Are black men really bigger?

And if there is any man on here would agree that stretched flaccid is the same as erect. Do you even have a penis!???

I made NO opinions on here. The facts remain: Only 2% of men measured were Black. Some were under the age of 18. They were not measured erect. The BJI study states explicitly that you cannot make a determination based on race because there were not enough variation among men of differences races.

Somebody find the opinion in my statement, please!
I would. The statistics in the medical literature bear that out as well, give or take maybe an imperceptibly small variation.

Medieval lit is your source?

When a man stretches his flaccid length, depending on the state of his flaccid penis (completely flaccid, moderately flaccid), the temperature, etc., it changes!

My point is, the Nigerien men in this study were measured flaccid. Not erect. And not flaccid stretched!
Medieval lit is your source?

When a man stretches his flaccid length, depending on the state of his flaccid penis (completely flaccid, moderately flaccid), the temperature, etc., it changes!

My point is, the Nigerien men in this study were measured flaccid. Not erect. And not flaccid stretched!
Ahhh, well I agree that flaccid is a bit pointless.
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It’s honestly a fucking massive injustice resting on a completely mythical expectation. White guys have it so much better because they have so much more freedom. They could be huge and “monstrous” like John Holmes or they could be miniscule & orange like Donald Trump. This goes for things beyond cock size, but I know this particular stereotype deeply impacts many of my friends who are black and average, which is most of them cuz most men are average. The true “white privilege” is more freedom from expectations, all other things being equal.

leave politics or political references out of this please. You are getting way too worked up. This is opinion based, not something to make political or to be upset about
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Wasn't even mentioned? Or could it be the bigger gentlemen where not as "forward" as they are now?
This is what I was originally going on, before the internet the issue of size was more or less word of mouth and seeing it in person. Now with the internet and millions of sources both scientific and non telling us what is small avg and big. Are the bigger ones the ones showing off more and being more open about it. In the black men bigger mythos, is this causing the average ones to shy away from being open because of it, this in a way perpetuation the mythos. We all know not everyone is horse hung, but what about on the average though
This is what I was originally going on, before the internet the issue of size was more or less word of mouth and seeing it in person. Now with the internet and millions of sources both scientific and non telling us what is small avg and big. Are the bigger ones the ones showing off more and being more open about it. In the black men bigger mythos, is this causing the average ones to shy away from being open because of it, this in a way perpetuation the mythos. We all know not everyone is horse hung, but what about on the average though

Again, many people don’t understand average on here. Lol, that’s the issue. Also, I quoted the BJU study and people just ignored it and dismissed my quotations of facts as opinions. How!?? Idk...

But to your other point, there are so many threads (especially on Reddit) of people posting pics of their small/average penises. I mean, there are A LOT! So the whole notion of people not showing off their penis because it might be perceived as small is flawed. Guys share their dicks of all sizes on hook up apps and Snap as well.
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Again, many people don’t understand average on here. Lol, that’s the issue. Also, I quoted the BJU study and people just ignored it and dismissed my quotations of facts as opinions. How!?? Idk...

But to your other point, there are so many threads (especially on Reddit) of people posting pics of their small/average penises. I mean, there are A LOT! So the whole notion of people not showing off their penis because it might be perceived as small is flawed. Guys share their dicks of all sizes on hook up apps and Snap as well.
Ahh see this is the real meat and potatoes of my original post. Thank you.
I don't think so. Science has no definition or classification of race.

There’s No Scientific Basis for Race—It's a Made-Up Label

Black, white, brown, yellow is only limited by your imagination.

Phenotypes are real. Genetic variation is real. Environment and adaptation are real. My genetics are not made up. Yes, we’re human, but we do have differences between us. This is not our imagination; it’s an insult to the diversity of life to call it such.

Race is a controversial term, yes. Genetics is not.

The question of size has been answered: there exists NO scientific study measuring the erect length of men of sub-Saharan African descent nor the diaspora.
Well, such study would be subjective. Each person would need to say which "racial group" they belong to. Classification of race is almost always tricky and there is also miscegenation to deal with.

^^That word was invented by white supremacists in 1863 for nefarious reasons as they objected to "mixed marriages".
Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro - Wikipedia

I understand from sargon20's link that there is no white or black race. Just humans of common African origin who adapted different color skin pigmentations suited to the regions in which they lived. Darker skin developed in tropical regions to protect body tissues from the greater amount of harmful UV rays and lighter skin developed in regions with lesser sunlight. I see no genetic tie of penis development to race. Penis size is subject to genetic variation - including possible, rare genetic disorders. Regardless of skin tone and which region of the world you hail from, male genital development is determined by the SRG gene of a male's Y chromosone.

SRY gene: MedlinePlus Genetics
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^^That word was invented by white supremacists in 1863 for nefarious reasons as they objected to "mixed marriages".
Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro - Wikipedia

I understand from sargon20's link that there is no white or black race. Just humans of common African origin who adapted different color skin pigmentations suited to the regions in which they lived. Darker skin developed in tropical regions to protect body tissues from the greater amount of harmful UV rays and lighter skin developed in regions with lesser sunlight. Furthermore I don't see any connection with Africa, skin color and penis size. Penis size is subject to gentic variation - including possible, rare genetic disorders. Regardless of skin tone and which region of the world you hail from, male genital development is detemined by the SRG gene of a male's Y chromosone.

SRY gene: MedlinePlus Genetics

Good points. But skin color isn’t the focus. Skin pigmentation is just one factor; there are a myriad of phenotypes as well that are associated with having melanin in the skin. Skin color, by itself, doesn’t determine anything. But people of African descent also have phenotypes that are typical to many groups within the continent: nose shape, lip shape, hair texture, muscular structure, bone structure, buttocks size in women, (and arguably penis size in men) etc.. So again, skin color by itself isn’t indicative of anything, but you cannot neglect the range of phenotypic differences that are part of African beauty!
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^^That word was invented by white supremacists in 1863 for nefarious reasons as they objected to "mixed marriages".
Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro - Wikipedia

I understand from sargon20's link that there is no white or black race. Just humans of common African origin who adapted different color skin pigmentations suited to the regions in which they lived. Darker skin developed in tropical regions to protect body tissues from the greater amount of harmful UV rays and lighter skin developed in regions with lesser sunlight. I see no genetic tie of penis development to race. Penis size is subject to genetic variation - including possible, rare genetic disorders. Regardless of skin tone and which region of the world you hail from, male genital development is determined by the SRG gene of a male's Y chromosone.

SRY gene: MedlinePlus Genetics
I can't read your link right now but I will do it later. I agree with him too: there are no races.

Well, I don't care if in average black men have bigger penises or not. Let those men and women that seek for a larger penis experience with a black man be amazed or disappointed.

I would say most ppl know or heard the BBC tale. It is most likely known across the world. Blame the American media. Science may one day, once and for all, confirm this urban legend, in which case nothing changes, or negate this tale and surprise a lot of ppl. In the second hypotheses, I would expect a lot of mean jokes as consequences... Because ppl are mean.
You know what would help solve this would be to ask a few prostitutes in different corners of the globe. What has their experiences been like.
Medieval lit is your source?

When a man stretches his flaccid length, depending on the state of his flaccid penis (completely flaccid, moderately flaccid), the temperature, etc., it changes!

My point is, the Nigerien men in this study were measured flaccid. Not erect. And not flaccid stretched!
I’ve never read studies on stretched flaccid vs erect so I cannot speak to that. I will say my stretched flaccid is nowhere near my erect length. Maybe it normally is, but not with me.
I’ve never read studies on stretched flaccid vs erect so I cannot speak to that. I will say my stretched flaccid is nowhere near my erect length. Maybe it normally is, but not with me.

The BJU study has this to say about flaccid stretched: “The ratio of between study variance to total variance (ICC) was relatively low for erect length (0.2), flaccid girth (0.21) and flaccid length (0.26) but was somewhat larger for stretched length (0.58). For the latter, two studies 19, 20 had a mean stretched flaccidlength of >16 cm and two had a mean of <10 cm. This suggests there may be greater unreliability in the measure of flaccid stretched length.

Also: “This may account for a discrepancy observed in three out four of our present studies in Table 1, which measured stretched and erect length simultaneously and found that the erect length was longer than the stretched flaccidlength. There is therefore a greater risk of bias in measuring the stretched length if insufficient pressure is applied and the greatest need for training and measuring inter‐rater reliability.”

And finally, “Stretched flaccid length appears to be an excellent estimate of erect penile length, which for some individuals presenting to clinical settings, may indicate that it may not be necessary to measure erect length as well as flaccid size. However, there was greater variability in the measures, which suggests less reliability.

Very, very few of these studies measured participants who were erect. Stretched flaccid is an unreliable measures since the stage of being flaccid varies so wildly . Therefore, the entire BJU collection of studies (in my opinion) is unreliable!