Coronavirus Covid-19

austral,followed closely by us nz
cunningly now,without an outright pm countrywide statement stating/dictatorship/declaring

'we hjave to live,with it'

after years of utter state turmoil in aus,and us in the last year,thuds seems evident,to me,at least,now\
again,cunningly/ politically,they are going much the same way as many other European countries
was stupid of me to think,they would be transparent/honest,and actually say the words

'we have to live with it'
wonder if nato/usa biden,will use a/the possible war that russias takeover of ukraine

as an excuse

tor those bastards to go to war

conveniently forgetting about the covid shit


theorist shit
but no difference, to what those war mad mongrels come up with
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and of curse
mammoth sports crowds/events conveniently forgotten,masks/distance,not necessary
makes one wonder/global farce

People are waking up. I'm sorry for what they did to you people in Oceania
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no shame in stating,yet another observation
convinced we nz/australia
like most rest of the countries worldwide
are quietly living' with this epidemic/no need to use pandemic,we know that terms instilled in us,for that

will also add
was it really necessary to go nuts/overboard,persecuting humankind,lifestyles lost etc

some countries/many countries just quietly did so,we as usual,months later
allowing un-vaccinated in,without any quarantine now

political stealth,all on the quiet
like everyone else
get ye back to work all
forgotten re self sanctions now huh

what of populous African countries
world basically forgotten them/probably,better off huh
what of sport attendance/still sneakily allowing increased numbers
been a major,of mine/media say f'all
can you believe
initially i thought NZ was doing ok,with a young/vibrant prime minister
now think,and whats been proven,in my eyes

immaturity,for a political leader


bc,3 things recently

she refuses to
front up,on certain radios
refuses to meet with protesters,outside parliament building
they/ordinary kiwis,with a legitimate gripe,re sanctions
,been there 34 weeks
they place the above info,on the govt website,instead of a/the fair approach,of fronting up,with opportunity for questions,at a daily media conference
not impressed at all
know other pms would own all there actions
The Fall of the Cabal Sequel- Part 17 (continued)

you decide,if you want to watch
i take no responsibility
mods delete,if you want
annoyed with self,that i succumbed to posting whats likely a/the 'type or garbage/aka shit,been trying to avoid,since this epidemic began
a mate sent it to me,and i posted it,prior to her proclaiming 100 murdered ffs
hate that sort of crap
surely,humanities not that mad,or are we
100 murdered ffs2
my/a Sunday revelation
an Easter Friday cv info fact
can you believe
50 plus children/thats children
were give 'expired dated vaccine',in a region of new Zealand
human error,be damned
no excuse for that sort of idiocy/bungling