well endowed threat to white women’s virtue. It’s evidentiary, yet used to invalidate black men as been little more than stallions, devoid of intellect, or humanity. White men are captivated you , lustful of, and envious of nature’s bounty to black men. Not all black men fit that mold.

However, when looking at scientific studies in the field of endowment, men of African descent outpace other groups in penile size. Those from the continent of Africa, and across the African diaspora will be (on average) more well endowed compared to men of European descent.

For those who aren’t Of African decent who dare to provide commentary about how black men internalize the violence of the BBC trope, stay in your lane. You all aren’t educated in these areas and are in large part ignorant to the injustices of the black experience in American society. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Collectively, the African American men in this thread should be heard when we say it’s offensive. It’s offensive whether our bodies are in alignment with the stereotype or not.

We are more than our penis sizes. Women wax poetic about being reduced to their sexuality, there’s little more dehumanizing to the over-sexualization and infantilism of black men. If you feel like that doesn’t align with your worldview, pick up a book! Don’t attempt to correct or curate the experiences of the people that live the experience daily on a visceral level.
human being is adapting to the local conditions
that's why skin color is different (melamine) or that's why eyes shape is different
minor differences that you can understand
but what the hell can explain that "black people" so meaning Africa only? would be much bigger
they have used as a weapon? they were doing cooking with it?
damned just it is good be somewhat logic before being obsessed by "color" non sense of skin or old roots
it seems racial statistics have been bias always
like people were keeping n clichés

and anyway ... whatever .... size big or not doesn't change the important matter: being a good lover
and even about this
as said very nicely @tjh1204 "women were reduced to their sexuality, there's little more deshumanizing to the over sexualization of black men"
that was what it was all about when our ancestors in Europe were damned racists
but hell yes we changed A LOT
How is this thread still going on? It's been debunked multiple times that there are no differences in penis size due to race.
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However, when looking at scientific studies in the field of endowment, men of African descent outpace other groups in penile size. Those from the continent of Africa, and across the African diaspora will be (on average) more well endowed compared to men of European descent.
Wow. Some people really want to to believe this myth. You can just go back to the beginning of this thread where the idea was debunked multiple times, and mods should have closed it already. Here, wikipedia provides a summary of the research:

Human penis size - Wikipedia

how is asking for evidence akin to believing a myth?

All I asked for were links to evidence with respect to your statement and you gave me a Wikipedia article...!?????

Try again. I want evidence/studies that back up your claim. If something has been debunked, sure there is bountiful evidence?