"vintage or when men had pubes"

SNUFFY SMITH posed at AMG for Bob Mizer at age 18 in 1969 and made the 1969 AMG short film Snuffy Smith which was all naked Posing. SNUFFY was from San Bernadino California and rode a Motorcycle. Mizers codes told us Snuffy liked oral from Men.
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SNUFFY SMITH returned to pose in COLOR at AMG for Bob Mizer at age 25 in 1976 and now had a Beard and Mustache and his body was more hairy than at age 18.
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His cock also got a lot bigger!
BENNY PROCTOR on the LEFT with WAYNE MARTIN at AMG in 1965. They made a short b&w Wrestling film at AMG called Proctor-Martin. Bob Mizer was not real pleased with the film saying the wrestling was fair but the lighting was poor. Mizer must have realized the actors could not be blamed for the poor lighting so he released the film in 1972.
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BENNY PROCTOR on the LEFT with WAYNE MARTIN at AMG in 1965. They made a short b&w Wrestling film at AMG called Proctor-Martin. Bob Mizer was not real pleased with the film saying the wrestling was fair but the lighting was poor. Mizer must have realized the actors could not be blamed for the poor lighting so he released the film in 1972.
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CHAMP posed for Old Reliable in 1986.
ROY BERGEN AKA RON COLLIER AKA CHAMP was born in 1964 in Fort Hood Texas. He did work for AMG and made a short film with Willie Amstel called "Amstel & Bergen" in 1985. He did work for Old Reliable as Champ and made a short film for NOVA called 'Something Wild" in 1986. He passed away in 1990 from asphyxiation while extremely drunk.
