Bro ... Let me start off with this:
1. Don’t need a history lesson from you... My great grandmother was the daughter of a slave so I think I am well aware of what went on in America at that time..So trust that I know where I come from ..
2. I will bet the farm that I have experience far more racism than you ever have... If you remember the Little Rock Nine, my brothers and I along with 10 other blacks were the 70’s Michigan version of that and that was only the tip of the ice burg... So miss me with slavery, bigotry, racism, police brutality, civil rights... With exception of slavery, I have lived and continue to live that reality...
Now follow me closely, there are blacks on this forum who care about what whites think of them and the idea of being used for their body parts upsets them... For those that don’t care about what they think may give up the dick but it’s with a price....Being compensated for busting a nut is t going to stop one from being racially profiled or killed... You are talking about the history of the stereotype I’m talking about how some black men don’t give up their bodies to appease the one fetishizing them to be accepted but them adopting the notion that “ if u want me what are you going to give me”.. Do you understand what I’m saying
I understand what you're saying but have no idea why or how you're getting upset over what i said. I never once said you were ignorant or stupid of what was done to our people in the past. You seemed to not understand how it related to stereotypes and the treatment of our people so i decided to try to help explain the connection. The connection.
Again. You're getting upset because i thought you misunderstood the connection. Not the data.
>Now follow me closely, there are blacks on this forum who care about what whites think of them and the idea of being used for their body parts upsets them...
Yes. And being upset over that is valid. It's logical. See one thing i've noticed about a lot of people is this. If a person is upset over something others immediately attempt to invalidate what they're saying as if just the act of emotion is reason to dismiss what a person is saying entirely.
Racism upsets me. Sexism upsets me. Homophobia upsets me. Transphobia upsets me. Climate change denial upsets me. Antivaxxers upset me. Flat earthers upset me. And? Being upset over something does not automatically mean what you say and why you're upset is automatically invalid.
In fact. It's pretty ironic that people get upset over other people being upset then act as if being upset at all isn't and can't be logical. It's like saying all human beings who type opinions on the internet suck while in the process of doing exactly that.
Stereotypes suck. Period. In a lot of different ways that a lot of people either don't or refuse to see. Someone taking money from someone who believes in stereotypes is a benefit. What i was saying in that is that you are right and accurate there. Problem is the benefit has never, doesn't and never will over shadow the negatives.
Lets say someone randomly gives you 100 bucks. Then turns around and rapes someone else. Was the benefit there more than the negative? No. Of course not. Lets say someone gives you a car. Then turns around and burns someone else's house down. Same thing. Were there benefits in those two examples? Yes. But the negatives over shadow the positives.
I never once said you were unaware of racism in any form. What is extremely clear though is that you don't fully understand the effect of racism when it's seemingly positive.
Take the stereotype of asians being better at math for example. Seems like a net positive right? In which an asian or asian american could use to advance themselves further in life by some way. By way of exploiting people's idea that asians are better at math. What happens when after they go to drive a car? Or go to pick someone up for sex? Doesn't re-enforcing one stereotype re-enforce them all? How many asian actors do you think enjoy being type cast in movies, comic books, novels, tv shows and so on as the good at math ones? Or the good at martial arts one? While also being seen as not being able to drive correctly and have small dicks?
What i'm saying is. Again. It doesn't matter how many benefits come from exploiting stereotypes because stereotypes are inherently illogical to begin with. And all they do is serve to not only keep people stupid but make them dumber over time. To keep racism around longer and re-enforce racism in other areas. Simply because people are less likely to research something and more likely to just take the word of random people who have no idea what they're talking about.
People associate big black dick with other things racist white men have convinced people about regarding black people. So benefiting from one means the rest are much more difficult to get rid of. Meaning the negatives. Completely mush out the positives.
Get what i'm saying?