Anyone in los angeles...? - archive

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Well looks like about 10 native L.A. people.

Woo-ho.... Yeah... I wonder what it was like to have it sometimes too.

LA is a ghost-town at times.

Well to everyone who just said... hello! No worries oldbodybuilder2004, like myself... some people never get a respsonse.... lol. BTW your homepage link is broken as well.

Well in Los Angeles City itself.....and wouldn't you know... a bottom too.

I need to move to Canada... :)
I'm in West LA too -- the Palms area just above Culver City. It would be fun to meet some of the other people on this board, so drop me a line if you want to hang out sometime.

4000 posts? Do you work?:smile:
Just joined today... hope this response makes you Happy.
In Long Beach.
4000 posts? Do you work?:smile:
Just joined today... hope this response makes you Happy.
In Long Beach.
That must be for me. Yeah, I work, but I've been here a little over a year, and at one point actually had a mild addiction problem with the site. :tongue:
Hey, I live in LA and I love it. Actually I live in the San Fernando Valley and that is even better. Love my city but hate the traffic. Oh well.
That must be for me. Yeah, I work, but I've been here a little over a year, and at one point actually had a mild addiction problem with the site. :tongue:

Oh my gosh, me too. I spend to many hours reading these threads. I need a LPSG. A. meeting.
Step number 1: I admit that I have become powerless over LPSG and that my life has become unmanagable!
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