Very wonderful, you are an amazing writer. I have never seen a writer who writes in this charming way, but I hope that you add complete naked clips of violent fighting to add a beautiful quality to what is happening. If there is practice in it, that would be very charming.

Monstahmike vs Jesse Zane (Part 2)​

When he is sure that he has squeezed the last sign of life out of the bodybuilder with his sleeper hold, Jesse lets Monstahmike's limp body fall to the ground. He turns him onto his back and sits on his face to celebrate his new triumph over the bodybuilder with a victory pose.

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After a while, Monstahmike regains consciousness, but is unable to get up. His mind is still clouded and his muscles weak from the loss of air. The vulnerable bodybuilder is an easy target for the next sleeper hold. This time Jesse wraps his legs around Monstahmike's thick neck and begins to push. The bodybuilder's arms desperately try to loosen his legs but quickly fall to the ground. Monstahmike is knocked out for the third time.

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Jesse wakes up the unconscious bodybuilder again and challenges him to continue fighting. Monstahmike struggles to get up and tries to attack Jesse, staggering. Jesse just laughs at the clumsy attack attempts and becomes careless. So, Monstahmike suddenly manages to catch little Jesse in a sleeper hold.

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Little Jesse desperately tries to free himself from the unexpected sleeper hold. But Monstahmike's hold is surprisingly weak, the fight so far has taken its toll on the once so mighty bodybuilder. This gives Jesse more time to free himself. He weighs up his options. Then the weakened abs of Monstahmike come to his mind. So he begins to ram his elbow into the bodybuilder's abs. Monstahmike groans and Jesse feels that the sleeper hold loosen a little more with each blow.

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After the third blow, Monstahmike is no longer able to maintain his grip and Jesse is able to free himself. The bodybuilder staggers and holds his battered abs with a painful face.

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After this unexpected comeback by the bodybuilder, Jesse wants to finish the fight as quickly as possible to avoid losing what he thought was a sure victory. So Jesse goes low and rams his arm into Monstahmike's manhood.

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Monstahmike screams and falls to the ground, overwhelmed by pain. He feels that little Jesse has done the unthinkable and has broken him, the mighty Monstahmike.

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Jesse sits to the grounded Monstahmike lifts his upper body up and applies a final sleeper hold from behind. Monstahmike is unable to fight back and resignedly submits to the little guy, knowing that this is the end for him. Jesse tightens his grip and drains the last of the bodybuilder's life force. One last time, Monstahmike's muscular body goes limp in Jesse's arms.

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Monstahmike's lifeless body now lies in Jesse's lap. The little guy looks at the body of the fallen hero and satisfaction and great lust and arousal flow through him. With his hands, he begins to explore the bodybuilder's flabby and sweat-covered muscles, which increases his lust even more.

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His hands wander up to the thick muscular neck with the bulging arteries, the great weakness of every bodybuilder. It is so easy to stop the air supply and put their hard-trained, oxygen-demanding muscles out of action.

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Once again, Jesse took down a cocky bodybuilder and humiliated him. This filled him with great satisfaction and confirmed that this was his destiny. He pushes the defeated Monstahmike away from him and moves off in search of his next victim.

The end​

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Very wonderful, you are an amazing writer. I have never seen a writer who writes in this charming way, but I hope that you add complete naked clips of violent fighting to add a beautiful quality to what is happening. If there is practice in it, that would be very charming.
The dude in pink had enough of this fight against his big beefy opponent. He's ready for the next level of this match. So he grabs his trunk pulls them half down...

Lifting the big guy up with his ass exposed to slam him to the floor

The big guy was seconds away to win this match - now he's knocked out cold, unconscious, his beefy ass exposed