Whats your dream job?

Not working at all

Well after working myself into the ground I've done that for the last 18 months and had a wail of a time. Can highly recommend it! :smile:

That said, I've just charmed myself into my dream job and am now part-time manager (job sharing cos I don't want to work toooo much! :rolleyes: ) in the best pub EVER!!! :biggrin1:

I love it! :tongue:
When I got the promotion and raise last night I had to bite my tongue from admitting I'd do it for free.... in fact... I think I'd even pay to do it! :lmao:
I would love to work at home that would be cool. Don't know what I would do but not havign to drive to work would be great.
tenured professor at a large university

professional student (one can never have too many PhDs)

photographer and funky arty store owner
Anything with great pay with the least effort possible .:biggrin1::biggrin1: On serious note many people have jobs like that .
Writer- Screen or bookwriter don't matter.
But, my ultimate goal would to be a @ home Mega lottery winner
Write a book about your experiences at your job. Having worked in retail I know the stories are outrageous and funny. Make sure you get rights on the screenplay and the stage production. I can see a big musical number coming out of this. :biggrin1:

The life of a lottery winner can be so lonely. Some have committed suicide. :frown1: Because I care about you I would of course move into your mansion to keep you company and your spirits up. :cool:

I want to be a mattress-tester/reviewer. It's the only occupation I can think of where falling asleep on the job actually equals success. To be fair, there are probably cooler jobs out there, but I've got some major insomnia going on right now, to the point where being able to crash seems like the ultimate perk, regardless of pay or other benefits.
Glad to see you are back Slant. :smile: But I am sorry to hear of your sleep issues. I have a great mattress and I also have experience in shiatsu massage. I bet I have you sawing wood in no time flat. :flirt:

Safety Systems R&D for Volvo Heavy Duty Trucks in Sweden.
Oh come on dream bigger than that. :tongue:

Professor of history (and chair of the department) at a prestigious public university.
I'd love to be an art history professor at a major university but being department head is a pain in the butt. Way too much politics involved there.
I have my dream job, working from home with a flexible schedule, using my academic and linguistic skills.

And as a second job (as mentioned by others before), I would love to be the head fluffer on porn film sets, responsible for the biggest and most challenging assignments :cool:
My dream job:
LPSG Verification Picture Photographer
Duties - Worldwide travel, confirming penis length and girth and taking verification photograph.
Perks - All expenses paid by company, I get to keep the air miles.
Full medical, dental, Rx, and optical
Drawbacks - :confused: Give me a minute I'll think of something. :tongue:

I would love to design and implement a way to teach teachers how to educate students with alternate learning styles. The American public school system is set up so that auditory-sequential learners excel while visual-spatial learners often fail or fall through the cracks and are made to feel stupid. :12:

Actually at this stage of my life being a wife and mother sounds good, but not easy; and lets face it the pay sucks. :tongue: But still, I have a feeling I would excel at both.
Maybe an old fashioned guy here, i work in the mental health field and it is challenging, mentally and physically, i would love a job like landscape gardening, a ranch or something where i could use my hands, my thoughts and not go home everyday stressed and mentally exhausted:frown1:. any offers anyone ? lol
My DREAM DREAM job? Full-time house-wife type man-pleasing good boy. :3 Taking classes at a local community college to have an out-of-home hobby and social interaction. Would need a rich, patient man for that. :p
My DREAM DREAM job? Full-time house-wife type man-pleasing good boy. :3 Taking classes at a local community college to have an out-of-home hobby and social interaction. Would need a rich, patient man for that. :p

been there, done that. i would highly recommend it.