"vintage or when men had pubes"

KEITH STEPHAN posed Nude with his eyes closed at age 24 for Lyle Frisby in 1952. Keith had an impressive body and handsome looks. He served in WW2. He married late in his late 30s and had a Son. He was a very unhappy Man and when his Marriage failed he took his own life at age 46.
LEE STEVENSON was a Stanford University Student and Wrestler when he posed with a Boner and huge Grin for Dave Martin in his San Francisco Studio in 1965. The attention to detail here--like a Bar of Soap and a small towel-is impressive.
NORM TOUSLEY posed Nude holding a Pole for Dave Martin in San Francisco in 1953. NORM was a genuinely decent person who devoted his life work to rescuing and helping other people as a Fire Captain. He had some serious Low Hanger Bull Balls. NORM TOUSLEY usually makes the lists of the Top 10 favorite Vintage Physique Models by collectors.
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He's one of my favorites. Thank you for this fantastic thread. These photos are so much more erotic than the AI image crap that's being produced these days. Give me a hot amateur posing next to a Greek column any day. 🤩