Josh leyva

What a reeeeeeeach! LOL

Whatever, dude. Go back to your bubble and let this thread go back to what it is about.
This thread is about posting sexy pictures, gifs, and videos of Josh levya.

People like u keep clogging it with your asinine complaints about sexuality, not showing dick, or claims of homophobia.

Why u mad people respond and all u ridiculous?

Why post it of u couldn't tale a reaponse?

Want this thread to go back to what it should be?

Then keep it that way yourself.

Calling him homophobic because chase of stupid skits on YouTube where he is obviously joking.


You making baseless claims bout homophobia. Im enjoying the azz jiggling.
This thread is about posting sexy pictures, gifs, and videos of Josh levya.

People like u keep clogging it with your asinine complaints about sexuality, not showing dick, or claims of homophobia.

Why u mad people respond and all u ridiculous?

Why post it of u couldn't tale a reaponse?

Want this thread to go back to what it should be?

Then keep it that way yourself.

Calling him homophobic because chase of stupid skits on YouTube where he is obviously joking.


You making baseless claims bout homophobia. Im enjoying the azz jiggling.
Go back in this thread and look for my posts, hon. I only am calling YOU out on not being tolerant of other views. I’m enjoying whatever we get. Like I said, let’s get this thread back on track.
I am "this generation" and I think this discussion in particular is just ridiculous. Since those skits which seemingly were not even homophobic, has he ever said or done anything at all that is homophobic? Not that I've seen. This is offense for the sake of it. Please stop doing this, it's what keeps letting bigots undermine actually offensive shit.
Girl, you haven’t even seen the character to know if it’s homophobic or not. Like the reach to call someone doing drag a minstrel show but then when someone was putting on an actual minstrel show about gay people it’s not homophobic. Josh isn’t gonna fuck you because you defended his honor on LPSG.
  • Haha
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Girl, you haven’t even seen the character to know if it’s homophobic or not.
I checked it out once I became aware of it and no, I don't think it's homophobic. Stop being overdramatic for no reason. There is enough real homophobia out there to combat, there is no need to make issues about things where there aren't any.
I checked it out once I became aware of it and no, I don't think it's homophobic. Stop being overdramatic for no reason. There is enough real homophobia out there to combat, there is no need to make issues about things that aren't any.
Do you know what micro aggressions are? Does someone need to beat you to death and call you a faggot for it to finally register as homophobia to you?
Do you know what micro aggressions are? Does someone need to beat you to death and call you a faggot for it to finally register as homophobia to you?
Tripz, I'm a black queer man who has been violently attacked over existing as both, as well as a lifetime of microaggressions.. Do not come at me with your bs. Leave it and move on. A couple of online skits from this man have harmed nobody.
Tripz, I'm a black queer man who has been violently attacked over existing as both, as well as a lifetime of microaggressions.. Do not come at me with your bs. Leave it and move on. A couple of online skits from this man have harmed nobody.
You are the one that is choosing to have the loudest voice while also admitting you’ve never seen the character in question, clearly have no understanding of drag and are trying to excuse a skit Josh himself has admitted to stop doing because of it being problematic. Thank you for verifying someone needs to get beaten to death for you to finally acknowledge it as homophobia.
People are entitled to their opinions about what is offensive and not offensive and u have no right to try to get them to not have them. Definitely when they aren’t harmful or bigoted opinions.

Also there are women that do drag. Just say u know nothing about the history of drag. It’s not a male specific thing
Jfc, I love drag and have friends who are both drag queens and kings. I have done drag a couple of times myself. You may have your opinion, but stop trying to make extremely minor things an issue for the entire lgbtq community, especially on a thread about how nice we find a guys big ass. It's pathetic and counterproductive.
You do realize everyone has an opinion. Neither yours or anyone else’s is FACTS . Nobody on this thread is within his inner circle or even in his skin . So you’re not wrong for having an opinion. But perpetuating an opinion as fact because YOURE OFFENDED . Sounds like a you problem
People don’t choose who their family is. Having gay family members doesn’t mean someone is or isn’t homophobic. There are parents that don’t accept their gay sons/daughters. As a lgbtq person u should know that. That’s like the I have a black friend excuse. In my opinion the characters were offensive and homophobic. What’s offensive and homophobic is subjective to an extent. Just cause u don’t agree with me doesn’t mean I’m wrong for having my opinion.