Genetics. The second you talked genetics your whole i'm not agreeing with stereotypes went flying out the window. Our genes don't dictate based on race. If it did. And you were right about black men on average having bigger dicks then by now there would be many many more black men with bigger dicks than there are.
Meaning any and every study done, no matter how, would have black men dominating totals. With their being absolutely positively zero contest. That is not the case. The average is the average with black men included. Meaning we do not have large even on average.
>In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. For example, a “hells angel” biker dresses in leather.
What Is Overgeneralizing?
>This is an example of overgeneralizing, which is when you use overly broad language in our evaluations of events or people. You can really hear overgeneralizing in the language people use when they talk about provocations. They use words like “always,” “never,” “everybody,” and “nobody.” This type of thinking and language matters because once you say something always happens to you, you start responding to the pattern of events instead of just the one event that has just happened.
Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the
superiority of one
race over another.
[1][2][3][4] It may also mean
discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or
[2][3] Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of
social actions, practices or beliefs, or
political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.
- n.
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
- n.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
- n.
The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.
Like i've said about a million times already. Stereotypes aren't real. They aren't factual. Not in any way shape or form by definition. Stereotypes are over generalizations. Over generalizations are illogical when applied to anyone. Racism is an over generalization. Racism is the belief, much like you have, that stereotypes are genetic. And can be applied to an entire race of people. Meaning it's automatically wrong.
This is what OP said. Where he asked for theories and thoughts on the topic. The topic being the stereotype.