To date: the woman he had the pseudo-affair with has publicly said that she did not feel a power dynamic came into play in any way, and that everything they did was 100% consensual. To date his wife has not said anything about whether or not what happened affected her negatively or even if they had some kind of arrangement. The entire thing was absolutely bonkers blown out of proportion in a ridiculous SJW "we have to protect our brand by going way over the top in how we react to this" way, and IMO when they kicked him out, they jumped the shark. I mean their freaking apology was literally so stupid SNL did an entire SKETCH about it.
It was self-important bullshit and it was the beginning of the end. I totally believe Eugene was the type who was like "NO GUYS. NO WE CAN'T JUST LET THIS GO. WE HAVE TO ADDRESS IT GUYS. THIS IS SERIOUS."
Now look at the end result. Half of the content on their new website is about smoking weed, and btw I signed up for the 3 day free trial to see how "uncensored" things are - they just mean curse words. Not even unblurred versions of past underwear videos.
So IMO, honestly Ned WAS kind of a victim of a climate that made the other guys think if they didn't treat it like some kind of Me Too situation it would damage their brand, and instead the opposite happened. Seriously they could have just, if they HAD to do something, had him post a video where he admitted to cheating on his wife, apologizing, promising to do better and then moving forward creatinv content because no one would have given a shit.
Sorry for the TLDR. I just miss the old content.