Yeah -- I've been meaning to ask this:

Do Erik and Sussie really even like each other?
That is actually a very good question (that I was thinking about a lot before I began writing) and all I can say is - you’ll see in a while 😁😁😁
Oh, yes! I see some of the changes to Parts Three and Four even here.

(And I notice that you fixed one paragraph that was anatomically impossible unless the god Mats resembled was a Hindu deity with multiple arms.)

As Erik was oh-so-delicately teasing, licking, caressing his way down Mats's body, I couldn't help thinking that neither of them had ever touched a girlfriend so gently and tenderly. Am I right about that?

I'm glad that you moved away from ending Part Four with Erik deciding to lick Mats's asshole (it seemed a bit early for that, like skipping a few steps in a recipe) and towards having them laugh with each other. Laughing together has always been a key part of their long relationship with each other, and having laughter break out -- for both of them -- over a botched blowjob is such a good way to defuse tension and reinforce trust between them.

Now on to Part Five ...
I found this part very real and funny. As you stated it just added honesty and a beginning feel to the unfolding events--Awesome. A time they will remember.
Here is the eight part of the Beach House (a short part, as it didn't fit in part seven here on LPSG.)

I shoved a bite of grilled meat into my mouth, stalling for time. Polite. Yeah, that’s a word for it.

– Maybe we’re just tired, I offered, chewing slowly. Long day, long drive, long everything.

Anna didn’t look convinced. Her gaze flicked between me and Mats like she was waiting for one of us to give something away.

– Yeah, maybe, Mats mumbled, eyes fixed firmly on his plate.

She kept eating her salad, clearly deciding not to push the subject further.

– I didn’t notice anything, Sussie said, her mouth full of beans. You were the same unapologetically badly mannered men you’ve always been. As in, not helping a damsel in distress.

Damsel? I looked around dramatically. Is there a damsel nearby?

She tilted her head, deadpan disbelief in her eyes.

– You’re really going that way?

– I’ll go any way where there’s a damsel in distress. I scanned the room slowly, making a point of my exaggerated search. But alas, none in sight. Looks like you’re stuck with me, darling.

– Another bad life choice, I guess.

– Could be worse, though.

– Could it really?

I nodded toward Mats, raising an eyebrow.

– Oh, really? Mats lowered his glass, looking mock-offended. You’re coming for me now?

– I’m coming for any easy target, you know that.

– So now I’m not just second-best, I’m easy too?

Easy? Anna smirked. Oh, I assure you, Mats isn’t easy. Not even close.

– See? I spread my hands like I’d won a point in a debate. Validation from the jury.

Anna leaned in toward Mats, her voice dipping into a tipsy-sultry tone.

– I wish you were, though. Just a little easier. Flirty, fun, not so serious… You know, the way you are with Erik. A bit more carefree… and maybe dressed in mesh.

Ohlala! I nearly spilled my wine. Now this is a conversation worth having. Mesh, you say?

– Yeah, I mean, you’re such a good-looking man, Mats. Why not push it a bit further?

Mats blinked, bewildered, staring straight at me as if I knew anything about this.

– You’ve been talking to Erik?

– No, why should I? But yes,… maybe I should. You’d probably listen more to him than to me, wouldn’t you?

Mats took a long, deliberate gulp of his wine, his eyes dropping to the table.

Anna turned toward me, her tipsiness softening her sharp tone, but not her honesty.

– You know, Erik, I think Mats would do anything for you. I really do. You should hear him talk about you—how clever you are, how brilliant your ideas are. If I didn’t agree with every word, I’d probably be jealous.

Now it was my turn to drain my glass.

– You have nothing to be jealous of, Anna. Believe me. Absolutely nothing. There’s only one sun in Mats’ universe, and it’s you.

Mats stayed quiet. I didn’t dare to look at him.

– Maybe so, she muttered, swaying slightly as she stood up, one hand bracing the table for balance. I should go to bed now—drown myself in paracetamol and bathe in that cooling lotion if I want any sleep tonight.

– You coming, Sussie?

Sussie got up quickly, like she’d been waiting for permission to leave.

– Yep. Pills and lotion—the key to every gal’s heart. Or back. Isn’t that right, boys?

– If you say so, I mumbled, trying to sound amused but feeling anything but.

The girls linked arms, a quiet solidarity between them, and as they turned toward the stairs, Anna looked back at us.

– I just want to say… it’s awful seeing you two like this. Angry. Distant.

– We’re not… I started.

– Hush, Erik. I know what I know. Whatever this is, fix it. There aren’t two men cuter together than you two. That’s the goddamn truth. Kisses and all that…

She waved her hand lazily, her tone too soft to be playful, and they disappeared down the stairs—two silhouettes leaning on each other like nothing in the world could break them.

I still couldn’t bring myself to look at Mats.

– No point in staring at the ocean now, is there? Mats leaned forward, lazily tracing the rim of his glass with a finger.

– I guess not… Maybe the moon will show, though.

Mats let out a soft laugh.

– The moon… Well, at least I’ve got one sun in my universe. Apparently.

I turned to him, unsure whether he was teasing or being sincere.

You do. And isn’t that a good thing?

– God… I love you, but sometimes, Erik, you’re so clueless.

– Oh, so I’m—?

– Erik!... handsome. His eyes caught mine, warm, steady. Let’s not go there again. Please?

I nodded, a small breath of relief easing through me. Letting the heaviness fade.

Mats stretched his legs out, glancing toward the darkened beach.

– You know, the girls left half their junk down there… What do you say? We grab a bottle, head down, pick up the debris and enjoy the night for a bit?

– Sounds… great, I sighed.

– Wow, seems like miracles can still happen. He stood up, grabbed a bottle from the table offering me a hand. Come on Erik. Maybe things aren’t over between us just yet?

To be continued…
Awesome writing. I do not know how I missed the editions you have added. Your character development is inspiring. I love how you deliver your lines between Eric and Matts and then the added lines from Anna. Little does she know how spot on she really is or does she know?? Thanks again for excellent reading.
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I found this part very real and funny. As you stated it just added honesty and a beginning feel to the unfolding events--Awesome. A time they will remember
I love how you see the details in the story and in how they act out their relationship. Yes - I really felt that they would go all the way at that time - there had to be more bonding before they could enjoy getting so close. Also felt that their different personalities needed to be more distinct before they dived into a deeper kind of meeting - I hope I managed that.

There is so much more I want to tell about how this week evolves, so I’m really excited about publishing the next part.
I love how you see the details in the story and in how they act out their relationship. Yes - I really felt that they would go all the way at that time - there had to be more bonding before they could enjoy getting so close. Also felt that their different personalities needed to be more distinct before they dived into a deeper kind of meeting - I hope I managed that.

There is so much more I want to tell about how this week evolves, so I’m really excited about publishing the next part.
You did an awesome job of writing. Their are times for slow smoldering and development and you are on point.