Jesus Gama Jr. Tik Tok (jesusgamajr)

“Jesús Gama revealed to us that he made his debut on the OnlyFans platform, and promised that he will upload content that his followers ask for, such as his feet, but without reaching any kind of nudity. "I am preparing myself physically, and in the networks you can see that I am already over-defined," expressed the artist who participates in the second season of Las estrellas bailan en Hoy.”

Well that answers that question.
For many weeks, he ignored all questions about what type of content he would produce.
He had a lot of nerve charging $50 with no intention of delivering. I hope everyone cancels their subscription. Nothing more than a con artist.
I could’ve sworn I read somewhere he mentioned he had an uncensored picture in his OF..
Yeah he said it, OF COURSE it was for stupid people to subscribe... he hasn't and will not show anything... ever
Al menos es honesto con decir que no va mostrar todo, ya es decisión de cada persona si se suscribe o no. En lo personal yo creo que no tiene mucho que mostrar enfrente por eso no lo hace
Seeeeh, se ve que la tiene pequeña... pero igual me gustaría vérsela jajaj
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Someone on here said that he shows his dick on OF. I subscribed solely because of that post but it is not true he does not show his dick. I’ll keep everyone posted in case he does though.
Do you mind sharing this photo? C3061B30-F0C2-4443-BCC8-6703571F46BE.jpeg
Someone on here said that he shows his dick on OF. I subscribed solely because of that post but it is not true he does not show his dick. I’ll keep everyone posted in case he does though.
Thank you for keeping us posted!
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Someone on here said that he shows his dick on OF. I subscribed solely because of that post but it is not true he does not show his dick. I’ll keep everyone posted in case he does though.
Show us anything he uploads please! Even if it's a pic we've alredy seen