Gay Celebrities in the Closet

Theater, maybe YES. But Hollywood? Come on.. not all movies in Hollywood are queer, flamboyant, gay-oriented or gay-appealing! You got action movies, war movies, Marvel/DC comic book movies, fantasy/superhero movies, movies involving gore, violence, heterosexual relations and male/female intercourse... I don't think gay men would want to pursue alpha male characters in those kind of manly movies...

Again, Hollywood ≠ Theater
I didn't mean I thought all movies in Hollywood were queer, flamboyant, gay oriented or gay appealing. I meant I thought a lot of MEN in theater or performing arts could be bi or gay.
Ian McKellen had some gay encounters here and there, and think the whole world is gay.
So Ian Mckellen, an 84 yr old LEGEND, who clearly know a LOT about Hollywood from inside out, is being delusional and is wrong to think whole world is gay.... but Mr. Trybogus, a random internet troll, whole stay in his bed doing nothing, has no friends, a literal NOBODY, is not being delusional in thinking that the whole world is straight???
Was it ever fun though???
Since people on LPSG seem to love conflict it was fun to some who refuse to just ignore him. TryBogus' relentless assumption that every actor is straight is just the opposite view of most here that everyone is gay so conflict was bound to happen.
So Ian Mckellen, an 84 yr old LEGEND, who clearly know a LOT about Hollywood from inside out, is being delusional and is wrong to think whole world is gay.... but Mr. Trybogus, a random internet troll, whole stay in his bed doing nothing, has no friends, a literal NOBODY, is not being delusional in thinking that the whole world is straight???
Since people on LPSG seem to love conflict it was fun to some who refuse to just ignore him. TryBogus' relentless assumption that every actor is straight is just the opposite view of most here that everyone is gay so conflict was bound to happen.
as much as I like to mock trybogus just ignore/block him. He's become a caricature by this point in attempts save all straight men/troll, it's become not fun anymore.

That Ian McKellen came from so much hatred and pain because of so many rejections and missed opportunities in his career and in life. He had a short-lived boytoy BF whose 54-years younger than him so, the separation must have made him bitter even more.

And when he said HALF OF HOLLYWOOD IS GAY, that most likely included the non-actors in the PRODUCTION like the directors, writers, production designers, hairstylists, make-up artists, the crew, the media personalities.. Well obviously, a lot of those in the creatives are queer so that definitely bumped his gay count up!
So him and Luke Shaw both then!
Lmao that was the same logic people used with colton haynes. "His brother is gay, so if he was gay he'd be out too, so clearly he's straight"

The logic is of statistical nature here. If your brother is gay, it's less likely that you are gay as well. Simple as that.
The logic is of statistical nature here. If your brother is gay, it's less likely that you are gay as well. Simple as that.
It's not logic because there's no proven way to know exactly how someone is gay. There's a fuckton of theories, but none of them with peer reviewed studies.
There's plenty of families where all siblings are gay/bi. Because there isn't any actual logic behind why someone is born gay.
It's like the logic that someone with big feet must have a big dick. There's no peer reviewed scientific theory that proves any body part's size is correlated to the size of one's dick
Like you said, theater is just a training, a stepping stone... When in Hollywood, you go big, men take on larger than life alpha male roles and become matinee idols!

Oh dear lord I hope this was written in jest.
If not: tell me you have no clue whatsoever how film making works, in particular that ‘action/hero’-twaddle, and even less about US American film actors :emoji_nail_care:
  • Wow
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bet nobody had Ty Olsson
that's the vamp from spn that's marrying the werewolf from spn right?
him and jensen had hard chemistry. the whole fandom thought dean and benny were gonna be the thing to break destiel. not surprised he plays for our team tbh
no. that's not it.
it's not a matter that they're attractive that they're the ones being rumored. it's the matter that they're attractive that they're being talked about.
let's say josh gay is a closet case. why is no one talking about it? because people, in general, aren't attracted to him.
the discussion doesn't involve unnatractive guys because no one cares to talk about them. for the same reason when people started talking about people like taylor or oprah being gay, most don't care and move onto talking about someone else.
no one here really cares if an ugly dude is gay or not, because no one is interested in him.
and the same applies to just the site in general. the threads are all about dudes most people find attractive. there's probably no threads on the less attractive celebs/influencers, or if there are, they might be pretty empty, as only a small amount of people are into them.
so it's not that we're only talking about hot dudes we want to be gay. it's just that we only talk about hot dudes

bet nobody had Ty Olsson
Nobody "had" Ty Olsson for the very reason some were having a discussion about the above quoted post. The only guys mentioned here regularly are "hot guys". Olsson is not unattractive or anything but hardly a heartthrob either, that is gonna garner interest in his sexuality.