Today's mood

If you're talking about the ignore list, there seem to be a lot of people who use that function of the site. At least, that's the impression I got from viewing posts on here, and from what people had told me per PM. It can happen to the best of us!

That's good to know but not what I was talking about. :p
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Time to burn the apartment down and move! My sweetie found a centipede in our place, and I am very phobic of them

Ugh. Now I'm so anxious my stomach hurts
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Time to burn the apartment down and move! My sweetie found a centipede in our place, and I am very phobic of them

Ugh. Now I'm so anxious my stomach hurts

This definitely won't help but I found one of this in my bed once. It was between my mattress and my box spring. No lie it freaked me out for days. I found it one morning when making the bed. I lived in am upstairs apartment and I used a fly swatter to flip it onto the floor then I beat the shit out of it.

I'm so phobic of bugs in general that I check my bed and bedroom every night before bed.
The thought of me getting into bed and putting my feet down under the covers and something crawling on me or biting me my god I would not sleep for a month. It would be bad!!!!!
brandy str x 3 nips
prior to steamed chinese pork bun
micro zapped x 1 min in lieu, for lunch, @ noon

GW/CC mad

brandy ing on in remembrance of
90 yo friend/ F, who passed away peacefully,a week ago
is my excuse
- because i can, individuals choice
we still have that here, not totally govt controlled haha
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Today's "fed the fuck up and thinking about smacking a neighbor" mood is brought to you by rando assholes who let their aggressive ass lil rat dogs run off leash in the streets.

Your damn dogs attack people and other dogs. Your lil dig is a fucking asshole. I know where he gets it from.
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Was listening to Scott McKenzie's "San Francisco" on youtube today.
Read the comments people wrote as I sometimes do. The following comment made me very sad, never felt that way before when I read or heard about the Vietnam War:
"Difficult for me to hear this. It was playing the last time I saw my older brother as he walked out of our shared bedroom to leave for Vietnam. He'd just been drafted at 18 and didn't want to go. I offered him all my pocket money (a pathetic $11!) to run away but he felt he'd be letting the family down. I was so angry I didn't say goodbye and sulked in our bedroom for days. When Mom told me he'd died (about 2 months later at Khe Sahn), I just broke. I was never angry at you Bro, I was just too immature to tell you how much I worshipped and loved you."

On a more positive note, also watched the following video which can only make you smile (unless you're not human, of course).
Quite a few funny comments as well.
Ohh jeez nexi. That is so sad to read. To lose a brother like that and then to not be able to say goodbye. Thats the kind of pain and hurt that never goes away.
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Maybe this goes into the random thoughts but its really a mood. I don't know. I just wanted to talk about what we're doing to people in this country/and to the people of the world. For me this is a multi level issue and it includes: mental illness, the things we do to people and how that will effect them later on in life, how we treat other people, and how we let how others treat us effect how we think and treat ourselves. One of the biggest things for me in my life is mental illness and I feel like its not something a lot of people talk about or want to talk about because there is still a stigma that if you have a mental illness that you are "crazy" or that you should be institutionalized and even more so there is a new stigma now that people who have mental illnesses are the ones committing horrible crimes. Sadly enough its not something that is talked about enough and I think if more people talked about it and if more people had someone to talk to about it the world may be a better place. And this gets back to a few of the links that I'm going to post and that is how people feel left out, lonely, depressed, and just an overall feeling like they don't belong, that they're missing out, and more so that they're not worth anyone's time or effort.

I wish there could be more of a focus on mental health because its at the root(with a lot of other issues) of what is wrong in this country and around the world.

Loneliness | Psychology Today
NIMH » Depression
NIMH » Mental Illness
NIMH » Major Depression
NIMH » Suicide

Your thoughts?
I am in that "got all the dogs walked before the afternoon storms kicked in" mood.

Lil Dude usually get caught on the taile of his walk.

I try to explain pecking order to LD, but he is just so fed up with going last
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