Mike B is so cute but so sad he has a drinking problem :( did anyone watch his story today talking about how he started crying on stream?
Yeah, I think he's really having trouble controlling his drinking. I think back in Feb or March his friends called the cops on him based on what I've heard. I really hope he gets better.
He's got an incredible body! The poop video wasnt as gross as I thought it would be. He could wipe more, doubt that ass is clean...
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Nope I've been searching since he finished and found nothing
It's hard to find someone like him! The mix of normal guy but still incredibly attractive and fit as well as the general innocence involved in it being his normal life!
It’s true, he did have an innocent every guy sense about him.

like, he wasn’t “showing off” and wasn’t creepy sexual, but just being himself—and he happened to be a handsome man.

would you say he’s average in endowment? Or above aberage?
I'd say sightly above average, but overall he's above average even in that "normal" sense
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