Today's mood

warmed up peach crumble remnants for breakfast
as we all know
warmed up leftovers generally better than fresh ha
-not enough tho, damn

dont know German
but has to be ruling OK' if youve put it out threre Nex
- smile
The pic looked appealing to me. I think it's Dutch, found this translation, bolded the parts that were used:
13 From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.
14 You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth

He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.
Interesting to see how much translations differ from one another!

Still no response back.
Still nothing.
These people don't care.

Which is typical...very typical. Why should others care about your problems, concerns, complaints, and issues?
Reminds me of the time when I was jobless and had to apply for jobs. Many companies didn't even bother with any kind of response. That feeling is very frustrating so I understand how you feel about this situation.
translatioms certainly differ most times
thanks for your efforts guys
overall earth/growh,very rewrding and relatively understandable

13 From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.
14 You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth

FSUnole2k9 said: ?
He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.

Interesting to see how much translations differ from one another!
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Reminds me of the time when I was jobless and had to apply for jobs. Many companies didn't even bother with any kind of response. That feeling is very frustrating so I understand how you feel about this situation.
I always swore to myself when this happened to me that if I was ever in a position to change this, I would.

I did. When I became the Director of Administration for a Federal Agency, within the first two weeks I had every HR person in an all-hands meeting. We discussed a lot of issues. What worked. What didn't. And I implemented a requirement in every single person's Performance Plan that required timely notifications to all applicants during the recruitment process.

Every complaint was investigated. Corrective actions were put in place. We implemented automated notifications. You got one when you applied. You were notified if you were referred for interview or not. Once a candidate was successful, we notified that person first. Quickly thereafter all others not selected received notifications. It allows people to have closure and move on. I don't understand why any employer is reluctant to let folks know the outcome. It's only common courtesy in my mind, since they took time to apply for your job, right?
I always swore to myself when this happened to me that if I was ever in a position to change this, I would.

I did. When I became the Director of Administration for a Federal Agency, within the first two weeks I had every HR person in an all-hands meeting. We discussed a lot of issues. What worked. What didn't. And I implemented a requirement in every single person's Performance Plan that required timely notifications to all applicants during the recruitment process.

Every complaint was investigated. Corrective actions were put in place. We implemented automated notifications. You got one when you applied. You were notified if you were referred for interview or not. Once a candidate was successful, we notified that person first. Quickly thereafter all others not selected received notifications. It allows people to have closure and move on. I don't understand why any employer is reluctant to let folks know the outcome. It's only common courtesy in my mind, since they took time to apply for your job, right?
Seems more like uncommon courtesy at times. I admire your effort in changing this where you had the power to do so.:emoji_bow:
Seems more like uncommon courtesy at times. I admire your effort in changing this where you had the power to do so.:emoji_bow:

Thanks for your nice comment. From those whom are still there I've kept in touch with, that requirement has become standard operating practice. And it has since been implemented in all other Agencies within that particular larger Cabinet Agency.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to affect a positive change that, upon reflection, was really a no brainer. I should also mention that I received a Secretary's commendation for this effort. And a nice cash bonus too!

When I did assume positions with a certain level of "power" as you say, I was careful to use such "power" for good! Cuz I'd worked for way too many who used their "power" for evil. Promoting friends, lovers, relatives. Double standards. The whole enchilada. All that does in the long run is kill overall morale. And by and large that hurts overall productivity.

Being transparent, where one is able to be, costs nothing. But heaps back huge rewards.
My deepest apologies to the UK right now. I'm sorry that you have to deal with the british version of the orange nightmare.
This disease is spreading across the entire planet.

We will manage! He is not a popular choice for the Brits but I cannot see him lasting long. Hopefully Trump is not going to think he can push him around because he will fail - Boris may appear to be an idiot but he is certainly scheming and clever. Sadly, intelligence and common sense are rare bedfellows!
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It’s good and side note; who thought it was a good idea to have Mueller testify? I’m not making a political statement I’m just saying wow, not a good look. I’m still watching it on YouTube and wow, that was not a good look.
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It’s good and side note; who thought it was a good idea to have Mueller testify? I’m not making a political statement I’m just saying wow, not a good look. I’m still watching it on YouTube and wow, that was not a good look.

You may have better luck with this subject's discussion in the Politics Forum, specifically here:
The Mueller Report(redacted)
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The pic looked appealing to me. I think it's Dutch, found this translation, bolded the parts that were used:
13 From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.
14 You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth

Interesting to see how much translations differ from one another!

Reminds me of the time when I was jobless and had to apply for jobs. Many companies didn't even bother with any kind of response. That feeling is very frustrating so I understand how you feel about this situation.

Thank you nexi always for your kind words.
The translations were interesting I think I pulled it from the KJV.
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