What Made You Smile Today?


looking fwd ti
a possible internal bs patriotic bs usa war
where all/most power hungry states
will have there own bs justice syste,and defy there beloved federsal leaders

no wonder y'all got yo military equipment/secretly
damn/dang trader/nit leaer
ytader joe
and hie dancing lying troubadors
how on earth,can one be so foolish to beli4eve,its .......

e0mulcher mmmmm
never going to let that 'smirking' d'emon
get away with anything

our/the entire world suffers with the usa foolishness
why i have so much vitriole towards your leaders

bs pseudo ;eaders
not the populace of the usa
bad badn mad gene's
hope/o....a duh
its son gets done

bet if it does
a f'n pardon be in the way
and no one can say/do a thasng

democracy and justicenhuh grrrrr