Eddie Vanderbilt Zeusfromolymp

Having been checking out OF for about a year now, I think he’s by far the sexiest guy I’ve come across there. He has a beautiful body and cock, but his face is what keeps me watching him.

This guy is such a douche. He goes into gay spaces (a lot of gay sub forums on Reddit and Twitter) and promotes himself as gay in order to attract followers to his OF. He is very strategic because he won’t like or post any content of women. I purposely sought this thread out because I knew I would get the real deal on this guy. I don’t understand how gay men allow shit like that. It’s one thing to let gay men find you and another one to pretend to be one in order to gain money. That’s quite low in my opinion.
Respectfully, these guys are selling a fantasy. That’s what OF is all about imho.
lmao that shit's so funny. I posted a link that leads to a hard-to-come-by video where he f's a girl, the post stayed here for a few days, got a lot of likes and a few replies and now everything's gone😭 smb's clearly looking after this chat. plus his jo vid that I posted got immediately taken down for copyright
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Respectfully, these guys are selling a fantasy. That’s what OF is all about imho.
Yeah, but some of us are trying to consume porn a little bit more ethically and only give attention to content produced by other gay men.

Which makes having to sift through HIS level of queerbaiting annoying.
Yeah, but some of us are trying to consume porn a little bit more ethically and only give attention to content produced by other gay men.

Which makes having to sift through HIS level of queerbaiting annoying.
Imagine going to a place where people gathers to eat bull sausages, getting in just to say 'it's not gay bull meat I don't like it' and feeling like, I dunno', "better"? Like, you came here, bro, no one draged you here. lmao.

Seriously, no one cares if you think your jerking off porn consuming habits are ethical or not, or your attempts. Keep that to yourself in your room, If you don't like him or you feel better because of your 'ethical consuming', like, read the room (thread). This is literally a thread of people who likes him, coming here to flex your attempts of 'ethical consuming' is just as annoying as your 'queerbait' claims of him. And I repeat, no one cares.
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