Welcome - some common questions for new members (new version)

1.) How big are you soft & hard?
about 3" soft and 5.5-6" hard
2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
I like my size
4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
I'm average so none to think of
5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
I have a pair of skinny jeans that show me off a little
6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
Same size (3) soft and 7 hard
7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?
11.) Have you ever sat on it?
12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
5'8" size 9 UK
14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
When I post it yes
17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
Probably not
19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
I'm average
20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
Does cum a lot?
21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
Depends on the chair
22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
yes, average
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Since our former welcome survey contained some questions which do not comply with the current LPSG rules which forbid the discussion of minors, here is the New! Improved! version:

1.) How big are you soft & hard?
2in/ 7.5in hard

2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
Not met but seen in the shower. Really big

3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
Hasn't failed me so far

4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
Pros- being at least passable in bed ever time
Cons- running

5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)

6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?

7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?

8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
9 inch

9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?

10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water? No

11.) Have you ever sat on it?
Yea it sucks

12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
Probs but I'm asleep so I don't know

13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
6'5" 14us

14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?

15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
Irish and German

16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
No but I would

17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
Showers in the gym in high school was funny

18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?

19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
<5 small 5-7 average 7 or more is big

20.) Can you do any tricks with it?

21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge? Yes

22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything? Yes it sucks

23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
Yea. Regular magnums work fine.
1.) How big are you soft & hard?
about 3", then 6.5-7"
2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
haha definitely; prob closest was an ex, we had same heritage and body type and our cocks were identical
3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
definitely, when I was younger I thought I was small but that was based on porn; now that i've been out in the real world I am definitely a happy guy
4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
some guys get intimidated by the thickness but I always hit home
5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
boxers because when I get a semi it's very obvious
6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
if I could be any size, i wish i was closer to my hard length when i'm soft; def more of a grower when i'd prefer to be a show-er
7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
now that I have this site? hell yeah
8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
definitely hangs down when i'm fully hard
10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?
haha yes, I hate that feeling; I actually bought a toilet with a deeper bowl for my house to fix my issue haha
11.) Have you ever sat on it?
12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
6'3" and I wear a size 13
14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
in my experience yes; and I definitely have a larger nose and big hands
15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
Polish; and i'm not really sure but my ex was Polish and he had a thick dick like mine
16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
haha yes unintentionally, people can tell which way I'm "dressing" as in "dressing to the right" haha; I do enjoy the attention
17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
sometimes; but i'm not really in the locker room that long to see if anyone is interested
18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
I've thought about it, I think it's sexy watching some of these guys, I feel like I'd chicken out though
19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
from personal experience I would say small would be 4", average around 5", and big at 7" or larger; unfort most guys I've "seen" have been in the first two categories
20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
haha no
21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
yes, which is why I had to switch from boxers to boxer briefs; a little too exciting running
23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
yes, regular ones are fine although they are tight; I prefer none though;)
1.) How big are you soft & hard?
7.5" hard. Probably about 4-5" soft depending on the temperature :)

2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
Yeah. A few friends have basically the same size, but never really looked at any of them hard

3.) Do you like being as big as you are?

Yes, and i'd happily add another inch

4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
Pros: As soon as I lost my virginity I was able to get girls quite easily, as they obviously talk to eachother in groupchats etc. And word can quickly spread when you make a girl cum a few times.

It also makes me more confident being naked which I feel liberated by.

Cons: Not really any cons cos I wouldn't say I have an abnormally big cock

5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
I don't wear speedos or briefs because the size of my cock means you can see my balls in the sides.

6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
I'd add another inch. 8.5" would be great

7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
Don't really do it conciously but I have had threesomes and showers at the gym and I've checked out of curiosity.

8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)

Nearly 8inches

9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?

When it's warm yeah. If I sit in the sauna it weighs a lot more

10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?

11.) Have you ever sat on it?


12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?

I sleep on my front

13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
6ft1 size 11

14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
Big hands yes

15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
White British

16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
Yes. I've slept with 5 girls from one friendship group, as they all wanted to try it. And a lot of girls like to suck it. I love getting attention over it

17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do
I grew up using the showers in the boxing club gym and now at other gyms. My mates were similar sizes so didn't really comment on it. Most of the time they just ripped into someone for not trimming their pubes

18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
I've filmed myself getting head. I would probably do porn if I got the offer

19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
Small is probably under 5inch, average 5-7" and big over 7inches

20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
Can get crazy distance on my cumshots e.g. Hitting the ceiling

21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
Only if i sit on the edge of the chair haha

22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
I don't really run naked

23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
I rarely wear them, but if I do I buy normal size Skins
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1.) How big are you soft & hard?
I'm about 10 cm soft and 17 cm hard, which makes me about 4 in soft and 6.5 in hard
2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
Yes, I consider my size slightly above average, so it's not unheard of. I met some guys who were much bigger than me and also others who were waaaay smaller.
3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
I like the length, but wouldn't mind adding some girth, especially around the base. As it is, my cock is slightly thicker in the midsection than it's at the base.
4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
I think it's a perfect size length-wise
5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
Nope. I wear slim/skinny pants which show quite a bit, I am freeballing quite often and generally being comfortable with my package being noticeable. I don't show it off all the time, but make zero effort to hide it. No one ever died from seeing a bit of bulge.
6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
I would like to be the same size soft, maybe half-inch thicker and about an inch longer when hard. But I would love to be much girthier.
7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
Yep, lots of fun.
8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
7" or thereabouts, but I was dying to cum :)
9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
When I'm going half-mast my dick kinda feels heavy, yes. And my balls are quite large, so that's a yes too.
10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?
Nope, but it touching the rim, so I have to press it down to avoid (yuck!)
11.) Have you ever sat on it?
No I dont think so. My balls are a bit more of a problem when I'm sitting on the floor or squatting, as they tend to get squeezed between my thighs.
12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
Yes, especially when I'm harder than usual in my sleep and sleeping nude
13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
185 cm (6.1"?) and 10.5 US show size
14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
No I dont think so. My fingers are long though, not sure if it has anything to do with it.
15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
German/Russian. Don't think either of these are particularly well-known for being hung, so there...
16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
Not often enough lol I do remember me wearing a pair of light summer shorts and getting hard in them while walking. I did notice some curious glances, but mainly from guys.
17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
In (a regular) sauna people sometimes comment that I got a nice dick
18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
Nah, too lazy & enjoy my sex life too much to make it a profession
19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
I'd say anything south of 5" is small, 5-7" is average and anything above that is big. But it very much depends on the girth, too.
20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
Because my cock is kinda top-heavy and a little flexible at the base, I can flex my Kegel muscles and make it jump up and down, waving it hands-free. Does this count?
21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
Have't noticed, so probably no.
23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
Average will do me. I tried some sort of snug/thin ones and hated them, they were definitely too small.
1.) How big are you soft & hard?
8.25" hard and probably 5.5" soft maybe a little bigger been a while since I've measured.
2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
Don't think so, never looked at any of them hard though, "know" of a friend who's supposedly very thick
3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
Yeah, it gets the job done lol.
4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
Pros, the good reactions,

Cons, sometimes can be painful/ uncomfortable for my partners
5.) Are there certain clothes you cannot wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
Not that I can think of, had quite a lot of comments from female friends about my bulge in jeans etc.
6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
Erm probably 9x6.5 hard and about 6.5 soft , but I'm happy with my size.
7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
never have.
8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
Just under 9 inches
9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
I'd say quite heavy especially when I'm semi hard with it hanging low. Also have quite big balls so that adds the it
10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?
11.) Have you ever sat on it?
No I dont think so, have trapped my balls a few times between my thighs
12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
6'4" and uk size 12
14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
I have both big hands and a big nose lol.
15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc
English. Erm don't think so.
16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
like I previously said female friends make comments about my bulge etc, and have heard a few of them talking about how big they think I am.
17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
Not really
18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
dont think it would be as good as some people think. But I'd give it a go
19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
Under 4.5" - small
5-6 - average
6.5/7 - big
20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
cant think of any
21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
Depends what chair
22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
depends what underwear I'm wearing, can feel it it I'm wearing looser boxers etc.
23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
Yeah condoms fit.currently using pasante king size.
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Since our former welcome survey contained some questions which do not comply with the current LPSG rules which forbid the discussion of minors, here is the New! Improved! version:

1.) How big are you soft & hard? 3 or 4 soft, 6 hard

2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they? Lots of guys bigger, smaller, and about the same size as me.

3.) Do you like being as big as you are? I could stand being a little bigger

4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big? Looks like these questions are really geared to those with larger equipment.

5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc) no

6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard? 5 soft, 8 hard

7.) Do you ever compare with other guys? yeah all the time

8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny) 6.5 inches

9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"? no

10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water? no

11.) Have you ever sat on it? no

12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep? yeah I guess

13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear? 5'9" shoe size 7

14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands? Have neither, and my cock is pretty average.

15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)

16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention? Never had any complaints

17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say? Not really

18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you? I actually shot a solo jerk off scene for a guy, for his private collection. So yeah, one porn video of me exists somewhere in the world.

19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?

20.) Can you do any tricks with it?

21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?

22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?

23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
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Hello all,

i am gay mare, so I am the one who get fucked and love big dicks, my dick has a normal size so the questions doesn't fit to me but i answer them here ;).

1.) How big are you soft & hard?
Soft: Don't know. Hard:6.3 inch/16cm

2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
Yes, many of my Stallions ;).

3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
Yes, but it could be bigger, but everyone thinks like that, or not?

4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
Pro: Beautiful dick, not too small. Con:

5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
nope, normal sized.

6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
I think 7-8 inch because many would say "Wow".

7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
yes with one

8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
see above

9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
nope, normal sized, i am the mare :).

10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?

11.) Have you ever sat on it?
no, too small

12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?

13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?

14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
I think not.

15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
dont know, German gay guy with a normal sized family, i think, I haven't compared yet :D.

16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?

17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
not really, normal sized.

18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
yes, but i was just horny.

19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?

20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
hehe, no

21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?

22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?

23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
yes, normal sized
1.) How big are you soft & hard?
Soft - around 5" inches
Hard - Somewhere above 8" inches

2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
Not that I know of

3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
Sure, wouldn't mind adding an inch though

4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
Pro - "the more the merrier"
Cons - my friends always bring it up and it embarasses me

5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
Not really

6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
Probably 9,5" hard and like 6-7" soft

7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?

8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)

9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
Can't really tell

10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?
No, but it does hit the inside ceramic :(

11.) Have you ever sat on it?
Yeah, a couple of times

12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
How would I know?

13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
Im 6 feet and my shoe size is a european 44, so an american 9-ish

14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
I've got pretty big hands

15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
I've got African roots, so yeah

16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
A lot of people know about it and it's not a bad thing i guess

17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
Random people don't make comments

18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
Not really

19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big
Average - 5"
Small - >5"
Big - 7-8" and beyond

20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
Except for the helicopter, no lol

21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
At the moment it does

22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
In loose underwear, yes

23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
I Wear large condoms
New to the site and some awesome messages already. Such a cool place. :)
@EmmaBH Welcome and you may want to start a new post on the forum "New Member Introductions" as ore members will see you!! Bill
1.) How big are you soft & hard?
-soft about 3", hard 7.5-8"
2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
-I'm sure I have but they haven't shown me their dicks yet
3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
-I'm happy with it
4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
-pros my boyfriend enjoys it but to a point lol
5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
-thongs and small briefs
6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
-up to 5" soft same hard
7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
-not yet
8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)
9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
-including balls yeah
10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?
-only when hard
11.) Have you ever sat on it?
12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?
-yeah ouch
13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
-6'5" tall with 14 us shoe
14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
-I have huge hands
15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
-European mutt so maybe?
16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
-no attention yet sadly lol
17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
-a couple times from the boyfriend heh
18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
-small less than 5", average less than 7", and bigger anything else
20.) Can you do any tricks with it?
-not yet but I'm practicing
21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?
-hahaha yeah
23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
-not sure lol I've never really worn them
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