Underwear sighting. Post what you saw today.

A mid20s good looking guy sat at coffee shop table in front of me and his blue/ white plaid boxers showed the entire time he sat there. Since there wasn't anyone near me, i managed to sneak a few shots since it's been a long time since I had a good underwear sighting. He wore his jacket which I think helped pull his shirt up under jacket. Saw newer black Hanes waistband when he bent down to get back pack.IMG_20180204_162057.jpg
A mid20s good looking guy sat at coffee shop table in front of me and his blue/ white plaid boxers showed the entire time he sat there. Since there wasn't anyone near me, i managed to sneak a few shots since it's been a long time since I had a good underwear sighting. He wore his jacket which I think helped pull his shirt up under jacket. Saw newer black Hanes waistband when he bent down to get back pack.View attachment 970436 View attachment 970438 View attachment 970440

Now that's a good sighting!
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Today at the lunch hour at my Chipotle restaurant. Those high stools will always cause sweatshirts and sweaters to rise- I am surprised that it's not noticable when sitting right next to a constantly opening front door!

My work is at a university campus so it is crawling with young guys. Often their backpacks pull up on their t-shirts and their waist band becomes visible. I really can't take pictures.
One of my most memorable sightings was off campus and walking to work in the morning. A young guy rode by me on a black Harley Davidson motorcycle and pulled up to stop sign. He was nice looking and of medium build with long curly brown hair that poured out from under his helmet and over his shoulders. He was wearing ragged jeans, boots, and a t-shirt that was fairly short and blowing up in the wind revealing green and yellow plaid boxers that were several inches above his belt. Yikes!
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Boxer shorts are so covering that they don’t count as a sighting in my book! Lol. I’m also surrounded by that age group, and I see lots of guys lifting their shirt to scratch abs/pecs. Snug waistbands are more common again with snug clothes...!
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Lol boxers are underwear and they certainly do count. . I only meant that since they are the conservative choice, they are almost disregarded by most...
I notice a lot of plaid in pics here. That can only mean one thing. Boxers! Lounge wear for me but too bunchy under pants. And too much effort to get them neatly tugged into place.
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I was under the weather for over a week and just made it back to the gym yesterday. Most guys there are in boxer briefs but do see some others on a few men. There is a good looking guy who is very straight but I've only seen him in bikinis. He isn't shy about it either and just said one day his wife prefers them on him. Can't argue with that logic as he has a great body.

Briefs aren't very common but do see them on dudes sometimes. There is one regular who never has on underwear and I suspect his an ex military guy with all his tattoos. Also another guy who isn't shy. It's mainly a 40ish crowd when I'm there so that may have an impact.
Inventory being counted today at work, so all my colleagues focused on shelf counts and ignoring their waistbands on display. Champion boxer briefs, Hanes briefs, FTL boxer brief waistbands on 3 work colleagues, my boss was apparently freeballing because his jeans were in buttcrack danger
Caught brief lines on a coffee shop regular and was able to grab a shot. The guy is about early or mid 50s average dad bod but decent shape, tall 6ft and works at a local manufacturer biz. I noticed his briefs were visible through work pants months ago and I finally got opportunity to snap a shot during a morning lull. With those thick brief lines, I'm wondering if they're the JC Penney brand since I recall their briefs had thick/ wide leg trim.IMG_20180306_082511.jpg
Nice trendy underwear waistband sighting courtesy of YouTube and Conan O'Brien... Saw this interview with Kevin Hart as they talked about a recent sumo wrestling skit and Kevin made fun of Conan's "whiteness" which he showed off by raising his shirt and showed a SAXX waistband... Check clip for yourself too.IMG_20180307_211140.jpg
saw these this morning on a young man standing in line to weigh in to wrestle. His team also happens to be staying in the same hotel as us, i notice just about an hour or so ago they had talked the desk clerk into letting them swim after the pool was closed to other guests and that same kid was swimming in underwear just like he had on at weigh ins, other members of his team were similarly clad.jockey briefs.jpg