This one straight up copies Billy by vipergirls. Still hot though.
Sex with Audience - Erotic Couplings -
The author posted this in my subreddit!This one is pretty long, but incredibly well written: Stripped of Her Badge Ch. 01 | NonConsent/Reluctance | Literotica
Slow seduction of a smokeshow cop by a mob boss
With that in mind, here's another hentai offering:
Bijyo to Yajyuu ~Gyaru to Kimoota~ | The Beauty and The Beast ~The Gyaru and The Disgusting Otaku~ / 美女と野獣 〜ギャルとキモオタ〜
More Complications - Erotic Couplings - Literotica.comSex with Audience - Erotic Couplings -
Next Level - Erotic Couplings -
Parts 5 & 6 have been up for a while