Onlyfans Pages That Aren't Worth It.

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underwearboxer - He's a snake in the grass, a conniving scam artist. Avoid him at all costs - he's not to be trusted. As I've been saying elsehwhere, he'll sink his fangs into your wallet and leave you high and dry. If you're already subscribed to his Onlyfans then you know exactly what I'm talking about. He'll lure you in with empty promises, take your money and then never deliver what he said he would.

During the 7-day free trial that he was offering on OnlyFans, he made assurances that those who would remain after the trial ended would receive exclusive content not available elsewhere. "I'm going to show stuff I can't show on YouTube," "You won't be disappointed," he said.

But guess what?

Once the trial ended and he slapped on the $10/month fee, it was all a lie. He's been posting the same damn censored, clothed content that he posts on YouTube - EXACTLY what you see on his YouTube channel FOR FREE! What's more, he's charging us $10 a month for the "right" to give him additional money for content that he's selling in his DMs. And get this, when I reached out to him inquiring about videos that I'd like to purchase from him (videos of him with an erection and of his ass/asshole - standard OnlyFans stuff), he replied by telling me that he won't be showing that sort of content on OF... unless I'm willing to pay upwards of $650!!!

When several of us commented on one of his (many) lame posts about the content of his Onlyfans post free-trial not living up to the hype that he set for it, he was quick to silence us; deleting our messages and writing us privately threatening us with a permanent ban if we continued to express our disappointment publicly.

It's clear to me now that he was never operating in good faith. It's time to expose this fraud for what he truly is. Spread the word and let's ensure nobody else falls victim to him. I suggest you report him as I and a few other of his Onlyfans subscribers already have.

He's just another pathetic, excuse for a content creator.
Thanks for this review. I just found him on YouTube and was intrigued about subscribing to his OF, but I did notice that it doesn’t appear to be any videos there. It gave me pause. I’m not gonna pull the trigger. YT will do!


I actually do like the content to an extent, but he posts very little, maybe once a month, twice at most. Very little. There was one video on his page that was shorter but on OF of his collaborator from that vid, that video was longer and was not cut off.

And now from his list there are 30 videos while before there maybe 34? Maybe I will subscribe again but not any time soon.
bro i was so excited cause he a cute ass mf. If he kept it straight up and stop trying to scam and over charge... he'd be making bank

I loved him on tiktok but now his being a bitch kinda ruined it for me
He’s definitely cute, but also annoying AF. I hear he has a tiny dick and I just need confirmation :joy:
Stopppp, do you have a pic :tired_face:
lmfao I don’t post pics of him anymore because I was banned for a month off one of his posts… he’s a little bitch imo. He stopped cutting hair and just started scamming with his tiny clit and not everyone knows what it looks like. Don’t waste your time. If you want to see his dick , I’ll DM you IMG_3457.png
lmfao I don’t post pics of him anymore because I was banned for a month off one of his posts… he’s a little bitch imo. He stopped cutting hair and just started scamming with his tiny clit and not everyone knows what it looks like. Don’t waste your time. If you want to see his dick , I’ll DM you View attachment 166115071
I sent you a DM