Are black men really bigger?

Long term I agree .... Short term is very beneficial

I disagree of course. On the short term benefits. Put it like this. When kanye said slavery seems like a choice. He very much got a short term boost in money. And also in that short term black people in general were harmed. Him having helped spread dangerous conspiracy theories about what it was like to be a slave helped convince a lot of people of something that wasn't true.

Same deal with this. So while there are. Even in the shirt term. The bad far outweighs the good.
I disagree of course. On the short term benefits. Put it like this. When kanye said slavery seems like a choice. He very much got a short term boost in money. And also in that short term black people in general were harmed. Him having helped spread dangerous conspiracy theories about what it was like to be a slave helped convince a lot of people of something that wasn't true.

Same deal with this. So while there are. Even in the shirt term. The bad far outweighs the good.

I think we are talking about apples and oranges ... I don’t see how many black men not giving their dick away for those trying to use them for their party parts correlates with slavery...u are making valid points but it doesn’t address what I’m talking about
you are so correct but at the same time if one thinks they are going to play me for my Dick

I understand and feel what you are saying ; however the point I’m trying to make is that to those who only use black men as a fetish, many black man will benefit in some way before they give out the dick... Thats my only point ...
Interesting. That's a very individualistic way of seeing it. The only person that benefits is the person getting laid which is a bit selfish. Black people as a whole don't benefit from the myth. If anything I think the negatives outweigh the benefits which is why I don't care for porn that depicts black men in such a way for white consumption. Ultimately that's who the porn is made for. I used to manage a porn shop and I could tell you stories that would blow your mind about the kind of porn that was being purchased by who. Not to go into too much detail but I can tell you that interracial porn was the biggest seller. trans porn was also very popular and our clientele consisted mostly of white men. I am willing to bet that most of those guys buying porn harbored racist ideas about black people but they definitely didn't have an issue renting/purchasing interracial porn. I'm actually enjoying the deep conversation being had on this thread. Hearing the different perspectives only confirm what I already suspected and have gathered from my own experiences and observations.
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I think we are talking about apples and oranges ... I don’t see how many black men not giving their dick away for those trying to use them for their party parts correlates with slavery...u are making valid points but it doesn’t address what I’m talking about

I can see how that would be confusing so i'll try to explain a little better.

Most of what we have as human beings is social interaction. A person says a thing. And most other react to it. What i'm talking about is the reaction to saying a thing. And how it further helps others believe in a thing.

The thing kanye said was bad because it re-enforced stereotypes. Stereotypes harm people. Or help others harm others. In general. The more people speak in favor of stereotypes, no matter what group we're talking, the longer people believe in those stereotypes.

Sure, those black men might not sleep with anyone. But they are allowing others to continue believing in a stereotype. So while they may get small benefits at that moment. The vast majority of black men and themselves are ultimately harmed still.

Not all of any category of men are big. Never have been, aren't and will never be. The vast majority of any and all categories of men aren't and won't be either. Specifically though, that means there's a very large amount of black men who aren't. So the longer the stereotype sticks around. The longer they'll have insecurity because of it. Which of course will translate into other parts of their lives. And when those black men speak on issues of sex. The stereotype will undoubtedly effect their opinions. And since we human beings are largely social creatures. That spreads too.

There's no doubt in my mind that there are black male incels too. The hoteps out there have also been negatively effected by stereotypes in general and specifically stereotypes about black dick. So we end up with a whole gaggle of people re-enforcing stereotypes without once sleeping with anyone and those stereotypes laying waist to an insane amount of guy's minds all over the world.

Making whatever benefits those number of black men who try to get something out of others without sleeping with them moot. Both in the short term and the long.

To go further. Stereotypes about black dick are of course tied directly to the idea of us being animals, animalistic and/or inherently violent. Which to a lot of people is justification for the should have just stopped resisting arrest reaction when black people are killed by cops. Bull, mandigo, seed and so on are dog whistles for it.

Having a big dick, saying you have a big dick or letting people think you have a big dick all because of your race does nothing to stop a bullet. Does nothing to help people understand that the name blacklivesmatter is a question. One people should be answering if black lives do matter then how come we generally don't care when someone who gets paid to protect americans are allowed to get away with killing americans. Does nothing to stop legislation geared toward harming us and so on.

So the benefits do not out weight the negatives. I would much rather have people not be obsessed about my junk and be alive then have them be obsessed with it an be deader than a door nob. Sadly, we human beings aren't all that good with facts and history. We are good with socializing. Talking to each other and developing our opinions based on other people's opinions and actions an inactions.

Hope that helped explain what i mean.
Interesting. That's a very individualistic way of seeing it. The only person that benefits is the person getting laid which is a bit selfish. Black people as a whole don't benefit from the myth. If anything I think the negatives outweigh the benefits which is why I don't care for porn that depicts black men in such a way for white consumption. Ultimately that's who the porn is made for. I used to manage a porn shop and I could tell you stories that would blow your mind about the kind of porn that was being purchased by who. Not to go into too much detail but I can tell you that interracial porn was the biggest seller. trans porn was also very popular and our clientele consisted mostly of white men. I am willing to bet that most of those guys buying porn harbored racist ideas about black people but they definitely didn't have an issue renting/purchasing interracial porn. I'm actually enjoying the deep conversation being had on this thread. Hearing the different perspectives only confirm what I already suspected and have gathered from my own experiences and observations.

I never said anything about blacks benefiting as a whole...It’s on an individual basis.. I hear and agree what you are saying but that’s not what I’m saying
Interesting. That's a very individualistic way of seeing it. The only person that benefits is the person getting laid which is a bit selfish. Black people as a whole don't benefit from the myth. If anything I think the negatives outweigh the benefits which is why I don't care for porn that depicts black men in such a way for white consumption. Ultimately that's who the porn is made for. I used to manage a porn shop and I could tell you stories that would blow your mind about the kind of porn that was being purchased by who. Not to go into too much detail but I can tell you that interracial porn was the biggest seller. trans porn was also very popular and our clientele consisted mostly of white men. I am willing to bet that most of those guys buying porn harbored racist ideas about black people but they definitely didn't have an issue renting/purchasing interracial porn. I'm actually enjoying the deep conversation being had on this thread. Hearing the different perspectives only confirm what I already suspected and have gathered from my own experiences and observations.

I agree with your whole statement but again, that’s not the point I’m making... Someone compensating me (and other black men who are being fetished) has nothing to do with other aspects of my life... It doesn’t define me.. It won’t make me and it won’t break me HOWEVER if one believes they are getting over on black men for using them for their body, many black men are basically saying “ you have to give before you get”.

Like you, I have seen way too much and I have seen this happen way too often...
LOL at all the attempts to debuke genetics.

Insecurity & jealousy is the reason why lynchings occurred. They were afraid we were going to taint their precious white woman so we had to be "controlled."

That mentality still persists today.

Yeah, I agree this thread does like to ignore and debunk genetics. Which is why when someone brings it up like I have, it gets ignored. Many White people subconsciously share the notion that their genetic makeup is default or normal, and somehow think it’s strange that we Black people celebrate our diverse features.

The slave myth is getting tired because people are misunderstanding. White slave owners also sold the idea that dark skin means dirty...but that does not negate the fact that Black people DO HAVE DARK SKIN. Same goes with the dick narrative.

Again, this website is about dick. If some of you are so uncomfortable with people being reduce to their dick/fetishized, you should probably leave this website. The topic is about dick!
I can see how that would be confusing so i'll try to explain a little better.

Most of what we have as human beings is social interaction. A person says a thing. And most other react to it. What i'm talking about is the reaction to saying a thing. And how it further helps others believe in a thing.

The thing kanye said was bad because it re-enforced stereotypes. Stereotypes harm people. Or help others harm others. In general. The more people speak in favor of stereotypes, no matter what group we're talking, the longer people believe in those stereotypes.

Sure, those black men might not sleep with anyone. But they are allowing others to continue believing in a stereotype. So while they may get small benefits at that moment. The vast majority of black men and themselves are ultimately harmed still.

Not all of any category of men are big. Never have been, aren't and will never be. The vast majority of any and all categories of men aren't and won't be either. Specifically though, that means there's a very large amount of black men who aren't. So the longer the stereotype sticks around. The longer they'll have insecurity because of it. Which of course will translate into other parts of their lives. And when those black men speak on issues of sex. The stereotype will undoubtedly effect their opinions. And since we human beings are largely social creatures. That spreads too.

There's no doubt in my mind that there are black male incels too. The hoteps out there have also been negatively effected by stereotypes in general and specifically stereotypes about black dick. So we end up with a whole gaggle of people re-enforcing stereotypes without once sleeping with anyone and those stereotypes laying waist to an insane amount of guy's minds all over the world.

Making whatever benefits those number of black men who try to get something out of others without sleeping with them moot. Both in the short term and the long.

To go further. Stereotypes about black dick are of course tied directly to the idea of us being animals, animalistic and/or inherently violent. Which to a lot of people is justification for the should have just stopped resisting arrest reaction when black people are killed by cops. Bull, mandigo, seed and so on are dog whistles for it.

Having a big dick, saying you have a big dick or letting people think you have a big dick all because of your race does nothing to stop a bullet. Does nothing to help people understand that the name blacklivesmatter is a question. One people should be answering if black lives do matter then how come we generally don't care when someone who gets paid to protect americans are allowed to get away with killing americans. Does nothing to stop legislation geared toward harming us and so on.

So the benefits do not out weight the negatives. I would much rather have people not be obsessed about my junk and be alive then have them be obsessed with it an be deader than a door nob. Sadly, we human beings aren't all that good with facts and history. We are good with socializing. Talking to each other and developing our opinions based on other people's opinions and actions an inactions.

Hope that helped explain what i mean.

Bro ... Let me start off with this:

1. Don’t need a history lesson from you... My great grandmother was the daughter of a slave so I think I am well aware of what went on in America at that time..So trust that I know where I come from ..

2. I will bet the farm that I have experience far more racism than you ever have... If you remember the Little Rock Nine, my brothers and I along with 10 other blacks were the 70’s Michigan version of that and that was only the tip of the ice burg... So miss me with slavery, bigotry, racism, police brutality, civil rights... With exception of slavery, I have lived and continue to live that reality...

Now follow me closely, there are blacks on this forum who care about what whites think of them and the idea of being used for their body parts upsets them... For those that don’t care about what they think may give up the dick but it’s with a price....Being compensated for busting a nut is t going to stop one from being racially profiled or killed... You are talking about the history of the stereotype I’m talking about how some black men don’t give up their bodies to appease the one fetishizing them to be accepted but them adopting the notion that “ if u want me what are you going to give me”.. Do you understand what I’m saying
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Bro ... Let me start off with this:

1. Don’t need a history lesson from you... My great grandmother was the daughter of a slave so I think I am well aware of what went on in America at that time..So trust that I know where I come from ..

2. I will bet the farm that I have experience far more racism than you ever have... If you remember the Little Rock Nine, my brothers and I along with 10 other blacks were the 70’s Michigan version of that and that was only the tip of the ice burg... So miss me with slavery, bigotry, racism, police brutality, civil rights... With exception of slavery, I have lived and continue to live that reality...

Now follow me closely, there are blacks on this forum who care about what whites think of them and the idea of being used for their body parts upsets them... For those that don’t care about what they think may give up the dick but it’s with a price....Being compensated for busting a nut is t going to stop one from being racially profiled or killed... You are talking about the history of the stereotype I’m talking about how some black men don’t give up their bodies to appease the one fetishizing them to be accepted but them adopting the notion that “ if u want me what are you going to give me”.. Do you understand what I’m saying

I understand what you're saying but have no idea why or how you're getting upset over what i said. I never once said you were ignorant or stupid of what was done to our people in the past. You seemed to not understand how it related to stereotypes and the treatment of our people so i decided to try to help explain the connection. The connection.

Again. You're getting upset because i thought you misunderstood the connection. Not the data.

>Now follow me closely, there are blacks on this forum who care about what whites think of them and the idea of being used for their body parts upsets them...

Yes. And being upset over that is valid. It's logical. See one thing i've noticed about a lot of people is this. If a person is upset over something others immediately attempt to invalidate what they're saying as if just the act of emotion is reason to dismiss what a person is saying entirely.

Racism upsets me. Sexism upsets me. Homophobia upsets me. Transphobia upsets me. Climate change denial upsets me. Antivaxxers upset me. Flat earthers upset me. And? Being upset over something does not automatically mean what you say and why you're upset is automatically invalid.

In fact. It's pretty ironic that people get upset over other people being upset then act as if being upset at all isn't and can't be logical. It's like saying all human beings who type opinions on the internet suck while in the process of doing exactly that.

Stereotypes suck. Period. In a lot of different ways that a lot of people either don't or refuse to see. Someone taking money from someone who believes in stereotypes is a benefit. What i was saying in that is that you are right and accurate there. Problem is the benefit has never, doesn't and never will over shadow the negatives.

Lets say someone randomly gives you 100 bucks. Then turns around and rapes someone else. Was the benefit there more than the negative? No. Of course not. Lets say someone gives you a car. Then turns around and burns someone else's house down. Same thing. Were there benefits in those two examples? Yes. But the negatives over shadow the positives.


I never once said you were unaware of racism in any form. What is extremely clear though is that you don't fully understand the effect of racism when it's seemingly positive.

Take the stereotype of asians being better at math for example. Seems like a net positive right? In which an asian or asian american could use to advance themselves further in life by some way. By way of exploiting people's idea that asians are better at math. What happens when after they go to drive a car? Or go to pick someone up for sex? Doesn't re-enforcing one stereotype re-enforce them all? How many asian actors do you think enjoy being type cast in movies, comic books, novels, tv shows and so on as the good at math ones? Or the good at martial arts one? While also being seen as not being able to drive correctly and have small dicks?

What i'm saying is. Again. It doesn't matter how many benefits come from exploiting stereotypes because stereotypes are inherently illogical to begin with. And all they do is serve to not only keep people stupid but make them dumber over time. To keep racism around longer and re-enforce racism in other areas. Simply because people are less likely to research something and more likely to just take the word of random people who have no idea what they're talking about.

People associate big black dick with other things racist white men have convinced people about regarding black people. So benefiting from one means the rest are much more difficult to get rid of. Meaning the negatives. Completely mush out the positives.

Get what i'm saying?
I understand what you're saying but have no idea why or how you're getting upset over what i said. I never once said you were ignorant or stupid of what was done to our people in the past. You seemed to not understand how it related to stereotypes and the treatment of our people so i decided to try to help explain the connection. The connection.

Again. You're getting upset because i thought you misunderstood the connection. Not the data.

>Now follow me closely, there are blacks on this forum who care about what whites think of them and the idea of being used for their body parts upsets them...

Yes. And being upset over that is valid. It's logical. See one thing i've noticed about a lot of people is this. If a person is upset over something others immediately attempt to invalidate what they're saying as if just the act of emotion is reason to dismiss what a person is saying entirely.

Racism upsets me. Sexism upsets me. Homophobia upsets me. Transphobia upsets me. Climate change denial upsets me. Antivaxxers upset me. Flat earthers upset me. And? Being upset over something does not automatically mean what you say and why you're upset is automatically invalid.

In fact. It's pretty ironic that people get upset over other people being upset then act as if being upset at all isn't and can't be logical. It's like saying all human beings who type opinions on the internet suck while in the process of doing exactly that.

Stereotypes suck. Period. In a lot of different ways that a lot of people either don't or refuse to see. Someone taking money from someone who believes in stereotypes is a benefit. What i was saying in that is that you are right and accurate there. Problem is the benefit has never, doesn't and never will over shadow the negatives.

Lets say someone randomly gives you 100 bucks. Then turns around and rapes someone else. Was the benefit there more than the negative? No. Of course not. Lets say someone gives you a car. Then turns around and burns someone else's house down. Same thing. Were there benefits in those two examples? Yes. But the negatives over shadow the positives.


I never once said you were unaware of racism in any form. What is extremely clear though is that you don't fully understand the effect of racism when it's seemingly positive.

Take the stereotype of asians being better at math for example. Seems like a net positive right? In which an asian or asian american could use to advance themselves further in life by some way. By way of exploiting people's idea that asians are better at math. What happens when after they go to drive a car? Or go to pick someone up for sex? Doesn't re-enforcing one stereotype re-enforce them all? How many asian actors do you think enjoy being type cast in movies, comic books, novels, tv shows and so on as the good at math ones? Or the good at martial arts one? While also being seen as not being able to drive correctly and have small dicks?

What i'm saying is. Again. It doesn't matter how many benefits come from exploiting stereotypes because stereotypes are inherently illogical to begin with. And all they do is serve to not only keep people stupid but make them dumber over time. To keep racism around longer and re-enforce racism in other areas. Simply because people are less likely to research something and more likely to just take the word of random people who have no idea what they're talking about.

People associate big black dick with other things racist white men have convinced people about regarding black people. So benefiting from one means the rest are much more difficult to get rid of. Meaning the negatives. Completely mush out the positives.

Get what i'm saying?

Always got what you are saying.. We are just coming at this at different angles... And for the record I don’t get upset about words on a forum...

We approached the topic differently and we met somewhere in the middle... we understood what the other was trying to say and that is what a discussion is all about ...You good with me
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Always got what you are saying.. We are just coming at this at different angles... And for the record I don’t get upset about words on a forum...

We approached the topic differently and we met somewhere in the middle... we understood what the other was trying to say and that is what a discussion is all about ...You good with me

You're good with me too. I'm just not entirely sure you understand me when i say the benefits that can and do come from black men exploiting people who believe in the stereotype is eclipsed by the negatives.

I don't know. Imagine the stereotype of black men being big just didn't exist. Imagine if stereotypes as a whole didn't exist at all. Don't you think it would be much more difficult for racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, elitism, nepotism, ageism and so on to exist?

At which point most relationships would have to be created on merit rather than ideas. Equaling much better relationships and sex for us all.

Even if we stayed within the realm of big black dick and got rid of that within humanity completely. Black men without big dicks would be helped. White men jealous of their size would be helped. There would be much less but not entirely non-existence stigma with interracial relationships and the whole ha ha she's loose thing from women being with black men would also slow down considerably.

Which is much more of a benefit than capping someone's head regarding black men's dick and only a few people getting something out of it.
  • Like
You're good with me too. I'm just not entirely sure you understand me when i say the benefits that can and do come from black men exploiting people who believe in the stereotype is eclipsed by the negatives.

I don't know. Imagine the stereotype of black men being big just didn't exist. Imagine if stereotypes as a whole didn't exist at all. Don't you think it would be much more difficult for racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, elitism, nepotism, ageism and so on to exist?

At which point most relationships would have to be created on merit rather than ideas. Equaling much better relationships and sex for us all.

Even if we stayed within the realm of big black dick and got rid of that within humanity completely. Black men without big dicks would be helped. White men jealous of their size would be helped. There would be much less but not entirely non-existence stigma with interracial relationships and the whole ha ha she's loose thing from women being with black men would also slow down considerably.

Which is much more of a benefit than capping someone's head regarding black men's dick and only a few people getting something out of it.

I understood what you were saying but I was talking on an individual basis you were speaking as to how it affects us as a whole (which I get and should of addressed) as well... Like I said we just approached the issue at different angles
Thanks RoRo!
To be honest.
You're the better man! Your post have always shown how clearly you think and the balance you show.
Never taking ones side but seeing both sides for what it is or not!
I will always learn from your post and the friend you've been!

Knowledge is Power! Not the color of your skin!

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I understood what you were saying but I was talking on an individual basis you were speaking as to how it affects us as a whole... Like I said we just approached the issue at different angles

Have you ever heard the term no man is an island?

>No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

It isn't just flowery language. It's without doubt a logical assessment of the situation we human beings find ourselves in. What you may see as individual actions are that. They are actions committed by a single person. They are also parts of a whole. The whole of humanity.

Every choice we make individually creates the whole. It's the butterfly effect on steroids. This is generally understood when it comes to voting. That every vote generally speaking counts toward the direction a country will go in. What isn't generally thought of is how our individual choices help to dictate what society is and how it operates.

This is especially true when it comes to stereotypes. Expressly because stereotypes aren't true. Specifically because stereotypes were created out of racism and so on. Meaning they are by any and all accounts illogical. I'm pretty sure you already know but i'll say it again. A lie can make it's way around the world before the truth can even get it's boots on. It has always been a true statement. But people generally don't apply it to us as individuals. Flat earthers exist because individual people believed in it. So much so they re-enforced the idea to others who then also come to believe it. Until we get to a point where there are groups convincing groups of other people that the earth is flat.

That's how we human beings work. What starts out as individual actions can and often does become group actions. With those groups being able to convince larger and larger groups of people because most people don't research things. Or even attempt to apply logical thinking to random ideas.

Every human being on the face of the planet can and does effect everyone else in one way shape form or another. It's a known thing. Right now. Our individual actions in talking about this stuff is without doubt effecting larger groups of people in some way. So while you are correct that it is an individual action. What you might be forgetting here is that individual actions very rarely if ever stay that way.

You say we're approaching it from different angles. I disagree. With this specific part of the conversation. We're approaching it from different times. You from the initial act of exploiting stereotypes. Me from all the time after. Oh and i don't mean any offense with writing this much. It's just that we're talking so many different things that i feel it's better to go into this much detail.
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Have you ever heard the term no man is an island?

>No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

It isn't just flowery language. It's without doubt a logical assessment of the situation we human beings find ourselves in. What you may see as individual actions are that. They are actions committed by a single person. They are also parts of a whole. The whole of humanity.

Every choice we make individually creates the whole. It's the butterfly effect on steroids. This is generally understood when it comes to voting. That every vote generally speaking counts toward the direction a country will go in. What isn't generally thought of is how our individual choices help to dictate what society is and how it operates.

This is especially true when it comes to stereotypes. Expressly because stereotypes aren't true. Specifically because stereotypes were created out of racism and so on. Meaning they are by any and all accounts illogical. I'm pretty sure you already know but i'll say it again. A lie can make it's way around the world before the truth can even get it's boots on. It has always been a true statement. But people generally don't apply it to us as individuals. Flat earthers exist because individual people believed in it. So much so they re-enforced the idea to others who then also come to believe it. Until we get to a point where there are groups convincing groups of other people that the earth is flat.

That's how we human beings work. What starts out as individual actions can and often does become group actions. With those groups being able to convince larger and larger groups of people because most people don't research things. Or even attempt to apply logical thinking to random ideas.

Every human being on the face of the planet can and does effect everyone else in one way shape form or another. It's a known thing. Right now. Our individual actions in talking about this stuff is without doubt effecting larger groups of people in some way. So while you are correct that it is an individual action. What you might be forgetting here is that individual actions very rarely if ever stay that way.

You say we're approaching it from different angles. I disagree. With this specific part of the conversation. We're approaching it from different times. You from the initial act of exploiting stereotypes. Me from all the time after. Oh and i don't mean any offense with writing this much. It's just that we're talking so many different things that i feel it's better to go into this much detail.

If you say so bro
We know its origin. We take the label & accept it because honestly, it gives us a leg up on white men as sort of a payback for slavery.

So if you go for a job interview, the label about persons of color being lazy, must give you a leg up on other applicants.
If you go into a store, the security guard is right to follow you around, as US are so prone to stealing ETC

Do your really think a label, makes up for a few centuries century of genocide and culture rape.
I pray you were making a failed attempt at humor

I love this post as it uses the word We twice and the word Us once. . A single person can not; and does not generally speak for a an entire group
@Juiceypeen I must give you props. You are really phenomenal with the wealth of knowledge that you are sharing on a forum. I'd implore you to put to develop this in a book format. People really need to know and It's a breath of fresh air to see someone who isn't afraid to expend the energy in explaining and doing so with such calmness. I can tell you are well read.
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I guess you are down then

Oh before i go try to get back into losing weight again. Just want to let you know that while we do disagree. I did enjoy our conversation. And would 10/10 do so again.

@Juiceypeen I must give you props. You are really phenomenal with the wealth of knowledge that you are sharing on a forum. I'd implore you to put to develop this in a book format. People really need to know and It's a breath of fresh air to see someone who isn't afraid to expend the energy in explaining and doing so with such calmness. I can tell you are well read.

Umm thanks. :) I'm not as well read as i would like to be. Part of why i'm on forums to begin with but still thank you. You are also well read, calm and put a lot of effort into your replies. Had a good time talking to you too. :D

Oh and there are more than enough books on these topics. Don't need another one. lol
@Juiceypeen I must give you props. You are really phenomenal with the wealth of knowledge that you are sharing on a forum. I'd implore you to put to develop this in a book format. People really need to know and It's a breath of fresh air to see someone who isn't afraid to expend the energy in explaining and doing so with such calmness. I can tell you are well read.

I think the contrary. Extended, long winded palaver is not remarkable, especially on the topic of dick size. Especially for someone who ignores genetics and psychology (believing that stereotypes and falsehoods are synonymous).