Request for more biltmore-style "unwilling at first but then see's big dick" stories?

WMD Vol. 01 Ch. 01-02 - NonConsent/Reluctance -

This one starts mid way through a blowjob but it absolutely hits the beats of a headstong (and literal strong in this case) girl who hates the guy that's a cocky asshole but his big dick is able to overpower over and gets her to submit.

A cheating element to it as well, especially as the story goes on in other chapters
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Can someone help me with finding a story? It's about a brother and sister playing a game where they give each other dares if they touch the other with a game piece, and over time their dares get more sexual, particularly after the sister finds out the brother has a big dick. And the sister also has a friend that gets involved with both of them. I think someone might have already linked it in this thread.
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Dannebro, you might be thinking of I Dare You, and I Dare You Too.
I Dare You - Incest/Taboo -
I Dare You Too - Incest/Taboo -
But the "friend" in part two is the brother's girlfriend so this might be wrong.

Anyways for the rest of the thread. Archiveofourown has a bunch of this stuff:
Cum is Thicker than Blood is in progress. Man takes his girlfriend home for the holidays to meet his family, including his fat, smelly brother who has a massive dick.
Cum is thicker than blood - RottenPhilosophy - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
The Gym Girl seems pretty basic. Girl decides she and her boyfriend want to get in shape. She sees the shape of something in the trainer's sweatpants.
The Gym Girl - SomewhatLiterateGoblin - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
A nice one, though not entirely cock-size oriented. A girl bullied by a dude is now a happily married lesbian and has decided to go back to her reunion. Bumping into her bully her girlfriend decides to give him a second chance.
In The End, You'll Always Come Back To Your Roots - Chapter 1 - NyghtKnyght - No Fandom [Archive of Our Own]
This one the reluctance is more from the guy, at first. He's got a monster dong and he's embarrassed about it. His roommate and her boyfriend spend a lot of time hanging out with him before going out on dates. But once they manage to get a look they might be willing to spend more.
What can he do when they see what he’s hiding?! - YoungSuccubus - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
Highschool Heartbreak is a pretty classically done one. Boyfriend and girlfriend are in love. She hates this obnoxious guy. But when she sees his schlong she can't get him out of her head.
Highschool Heartbreak - An NTR Story - HeavyNSFW - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
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Any Wayback machine wizards here? I'm trying to find part 3 of this story which is no longer on Literotica. Here's the archive links for chapters 1 & 2, but when I try to click the author page, it's always a dead end. Appreciate any help!

Also, I believe this story fits the bill for this thread; it's about a cocky college guy (with a huge dick) who manipulates his hot professor into becoming a total slut. Thanks again for any help!

Thonged & Donged Pt. 01 - NonConsent/Reluctance -

Thonged & Donged Pt. 02 - THONG CITY - NonConsent/Reluctance -