My hair line is receding and it affects my confidence a little. How to get over this?

I've been shaving my head for about fifteen years because my hairline started to recede when I was about 21. Since then, my advice to those in the same position has always been this: Shave it all off. If you don't dig it, let it grow back out.
Mine was thinning by 27/28. I started having it cropped very short all over, shortly after, and was even regularly shaving it by 37/38. It's still about the same - I can grow some hair, but it feels very uncomfortable when it's more than say half a centimetre long.

I usually crop to number 2 or 3 with Wahl clippers, but don't always shave it.

It's generally OK now - have been comfortable with it since I was in my mid 30s. I'm very much about humour, intellect, art and such like, as well as some aspects of physicality - committed gym user, etc. - so I think it can actually make you a more rounded, attractive person. Some of that is just about not LETTING people bring you down with their absurd stories and theories about attractiveness. SOME people DO find me VERY attractive, and that's all anyone should need.

It does help if you're also quite handsome, I guess. I might feel sorry for people who were bald, ugly, short, fat and disabled. But even those guys can find a good life.

Every living person has something inside them, which can let them SHINE.

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I started thinning at 25, and by 28 it started looking really bad. At 30 I decided to shave it all of as a rite of passage because I was sick and tired of dealing with the flimsy hair. Initially I really liked it, then I saw a few pictures of myself looking like an ugly egg and I hated it, but now--a year later--I've found my style. I keep the hair at #1 all over, and my stubble at #3. I absolutely cannot have this hair (head?) style with a clean-shaven face, thus it's not for those who prefer the clean-cut look. I love the convenience aspect, the masculinity aspect, and as a matter of fact, I've never had so many cute guys show interest in me as I do now, so it can't be all bad.

Unless you can produce a perfectly logical and rational answer to the question 'what is the problem of going bald in your 20s?' you should take the buzzer to your head and see what happens. If you are ok with the way it looks on your head, then at least you don't have to spend time worrying that you will look bad when you go bald. If it looks so bad that you cannot stand it, then you need to take the necessary measures to retain whatever you have.
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I started balding my senior year of high school. imagine how that felt.

But honestly, by the time I was 23-24, I stopped caring. So when random people would say "how do you deal with balding?!" when they started balding at whatever age, I tell them you just come to terms with it eventually.

Honestly, I've noticed no difference in the attention I get from women. Even older and balder, I get more attention because I'm way more confident than I've ever been and even without hair men tend to get better looking as they get older. Sure, I'd look better with a full head of hair, but what can you do? dwell on it? no. let that shit go and life life. Everything goes away in this life eventually anyway. Your hair is just going a little sooner. life is still an amazing ride with or without hair.

Honestly, a good thing is you have to worry less about your hair (less hair to cut and style). The only thing that I get annoyed at is that I have to protect my head from the elements. I get totally sad when I have to wear a hat in the summer just so my bald spot doesn't get sunburned.
Honestly, a good thing is you have to worry less about your hair (less hair to cut and style). The only thing that I get annoyed at is that I have to protect my head from the elements. I get totally sad when I have to wear a hat in the summer just so my bald spot doesn't get sunburned.

Yep... and I always tell people it's not that I am ashamed of my head, it is that I don't want to have a peeling scalp... A painful shower and dead-skin dandruff are downers...
My husband went bald young, and in a awkward pattern. But, he was still hot. He has a good face and a decent body, and a smile that is absolutely killer. We're pretty much split up, but we still live together, so we were out grocery shopping yesterday and some pretty, young girl actually followed him around since I was far enough away he appeared to be shopping alone. She might have been a little too young, actually, and he wasn't into it. Anyway, women check him out all the time.

My boyfriend is in the same boat. he's five years younger, and has even more hairloss. He's gorgeous though, and women don't even seem to care that I'm standing right there. They make sure he knows they are interested, and are completely unphased by my glare. I've never experienced anything like it, and I wonder if it is cultural since I mostly see him in Kentucky and Ohio, and none of that happened when we went to New York.
The worst part of it is that you really have only two options for styling your hair: very short, or shaved.

Some of the best advice about life I've ever gotten in my life came from an old barber: "There's nothing unnatural looking about a man with thinning hair." Meaning, of course, there's a whole lot of shit that DOES look unnatural when a man tries to stop nature in its tracks.
I do occasionally wear baseball caps, but more so trucker caps because they look more stylish with a nice checkered casual shirt and jeans when I'm out. I guess because I have sparkling blue eyes (i get compliments on), nice teeth and I am decent looking that I can get a bit of a pass from younger women, especially 18/19 year old women who i'm more attracted to.

I am only 5'10 (without shoes) as well so not the tallest, but my height isn't usually a big deal is most women I meet are shorter than me by a few inches. I just can't stand losing hair, though, as I look more youthful with a full head of hair. I am really envious of guys my age or younger with nice heads of hair - heck, i'm even envious of guys in their 40's and 50's with healthy heads of hair haha, the lucky bastards! lol.
My husband went bald young, and in a awkward pattern. But, he was still hot. He has a good face and a decent body, and a smile that is absolutely killer. We're pretty much split up, but we still live together, so we were out grocery shopping yesterday and some pretty, young girl actually followed him around since I was far enough away he appeared to be shopping alone. She might have been a little too young, actually, and he wasn't into it. Anyway, women check him out all the time.

My boyfriend is in the same boat. he's five years younger, and has even more hairloss. He's gorgeous though, and women don't even seem to care that I'm standing right there. They make sure he knows they are interested, and are completely unphased by my glare. I've never experienced anything like it, and I wonder if it is cultural since I mostly see him in Kentucky and Ohio, and none of that happened when we went to New York.

Maybe I should go to Kentucky & Ohio, or other Southern states in the USA :biggrin1: I am from the U.K and I really like the Southern US accent, it's very sexy & cute at the same time.
My hair has been reciding for a while and I also don't like the overall look. Then I simply shave it. I think you should consider it again. Trying to avoid so hard that's naturally happening to you might make your head (mind) sick. It's just hair, man. There are so many other important things about yourself to care, hair truly seem not as a great deal if you stop feeding your feeling of aging or decaying.

But that's only my opinion and suggestion. One may have different values and priorities.
If you let your receding hairline bother you, it will show and other people will see it. Nothing like seeing people with low self-esteem / confidence putting people off.
You'll find many woman actually really like the bald look, and even guys with full heads of hair shave it nowadays. The most important thing is rock it with confidence, but that piece of advice carries over into many things when it comes to attracting the fairer sex.
Thanatos; I know a few with receding hairlines at a young age. One still attempts to hold on the few strands that he has and it looks kinda silly. The other 2 went fully bald except for a goatee/beard and completely owned it. I do agree that there is a certain unattractive stigma with a receding hairline, but going bald is a bold statement. There are plenty of girls that would love to rub your head.

Here are FEW PICS of bald guys with and without facial hair. If that is you in your avatar, I would set you up with a look similar to THIS or THIS.
I started going thin when I was around 18, mid 70's. Shaving wasn't cool. It almost killed me at a stage in life when you so self conscious. I got sick of it, and shaved it all off. Even if they invented something that could grow hair, I wouldn't want it. I love shaving. I love being bald. It makes people see you as tough and to be respected. Women like it and so do the guys. You're lucky, you're young, good looking, stocky, bearded, very masculine. A shaved head just emphasises your masculinity. In Australia now, young men shave their heads very close, and if they're thinning, better. (Have a look at or any Aussie football players and you'll see baldness looks great) Embrace it. You'll look great. I feel for you badly, but you'll soon see you look great.