Italian gladiator humiliated​

Rome is a fine specimen of a man. Tall with bulging muscles you have to admit a real Italian gladiator. He flexes his muscles and is confident that he can easily beat his opponent, the little Bolt.

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At first it looks as if Bolt has no chance against the big bodybuilder. Rome becomes overconfident and lets the little guy get too close to him.

Bolt pretends that he wants to worship Rome's muscles. But when he is close enough he shakes Rome with a devastating low blow. Rome's manhood is broken and the giant goes down, his face contorted in pain.

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Bolt knows that he now has to keep at it and not let the great Rome recover in order to win. With a first sleeper hold from behind he weakens the bodybuilder further and throws him to the mat like a toy.

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Rome gathers all his strength and gets back on his feet. But before he can regain his footing, little Bolt jumps on his back and chokes him with another sleeper hold. Rome staggers and desperately tries to free himself. Finally Bolt releases the hold. But that was already too much for the bodybuilder. He holds his strangled neck and collapses to the ground.

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Bolt sets Rome up again. Cuddles the bodybuilder's big pecs and as if that wasn't humiliating enough, he tears down his siglets. After exposing Rome's muscular upper body, he continues his attacks. He weakens Rome further with another sleeper hold and elbow strikes to the back.

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Then comes the fateful sleeper hold after everything will be different. Rome fights desperately against it. But Bolt executes the hold perfectly. There is no escape for the big bodybuilder. Slowly, Rome's muscular body goes limp in Bolt's arms. Bolt tests a few times whether Rome is really out and then drops the unconscious giant to the mat.

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What was unthinkable at first has happened. The great Rome lies unconscious on the mat. His muscles limp and useless due to Bolt's draining sleeper holds. What a great humiliation.

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But Bolt isn't done with the big guy yet. He wakes Rome up only to send him right back to the land of dreams with a perfect sleeper hold.

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Rome is now completely helpless and Bolt finishes him off with kicks to the abs and elbow strikes to the chest. The once mighty bodybuilder winds up in agony.

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Finally, Bolt finishes Rome off with a devastating dragon sleeper. You can see how the hold slowly drains the last of the giant's life force and his strong arms fall limply to the ground.

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Another mountain of muscle has fallen victim to a little guy. What a dream to see this great muscle body go limp over and over again in the arms of the little sexy bolt.
both the little adn the gian are well building!
Which character were you most excited about? Whose place would you like to take?
I don't know if i can decide who excited me more, because de dinamic betweeen smaller muscled vs taller muscled its what call me. But if in need to be in someone place, i guess i wanna be the well build smaller man puting the giant to sleep.
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I don't know if i can decide who excited me more, because de dinamic betweeen smaller muscled vs taller muscled its what call me. But if in need to be in someone place, i guess i wanna be the well build smaller man puting the giant to sleep.
For me, it's the other way around. The idea of being a big muscular guy being beaten by a smaller lean guy, especially with a sleeper hold, turns me on and excites me.

Italian gladiator humiliated​

Rome is a fine specimen of a man. Tall with bulging muscles you have to admit a real Italian gladiator. He flexes his muscles and is confident that he can easily beat his opponent, the little Bolt.

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At first it looks as if Bolt has no chance against the big bodybuilder. Rome becomes overconfident and lets the little guy get too close to him.

Bolt pretends that he wants to worship Rome's muscles. But when he is close enough he shakes Rome with a devastating low blow. Rome's manhood is broken and the giant goes down, his face contorted in pain.

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Bolt knows that he now has to keep at it and not let the great Rome recover in order to win. With a first sleeper hold from behind he weakens the bodybuilder further and throws him to the mat like a toy.

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Rome gathers all his strength and gets back on his feet. But before he can regain his footing, little Bolt jumps on his back and chokes him with another sleeper hold. Rome staggers and desperately tries to free himself. Finally Bolt releases the hold. But that was already too much for the bodybuilder. He holds his strangled neck and collapses to the ground.

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Bolt sets Rome up again. Cuddles the bodybuilder's big pecs and as if that wasn't humiliating enough, he tears down his siglets. After exposing Rome's muscular upper body, he continues his attacks. He weakens Rome further with another sleeper hold and elbow strikes to the back.

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Then comes the fateful sleeper hold after everything will be different. Rome fights desperately against it. But Bolt executes the hold perfectly. There is no escape for the big bodybuilder. Slowly, Rome's muscular body goes limp in Bolt's arms. Bolt tests a few times whether Rome is really out and then drops the unconscious giant to the mat.

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What was unthinkable at first has happened. The great Rome lies unconscious on the mat. His muscles limp and useless due to Bolt's draining sleeper holds. What a great humiliation.

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But Bolt isn't done with the big guy yet. He wakes Rome up only to send him right back to the land of dreams with a perfect sleeper hold.

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Rome is now completely helpless and Bolt finishes him off with kicks to the abs and elbow strikes to the chest. The once mighty bodybuilder winds up in agony.

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Finally, Bolt finishes Rome off with a devastating dragon sleeper. You can see how the hold slowly drains the last of the giant's life force and his strong arms fall limply to the ground.

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Another mountain of muscle has fallen victim to a little guy. What a dream to see this great muscle body go limp over and over again in the arms of the little sexy bolt.
Such an amazing feeling for the smaller guy to defeat someone so much bigger and stronger
I don't know if i can decide who excited me more, because de dinamic betweeen smaller muscled vs taller muscled its what call me. But if in need to be in someone place, i guess i wanna be the well build smaller man puting the giant to sleep.
Defeat him and humiliate him. Make the muscle giant feel shame that he lost to someone so much smaller
Such an amazing feeling for the smaller guy to defeat someone so much bigger and stronger
Yeah, that musst be a great and thrilling feeling for the small guy, I agree. But the idea to get drained as big guy by slepper holds of a smaller opponent turning me on even much more. This lost of control makes me horny.
Yes this is also one of my favourite scenarios! I also love seeing cocky muscle hunks get dominated by women in mixed wrestling matches. Does anyone else or just me?
Yeah agreed that’s hot. It’s like extra humiliation for a muscular man to lose to a woman
Yes this is also one of my favourite scenarios! I also love seeing cocky muscle hunks get dominated by women in mixed wrestling matches. Does anyone else or just me?
Hey cool do you also love this scenario when cocky muscle hunks are beaten by small opponents. The bigger the size difference, the more exciting I find it.

I haven't given much thought to female opponents yet as I haven't been that interested in mixed wrestling. But when I think about it, it could really be a big increase in humiliation for a bodybuilder to be beaten by a woman.

Do you have any examples of this happening?
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Rome aka Marco Pinotti​

Hey here some background Infos about Rome, de big Bodybuilder that was beaten and humiliated by Bolt so easily.

He is Italian 🇮🇹 and his name is Marco Pinotti. He works as personal trainer in Italy and Dubai. His height is 1.90 m.



Bolt aka Lance Syverson​

And here also some background Infos about Bolt the small guy who has beaten the mighty Rome.

His real name is Lance Syverson and he is health and nutrition coach for busy professionals. He lives in Indiana USA 🇺🇸 and got much more bigger. In Oktober 2024 he hit 190lbs.



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Hercules vs the Hydra (1/3)​

This time I would like to introduce a blog that I like. It's called Barbaric Brawn and features graphic novels in which Hercules, superheroes and other mystical creatures fight. The owner Chris is really doing a great job and the artwork is stunning. Below you will find the link to the blog and a story about Hercules to get to know:

Barbaric Brawn


  • Wow
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Monstahmike vs Jesse Zane (Part 1)​

In the following exciting fight, the magnificent Hercules-like giant Monstahmike meets the small and agile opponent Jesse Zane.

Montahmike laughs as little Jesse challenges him to a fight. He tells him to go home. He doesn't want to hurt him. But Jesse is persistent and pushes the big bodybuilder. Monstahmike is annoyed by little Jesse, who has disturbed his flexing, and finally starts the fight.

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At first, the big bodybuilder has full control. He throws little Jesse around like a plaything. The latter has no chance to hit back.

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But Jesse uses his agility to skillfully roll and dodge to absorb Monstahmike's powerful blows. The big bodybuilder wastes a lot of energy without doing much damage to Jesse.

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After a while, Monstahmike's great efforts begin to take their toll. The bodybuilder begins to sweat and his movements become slower and more cumbersome. Exhausted, Monstahmike puts his head back and asks little Jesse if he's had enough, hoping he'll say yes. But Jesse is just getting started and attacks the battered bodybuilder.

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After a few well-executed punches, Monstahmike falls to his knees, gasping. Jesse quickly jumps behind the giant and wraps his arm around the bodybuilder's muscular neck for a perfect sleeper hold. Monstahmike desperately tries to break free from the hold but his strength is rapidly draining and his eyes roll back.

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Finally, Monstahmike, who was so strong at first, falls limp in the arms of little Jesse. He finally drops the unconscious bodybuilder to the ground, places his foot on the strong chest and proudly throws himself into a victory pose.

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But Jesse is far from finished with the cocky bodybuilder. He wakes Monstahmike up again, helps him to his feet and leans him against the wall. Then Jesse begins to break the bodybuilder's abs with targeted blows. Monstahmike tries to fight back, but he is still too weak from the loss of oxygen and is further weakened by the renewed attack. Finally, Jesse ends the beating of the abs with a heart punch that shakes the bodybuilder's body to the core.

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After the heart punch, Monstahmike is so weakened that Jesse has no problem getting another sleeper hold. The bodybuilder's strong arms immediately become heavy and fall down as Jesse tightens his grip to cut off the oxygen supply again. Monstahmike staggers and ...

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... finally falls to his knees. His eyesight becomes cloudy and his eyes roll back from lack of oxygen. The once mighty bodybuilder is unable to counter little Jesse.

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Monstahmike finally loses consciousness. His strong, bulging muscles go limp and his broken six-pack hangs out. He is completely helpless and at the mercy of little Jesse.

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To be continued ...​

What do you think will happen next? Can Monstahmike turn the tide and fight back to avoid an agonizing defeat? Or will little Jesse get the upper hand and continue to dominate the bodybuilder, eventually leading him to his most humiliating defeat yet.

Share your thoughts with us here in the thread!
Where would the full video of this be? I've tried looking but no luck.

Airon Muslce vs Serg Shepard​

The mighty Brazilian muscle giant Airon Muscle gets into the ring with the skinny twink Serg Shepard. Airon is confident that Serg is no danger for him and that he will defeat him quickly. Airon proudly presents his muscles to Serg and orders him to worship them.

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Airon is so lost in flexing and admiring his own big muscles that he doesn't realize the smart Serg has slipped behind him. The big bodybuilder enjoys still the worshipping of the twink and fears nothing evil.

But suddenly skinny Serg puts an arm around the thick neck of the bodybuilder with the bulging arteries and pulls tight. Airon is shocked and desperately tries to free himself with struggling arms. But the sleeper hold is already having effect. The big bodybuilder feels his strength fading, his muscles weakening and his vision clouding over. Serg manages to pull the struggling Airon to the ground and intensify his hold. But Airon is not yet ready to give up, gathers his strength and fights against the hold. Finally, with great effort, he manages to free himself again. However, this unexpected attack has taken its toll on the giant.

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The battle continues, but not in the one-sided way that Airon expected at the beginning. It's more of a back and forth. One opponent alternates control until the other finds a way to regain the upper hand.

Airon is still strong despite Serg's debilitating sleeper attack and easily lifts the twink over his shoulders and smashes him to the ground. But Serg uses his agility to soften the bodybuilder's blows. The Brazilian muscle hunk, on the other hand, is getting slowly weaker due to the large energy consumption.

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Whenever Serg gains control over Airon and he dominates the bodybuilder, great lust and arousal arise in him. His big twink cock gets hard and pops each time out of his tiny pink speedos (so sexy).

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But then comes a decisive turning point. Airon's energy drains more and more due to the unexpected length of the fight and his movements become slower and slower. This allows Serg to pin the once mighty bodybuilder to the wall.

Serg then unleashes a full broadside on Airon. First he squeezes the small bodybuilder cock and then rams his fists into Airon's abs and pecs. This attack hits the already exhausted bodybuilder hard and he collapses and falls to the ground.

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But Airon is still not ready to give in to the skinny Serg. With the final bit of strength he manages to turn the tide again and wrestle the twink down. He proudly sits on Serg's loins, throws himself into a winning pose and lets the twink worship his muscles.

Serg lets the bodybuilder have his way for a while and lets him believe that he has won. But thanks to his stamina, the twink has kept his freshness in the fight and has no intention of letting Airon win. Serg knows the giant has both feet on the edge.

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Serg manages to free himself again and then the unbelievable happens. Due to the slowness of the exhausted Airon, Serg manages to attack two of the bodybuilder's weak points at once. He grabs Airon's balls and the cock with one hand and uses his free arm to apply a sleeper hold.

This puts the giant in a hopeless situation. He cannot defend himself as his body is paralyzed by the ball grip and at the same time the sleeper hold drains the last of his strength from his muscles. Airon becomes painfully aware that he is doomed and that the underestimated twink will finally take him, the mighty Airon, down.

Serg now works concentrated on the humiliation of the bodybuilder. Grabs Airon's balls even harder and forces him to the ground in his lap.

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When Airon lies in Serg's lap, the twink releases the ball grip and uses the freed arm to lock in and strengthen the sleeper hold.

Airon is helpless. His once powerful and strong body is rapidly degenerating due to the lack of oxygen. His muscular arms search in vain for support and finally fall limply to the ground. His desperate eyes roll back and the last sign of life leaves his body. The Brazilian giant is finally defeated.

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But the humiliation of the muscle hunk is not over yet. Serge rolls the unconscious Airon onto his belly and rips off his tight speedos. This will be his trophy to always remember Airon's epic downfall.

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Serg smells the captured speedos, which are soaked with Airon's manhood. This and the thrill of triumph over the mighty Airon make the skinny twink very horny. His breathing gets heavy, his big cock becomes hard and a great lust overcomes him.

What a pity that the defeated Airon can't serve as a sex slave. So the twink has to take it into his own hands and starts to rub his hard cock. He sniffs also Airon's speedos and catapults himself into the climax of his life. With a groan, Serg's victorious semen shoots out warm and pulsating. Satisfied with his victory, he wipes his cum off his belly with Airon's speedos and leaves.

What a huge humiliation for the great bodybuilder Airon Muscle!

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The end​

What do you think about this fight? Did you like it? Is it even more exciting with animated gifs or do you prefer static images?

Let us know below what you think.
I want those Speedos after both Airon and Serg get done soaking it! The animated gif of Serg's balls tightening up for a blast is insanely HOT!
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