
Worshipped Member
Aug 5, 2017
80% Gay, 20% Straight
A construction worker's life drastically changes when a video in which he appears shirtless goes viral. Out of nowhere, the hunky 46 years-old becomes a sensation in the gay community!

And when he realizes how much money he can make selling pictures and videos of himself online... Bruce decides to become Silver Fox!


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Chapter 1: The Birth of Silver Fox (Part 1)

Life starts at 46.

Or at the very least, that was true for me.

Before that, I seemed to be destined to live a pathetic and pretty unremarkable time on this Earth.

When I was 18, I got a job at the construction company where my father was working at. I was not very good in school but I could use my hands, and I was not afraid to work hard.

When I was 21, I got married to my high school sweetheart. Karen was a bitch and she cheated on me. Twice.

As far as I know.

I was divorced by the age of 30.

She kept the house that we had bought together, and that I had renovated by the sweat of my brow.

Good for her, she was a smart bitch, she had left me for a damn lawyer... She's got two kids with him now.

I moved into a small one-bedroom apartment downtown.

Purchasing this place got me into some serious debts and it was quite depressing living by my own, but the apartment was mine, and that was all that mattered at the time.

My parents both died when I was in my late thirties, - that was another kick in my sore butt -, and I realized that aside from my coworkers, I did not have much people to turn to.

No wife, no kids, no very close friends or family either.

My sister had not talked to me in years.

She had gotten involved with some drug dealer when she was in high school and she had already been locked-up for some time.

I had no idea where she lived or if she was still in prison. She had been the one cutting ties with us. She did not show up to either of our parents' funerals.

That was tough.

I was mostly alone but I was not totally single either; I was fucking my fair share of women.

Sue me, I had my needs and a strong sexual appetite!

Thankfully, I had the good looks to snatch some pussies for myself.

That being said, I could not trust women anymore. I had been burnt once, and I would not let that happen again. I was running away from any sort of serious relationship.

Maybe as a revenge for what had happened to me before, or maybe because it was the only way to ensure that those chicks would not get too attached, I mostly banged married women.

I would suck on their ring finger as I would drill them from behind, my dick buried in their pretty housewives' assholes.

Since the options were quite limited where I lived, I had some regular bitches on retainer.

It was awkward when I was running into their husbands at the grocery's store or at the gym.

I know, this is bad.

Never said that I was a nice or decent guy...

As I mentioned, my life was pretty pathetic back then.

When I celebrated my forty-sixth birthday, many things had not gone the way I had imagined them when I was younger.

I was stuck in the same town I had grown up in, in the middle of Kansas, I was by myself, working the same tiring job, the only difference was that the Porter kid had just taken over the company of his dad...

I was now bossed around by a freaking 23 years-old!

If you read this, Mike Porter, fuck you, deep in your tight arrogant ass!

Porter was a little brat who did not know shit about construction, but who had been plagued with the most annoying "know-it-all" attitude, only aggravated by his worthless and very recent college degree.

Without the gym to release the tension, I would have probably gone mad.

Thank God, I had met Jimmy at work and he had somehow become my best buddy.

He was ten years younger than I was, already married with a kid, but he was obsessed with the gym and we became a duo.

I did want to keep in shape, - I had always had -, and Jimmy pushed me out of my comfort zone while I was entering my forties. He needed a gym partner and I let him convince me that I should go harder on myself.

"Bruce, right now is precisely the moment when you need to push yourself and keep in shape!"

I am glad that he did.

I guess that I owe a lot to him in the end.

Anyway, we were seeing each other at work all the time, and at the gym three to five times a week.

I do not know if it was because I was more in shape than I was when in my thirties, or because "daddies" were the new hot thing at that moment, but at 46, I was getting more pussies than I had ever had in my entire life.

That was the cool part of aging up, I suppose!

"I wish I was like you, man. No wife to control your every single move. No one to report to. No kids to check on and worry about all day long. No responsibilities."

Jimmy was envying my life, and sometimes, I was envying his.

But he was right, maybe I had not made the best of my twenties and of my thirties, but I was finding myself better off than many of my colleagues in my forties.

They seemed trapped in loveless marriages and in their boring family life, while I was going out and banging chicks... and more often than not, their own wives!

Just to be clear, I never fucked Jimmy's woman though. Even if I am sure that I could have gotten into Doreen's bed, I had my principles.

Bros before Hoes. Right?

All things considered, it turned out that it was way more satisfying to date as a mature, all grown-up, man.

First of all, it seems like I was attracting younger and hotter chicks, as if I was a freaking honey pot for twenty-something sluts.

Second of all, I knew what I liked and most of all, what I was doing.

Trust me, I was giving those girls the fuck of their lives, being way more experienced and skilled than their clumsy college boyfriends.

I was not scared to get dirty, or downright raunchy, and they loved every second of it.

Most women love rough sex and that is a fact.

You would be surprised to know what your next-door neighbour truly desires when she allows herself to fantasize... I guess it is simply more difficult to show you slutty side with your husband and the father of your children.

With me though, they were insatiable.

Those bitches loved eating my ass, getting manhandled roughly, sucking my toes, slurping on my nipples like a hungry baby would on his mother, and taking it bareback.

I slapped, spanked, and choked them and they kept asking for more.

To think that there was a point in my life where my sex life had been limited to the same woman for more than ten years, and that we were both too shy to get naked with the lights on!

How stupid was I?!

Honestly, I am not even mad at my ex-wife for cheating on me at the time.

Sure, she was a snake, but can I blame her for looking for a good dicking when I used to be so bad at it?

I did have the massive uncut cock, - nearly nine inches of pure veiny meat, really impressive tool -, but it was like I had been scared to use it properly for a large part of my life.

Thirteen years of relationship, nine years of marriage, and I had not fucked Karen's ass even once.

What the hell was I doing with my life?

Believe me though, I did make it up for those wasted years!

When I got my first grey hair in my early forties, I got worried. Jimmy told me that girls were digging it but I was not trusting him. I was on a roll with women and I did not want to lose the most enjoyable part of my life.

I even considered trimming my hair or dying it.

See, I had never shaved or trimmed the bush around my junks and seeing my pubic hair turning grey was a shock.

But it turned out that Jimmy was absolutely right! It was even easier to get with chicks with my salt and pepper hair.

Thank you to whoever raised these girls for the daddy's issues!

One of Jimmy's gay friends called me "Silver Fox Daddy" once, and we all had a good laugh about it.

There were not many gay people where I lived or where I worked, so until my mid-forties, I had never had the chance to actually meet one. Or at the very least, to meet an openly gay man.

I know, that may sound crazy for some people living in large cities, but that was my reality.

When Jimmy introduced me to his friend Logan, I was all excited to talk to a "homo", just to see if he would be like I was imagining the queers in my mind.

That was silly, I am aware.

He was nothing like I had imagined.

Logan ordered the same beer, talked about the same football game, and worked the same type of boring job as we did. When he mentioned his boyfriend, Bernardo, I had almost forgotten that he was supposed to be a queer.

He was just a bro!

Yes, I had a lot of preconceived ideas back then.

Do not quit reading yet, I got to learn much more about the LGBT community in the months which followed...

For now, let's just say that I had some opportunities to get up-close and personal with some gay dudes later on in my journey.

Logan was Jimmy wife's cousin, and we spent an afternoon all together between men as Logan was in town for thanksgiving. He happened to also be a gym rat.

The dude was 34 and incredibly in shape. He was shredded from head to toes, but was completely hairless which was definitely a choice I would not have had made for myself.

I got a bit curious in the locker-rooms, wondering if he would check me out.

He definitely did.

I mean, I kind of exposed myself on purpose, wandering out of the showers stark naked, not even a towel around my waist, my large package on full display.

Logan got himself a good look at my low hanging balls, my fat cock, and my grey pubic hair.

At some point, I even pulled out the classic move of putting one of my feet on the bench to let everything dangle in full view at the level of his (shocked, but amazed) face.

The dude was practically drooling and he was definitely struggling to hide his hard-on.

For some reason, it turned me on a little, knowing that he would remember the sight of my massive genitals for a while.

Not that I was into him or anything, but I liked being appreciated.

Who does not?

That day, Logan was the first one to call me Silver Fox and the name sort of sticked afterwards.

Obviously, at first, it was only a joke between Jimmy and I. Then, it started to spread at work and I let it happen. It was a compliment after all.

Nick started working with us around the same period.

Let's be real, I disliked this moron as soon as I met him.

Freshly out of high-school, barely 19, cocky and arrogant as one could be, he was already trying to befriend the boss (fucking Mike Porter) to get away with arriving late on site, or messing up with the work.

Clearly, generation Z or whatever it was called at this point, did not have the work ethic that I had when I was his age.

The guy was constantly on his phone, filming shirtless TikToks all day, fixing his blond hair, attempting to re-do ridiculous dances instead of doing the job he was paid for.

Hearing the same snippets of music repeating over and over again was getting on my last nerve.

And for Christ's sake, the dude was fit, he had some nice meaty pecs and biceps going for him, but did he need to flaunt it on the internet 24/7?!

No surprise that today's generation is practically brain-dead.

I tried to put some sense into his worthless mind but I was the one being scolded by Porter afterwards. Something about building a "safe working environment" or some shit.

I had called Nick a "little fucker" and this was apparently "not acceptable in 2024".

Somehow, I was the bad guy in the story.

The idea that I had to bow down to these gen-Z idiots was driving me nuts.

Jimmy was on my side but he was smart enough to avoid any conflict with the younger bucks.

"I do my job, I get my pay, and I go home." He was often saying.

"Same, but I'm still allowed to bitch about them, right?"

"Damn right."

The truth was, being the oldest in the team, I was respected enough not to be messed with too much.

Besides, I knew Mike's dad very well, he had been an old friend of my own dad and my direct boss for more than twenty years. The young Porter could not be too annoying with me.

Still, when I had to suffer through a full day with Nick on site, I seriously wanted to quit.

I needed the money though.

My father was a great man and he had worked hard all of his life, but he had a dirty vice... Gambling.

The family house had been mortgaged for a while and the medical bills we had to pay at the end of his life had put me in a severe financial hardship.

I almost lost my shitty apartment because of it.

To make a long story short, I needed to keep my job, no matter how exhausting it was, or how annoying that 19 years-old brat could be with his phone glued to his hand, and his teenage abs on display.

Then again, who would have thought that this prick would change my life?

I guess it all started during a very hot afternoon in mid-July.

Normally, on days like this, Mike's father would have let us go home as it was too dangerous to work under the heat.

But the new boss did not have that much consideration for his employees.

"No delays on site, all payments on time"; That was his motto.

I was working on a roof and I was, once again, considering quitting. I was getting too old for this bullshit.

I was sweating so much that my tank-top was drenched. It was literally as if I had taken a shower. I painfully took it off to wring it out.


The sleeveless top stank like shit and so did I!

"Hey, Silver Fox!"

Good Lord, that was Nick calling me out... Just what I needed!

[Chapter 1 continues below]
Chapter 1: The Birth of Silver Fox (Part 2)

He was taking a break, - well, he had been sitting in the shadows of the front yard of the house for a full hour -, and I saw him pointing his phone at me.

"What do you want, idiot?"

"Damn, look at that sweat! That's crazy! Looks like a proper waterfall."

He giggled as water was dripping from my top.

I flipped my middle finger at him and that was it.

The entire interaction lasted for less than twenty seconds and I did not think twice about it.

Little did I know that I had just become famous!

Ten minutes later I was calling my old boss to tell him that his son was making us take too much risks, working under this heat, and I was going back home whether he liked it or not.

I was aware that they could fire me for that, but even if they did, at this point, I was over it.

My flat did not have air-conditioning so I drove to a lake nearby, leaving Nick confused and annoyed behind me.

I spent the rest of the afternoon lying on the lakeshore by myself, and the evening at home without the slightest idea of what was going on.

I was so clueless that I had not even realized that Nick had recorded me.

I got a message from Mike Porter telling me that he expected me at the worksite one hour earlier the next day to make up for the lost time, and that we would only be working in the morning.

He did not mention my departure, nor my call to his dad.

Good, I thought.

I had won that battle.

I understood that something was different only when I arrived on site with my pick-up truck the next day.

Jimmy walked up to me with a big smile on his face. He looked way too happy, that was sus.

"Here comes our celebrity!" He teased me.

I thought that he was referring to the fact that I had abandoned work the previous day and that maybe, people had gossiped about it.

"Cut the crap, I'm not in the mood." I told him, still fist-bumping my friend to greet him.

"Why so grouchy? I mean, people get viral for so much stupid shit these days, that's a pretty neat video. You should be happy about it."

"What are you talking about?"

Jimmy took two steps back, perplexed.


I sighed.


"Oh my God, you really don't know! Damn!"

He burst out laughing.

"What the fuck, man?"

I was getting seriously pissed.

"Nick didn't even tell you? And you didn't see it for yourself? Well, I guess you don't go much on TikTok..."

"Fuck's sake, you're not going to start with that app. Not you too! The kid's already obsessed with it."

"Bruce, that's not it."

"Dude, we can no longer be friends if you get on that thing."

Jimmy could not keep his cheeky smile off his face.

I was still not getting it.

He picked up his phone.

"Look at that!"

"I've told you; I'm not interested in the stupid dancing videos."

Jimmy practically threw the phone on my face and I had to watch. That was when I finally saw the clip for the first time.

"Shit. That's me!" I exclaimed.

"It sure is, big daddy!"

I was watching a fifteen seconds video of myself, sweaty and shirtless, wringing my sleeveless tank-top out on the roof, with Nick's annoying voice in the background: "Damn, look at that sweat! That's crazy! Looks like a proper waterfall".

By the end of the clip, it just went back to the start and played again.

"What's that bullshit? Don't tell me this moron put me on this stupid app!"

"Bruce, wake-up! He did, but look at the views, and the comments! You blew up."

"What does this even mean?"

The video was playing on repeat and it was hurting my brain.

"Look right there, at the number of views!" Jimmy insisted.

"450 views? That's a lot? Doesn't seem like it..."

"450K! Four hundred and fifty... thousand views! In less than 24 hours! That's huge."

That number was the real shock.

"I don't get it. You're trying to tell me that 450.000 people have seen this video?!"

"Yeah! You're a freaking legend, dude!"

Jimmy laughed even harder, giving me a high five.

I chuckled.

"That's simply ridiculous."

"And look at the comments. That's the best part. I'm dying over this."

"Gimme that phone." I grunted.

He had to show me how to access the comments section and he read them with me. Jimmy was hysterical.

"I'm so thirsty for daddy's musky sweat!"

"Where does this man live and how can I give him all my money?"

"Sit on my face and I'll let you ruin my life, big daddy!"

"Hunky carpenter, please quench my thirst! In desperate need of a sweat waterfall!"

"I want to be smothered under these wet armpits until I die."

I was stunned.

Most of the comments, I did not even understand the references or the jokes. Were they serious? Were they making fun of me?

"Okay, so, those people, they... They like me?" I asked tentatively.

"No, they LOVE you! I mean, those are mostly gay men lusting over you, but still. It's Logan who sent me the video last night, he stumbled on it on his feed."

"He found me randomly?"

"I guess you were a good fit for his algorithm... Don't ask me what he was doing watching this video when he sent it to me!"

Jimmy mimicked stroking his own cock.

There was no need for that, I had understood what he was implying.

I was dumb with technology, but I was not that dumb!

"That's fucking weird."

"Trust me, it's not that bad. Usually, people go viral for doing something really dumb. You've practically become a God. Look at those people asking who you are, and where to follow you on social media and FansVips."


"Basically, a porn platform where anybody can post dirty stuff and sell them to their subscribers. You really have never heard of that?"

"I think I have... It rings a bell. I never went on it though. Wait, does this mean I'm making money with this video?"

"You're so not ready for this, Bruce."

"Can you quit it with the teasing? I'm confused, okay?!"

He smirked.

"You're not making money with this because, one, this is Nick's account and two, people don't pay to access it."

"That's just bullshit then."

"I guess that lots of these people would be ready to pay you for more videos." He winked at me.

"Great, I'll just do porn then." I replied sarcastically.

If only I knew...

Once again, Nick was late and consequently, I could not solve the problem with him right away.

Once he arrived an hour later, I was on the roof with Jimmy and I had already moved on.

This was another stroke of luck because honestly, if Nick had arrived earlier, I would have certainly (and very foolishly) asked him to remove the content from the Internet immediately.

Not that I did not like to see myself on the video, - I looked sexy as fuck, no debating this -, and most of the comments were praising my body, but there was enough odd shit happening to weird me out and wanting it to stop.

We only discussed it with Nick a couple hours later.

"So, what about that damn video?" I asked him bluntly as we were drinking some water.

"Oh? You... You saw it? Yes, my TikTok is blowing up."

"And you didn't think it was worth mentioning to me?"

He made a weird face, like he had been caught doing something wrong.

"I didn't know if you'd be happy with it..."

"You, moron. All the more reason to tell me about it!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. But Bruce, that's crazy, it doesn't slow down. At all. It's already the most viewed video of my entire page and I've been doing TikTok for more than two years."

This, I really liked to hear.

His feed was filled with "thirst traps" (I learned the term the same day) but none had blown up as much as my video. At most, he was doing 10K views.

There was some bitterness in Nick's voice which I also appreciated very much.

Beating him to the punch without even trying, and seeing him getting jealous was enough to make me want to keep the video online.

See, Nick was in an awkward position.

Finally, he was gaining visibility online, - something he had been craving for -, but it was by featuring someone else. That must have been a hard pill to swallow.

Funny how life turns out sometimes.

We left work at 1 PM as planned and, by then, the video had reached a whooping 700.000 views and Nick had earned thousands of new followers.

He could not believe it himself.

After he was gone, I asked Jimmy for some advice.

"Dude, what should I do about that? Seriously?"

"Just enjoy the moment, man. People think you're hot, that's cool. I've told you that people were digging the daddy's vibe."

"You certainly were onto something with that."

"It's just a shame you don't have any social media, your DMs would be filled with opportunities."

"My DMs?"

"Gosh, grandpa! You're not that old! Direct messages. Sure, there are hundreds of gay dudes thirsting over you, but there has to be some women into it as well."

My dick stirred up at the idea. Women, enjoying themselves over my video. That was a nice thought.

It had been a few days since I had last banged a hot chick.

"Shit. So, what's the next step?"

"You should at the very least have your own account so Nick is not the only one gaining followers out of this one."

"You're right. I cannot let this fucker become famous over me!"

I stared at my phone for a little while until Jimmy understood the problem I was facing.

"You don't know how to set up an account, right?"

"For fuck's sake, I haven't grown up with all that stuff!"

"Here, it's pretty easy, dumbass."

"I bet it's not that difficult, if even Nick can do it..."

I could not help myself.

Jimmy grinned at me, he did not like Nick very much either.

"The only thing to do is to pick a username, really." He explained.

"I shouldn't use my real name, right?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Your call, man. But I guess maybe you could use a nickname instead?"

"Got it!" I shouted suddenly.


It was my turn to grin at my buddy. I had just had the best idea.

I created my account and I typed: SilverFox.

"Fitting, no? What do you think?"

"That's pretty spot on, man. You're already good at this!"

"I suppose that can be a little fun."

A little fun... That was quite the euphemism for what was about to come!

[To be continued]
[More Silver Fox and much more stories on Patreon:]
If you guys enjoy this story, I can do like I've been doing with some of my other works on this website and post the following chapters weekly!

Let me know if you'd be interested in reading more from our SILVER FOX.
Definitely interested!
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Chapter 2: Going viral 101 (Part 1)

Becoming a viral sensation online is an experience pretty difficult to describe... or to process.

It is as if your entire life changes in the span of a few hours, and at the same time, nothing really is different.

It was not like I was being recognized in the streets, suddenly answering interviews, or making money.

I was not "famous" per say, but hundreds of thousands of people were commenting my appearance on social media.

Forums threads opened to try identifying me; the viral clip was edited many times to focus alternatively on my bulge, my bushy armpits, or my pecs; people were joking about buying my drenched-with-sweat tank top... Or were they joking?

I did not think that my body looked that good but apparently, I was a 10 out of 10 in their books.

"Dad bod at its very best!" Said one comment.

I had downloaded TikTok and created an account to check if any hot chick reacting to the video was catching my eye, but I ended-up spending an entire afternoon reading the comments of gay men lusting (or thirsting, as they would say) over me.

I learned a lot in a few hours.

Until then, I had never heard about the concept of gooning. But it appeared very clearly that many guys were gooning all over my video.

I saw a few clips of twinks (another word I discovered that day) wanking off, fingering, or dildoing themselves watching the notorious clip.

Some of these men could do things with their assholes I did not even think were possible. Did you know that a well-trained male butt hole can stretch to incredible length?!

Strangely, I was not too weirded out by it.

On the contrary, I was proud of the effect I had on these horny guys.

Without even trying, I had turned them on. They thought of me as the ultimate fantasy.

They wanted to be man-handled by my worker's hands.

They were praising my physique, my firm muscles despite being in my late forties, my manly attitude, even down to my salt and pepper hair.

I am not going to lie, this felt good to read.

Life had beat me down so many times and it felt like karma was finally hitting right. Those strangers were feeding my ego and that was making my fat dick rise to the fullest.

Who knew that "likes" could do that to your libido?

I thought about my bitch of an ex-wife, when she would stumble on the video and realize what she was missing with her white-collar husband.

I bet the lawyer's cock was half my size and that he could not use it properly!

I also vividly remembered the way I had freaked out when I had caught my first grey hair, thinking that my life as a quote-on-quote "attractive man" was over.

I was too old to seduce anyone... That was some bullshit I had been telling myself!

But my best personal revenge was probably to see Nick desperately trying to emulate the same viral moment on site.

To imitate me, he had let go of the silly dances to record himself working instead.

Not that he was working any more than before, it was only for show.

He could not let go of his phone (it was even worse now), and he had filmed maybe 50 shirtless clips to pick the best one to post.

In many of them, he was doing exactly as I had done: wringing the sweat out of his top, trying to act all macho and manly.

What an idiot.

Sure, he looked fit and he was a cute fella, but he did not get it. He was a jock in a world where people were eager for a beefy daddy!

His videos did well in the context of his page but none reached the level of the clip featuring me, which had reached nearly one million views at this point.

Yes, you read that right, one freaking million.

I admit, I had also become somewhat obsessed with the numbers, comparing my brand-new account SilverFox's stats to FreshNick's numbers.

I had been making fun of the Gen Z for so long and now, I was the one refreshing the app every thirty seconds until the moment I would pass Nick in terms of followers.

Rather pathetic, I am aware.

To be fair, it is sort of addictive to see the numbers grow, and it can get quite disappointing when you realize that it slows down.

In today's world, one viral clip is quickly replaced by the other, and three days after I had had my big moment, the excitement was already dying down.

Nick was persisting in posting the same videos over and over again but I had done nothing to really cultivate my sudden, - and very flimsy -, fame.

"What did you think, man? That the video would remain on top of the algorithm forever?" Jimmy mocked me at work.

"Of course not. It's just odd to gain so many new subscribers one day and then, barely none the next one."

"Why people should follow your TikTok? You don't post shit."

"Damn, I simply wished I had passed Nick's numbers of followers before it was over! I was so close. It'd have shut his sassy mouth for good."

"Yes, but he keeps growing because he keeps posting."

I hated myself for doing this but at the same time, it was way too frustrating to stop there.

What else did I have to do anyway? I was living by myself and I did not have any hobby aside from fucking pussies and working-out.

When I came back home, I took a shower and looking at myself in the mirror, I thought it would not hurt to post a quick video, if only to thank the people who had supported me and to confirm this was my actual account.

A bunch of fake pages had been created, pretending they were me. Can you believe that? Noone could ever replace Silver Fox!

Anyway, I wrapped a towel around my waist but I only filmed my upper body.

My chest was wet because of the shower so I thought it would be a fitting follow-up to the sweaty rooftop's video.

"Hey guys, just wanted to confirm that this is my real page. Thank you everyone for the love and kind comments. I appreciate it!"

The message was a bit cringy, especially as the large majority of the comments I was getting were not kind but overly sexual, but eh, I was genuinely grateful for the ego boost that they had brought me.

Besides, the clip did work!

I received a lot of engagements right away and people seemed to dig it, well, to dig me.

"Wet Silver Fox is back at it again, guys!"

"Were you naked filming this video? Please say yes!"

"Hottest Daddy on the Internet!"

"I don't give him two days before opening a FansVips."

Here they were again, with the FansVips' page. Half of the private messages I was getting was to get a link to my x-rated private platform.

I had none.

I would not even know where to start with this shit.

Even though I was having fun toying with my sudden celebrity and getting Nick all riled up, I was not taking it that seriously or considering whatever was happening to me as a getaway to a potential "career".

Why would that even mean?

I loved to bang chicks and I was packing a massive dick between my legs, but come on, I was not a pornstar!

For the most part, I was still very much focused on my construction work and on the gym.

I guess that the recent events had played a role in making me hit the gym even harder.

It felt nice to be desired and I wanted to keep this trend going.

I kept on posting videos regularly, trying to keep it real, and eventually, a week after the first video, I did pass Nick's number of followers.

The dude was gutted and trust me, I rubbed it in his face when it happened.

"Looks like I'm the next social media star, FreshNick!" I teased him.

"Come on, you're only buzzing because of me."

"You're right. I should thank you for that. You've helped me so much!"

Knowing that he had played a large part in the followership I was gaining was driving Nick mad. He was containing himself not to snap back and Jimmy was laughing his ass off on the side.

Those were fun times!

That being said, the frenzy had definitely slowed down and managing my account became something close to a routine.

I noticed a few regulars among my followers, liking and commenting every single post.

Logan, Jimmy's wife's cousin, was one of them.

It made sense since he was the only gay man I knew in real life.

We started DMing and texting each other, I thought it was a good way to have an honest opinion regarding what I was posting out there.

Let's be real, I was definitely targeting a gay audience and it became clear that even the few women who were trying to turn me on were catfishes wanting to trick me for free nudes.

I have to thank Logan for this also; He was the one warning me that this could happen and that I should triple-check every girl's profile by asking live video-calls before doing anything.

Logan was quite knowledgeable in social media and especially in how to get the gays' attention.

On the plus side, he was way less smug about it than Nick!

Logan actually had to visit his cousin (Jimmy's wife) the following week-end and he suggested we could see each other in one of his messages.

I invited him at my place.

Jimmy was supposed to come too but he had a last-minute impediment with his daughter getting sick.

"Sorry about that, Bruce. You're sure it won't be weird for Logan to come without me?" He asked me over the phone.

I do not think that Jimmy knew that Logan and I were talking that much.

"Nah, I like the guy. We'll have a drink! That's fine."

And indeed, we had a drink.

We chatted for a couple of minutes about our jobs, - Logan was also working outside, mostly in landscaping and gardening works, and we were both complaining about the current heatwave -, but the conversation quickly moved to my hit video and how I was running my social media.

"I started with a bang but things are slowing down..." I admitted.

My most recent video had been my least viewed to date.

"Don't beat yourself up. You're still getting a decent number of views per video, especially for a week-old page."

"You think?"

"Yeah, it's just that people have seen your chest already, they love it, but you should find another angle if you want to go viral again. Mix things up!"

I had tasted the feeling of "going viral", but I did not have the time to appreciate what had been happening that it was already over.

Call me a damn narcissist or simply a dumbass, but yes, I wanted to be able to fully embrace it.

"What do you mean, mixing things up?"

"There are thousands of guys showing off on social media and they all struggle to get noticed. You've been noticed, that's a damn miracle, you should take advantage of this to broaden your horizons."

"I cannot dance or do any stupid shit like that! I'm a grown ass man!"

Logan smiled.

"No doubt about that. And this is exactly why people love you. I'm just saying, being shirtless is okay, but it's not really provocative or sexy as the initial video recorded by Nick was."

"That was provocative?"

"Yeah! You were outside, in public, all oiled-up, your top was drenched with warm sweat... It was screaming sex!"


By the look on Logan's face, it was pretty clear that he had found the footage very sexual himself.

"You should do something really hot again, just try to make it different."

"Dude, I don't know..."

"Look, I've been thinking... Remember when we were at the gym together?"

I did remember but if he was referring to the moment where I pretty much put myself on display for him in the locker-rooms, there was no way I was going to do that online!

I mean, this would not fly under the TikTok's guidelines anyway... Right?

"I do. What about it?"

"You were wearing those short shorts. Correct?"

"Yeah, it was legs' day. What was I supposed to wear?"

"Those were looking very good on you, I bet you could make some waves online if you film yourself working-out in those."


"Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."

His eyes stopped at my crotch for a split second before he pulled himself together and looked back up at my face.

I thought about it.

That did not seem too sexual for me, I was wearing those shorts all the time. No big deal. But again, maybe I was not realizing the effect it could have on people.

Gay guys had odd taste, I supposed.

I looked at my stats and realized that freaking Nick was about to overtake me again!

The boy was relentless, he had been posting content all day long.

That was enough to convince me to move forward.

"Let's try this, then! You don't mind filming me?"

Logan seemed surprised by the offer.

I only then considered that he might actually very much enjoy it.

"Happy to help." He replied, faking to be casual.

"I'll put the shorts on and I'll do my pull ups in the door way. Sounds good?"

"Yes, that's fine."

It was the first time that I was thinking one of those videos ahead and faking the authenticity.

I felt a bit silly.

I mean, working-out was something that I was doing at home every single day. I could as well be recorded while doing it? Nothing weird about that.

I went to my bedroom while Logan stayed in the living-room and I grabbed my smallest pair of gym shorts.

They were of a light grey colour and I had been wearing those for ages. They were made of a loose fabric but with my thighs and bum having gotten bigger, the shorts were now a bit too tight.

I was wearing underwear but I pulled them off since I was usually wearing the shorts commando, they had this sort of a fishnet pouch inside of them to hold the goods.

[Chapter 2 continues below]

Chapter 2: Going viral 101 (Part 2)

Buck naked, I realized that since I was about to shoot a video, I should maybe put my boxer briefs back on as my bulge was outrageously showing in the shorts.

Okay, I was clearly dumb, because this was only right then, with the pair of underwear in my hands and the nylon shorts in the other, that I realized that this was the whole point!

I yelled through the walls.

"You filthy, sneaky, freaky, man!"


Thinking about it, I did not actually care that Logan could see me naked, he had already gotten a very close look before anyway.

I walked into the living-room, my big fat dick bouncing between my legs.

I was stark naked from the waist down, only wearing my tank-top.

"You want to see my bulge, do you?" I challenged him.

Logan's eyes widened.

He seemed to be freaking out all of the sudden.

"No... I... This is not what you think... Bruce, this is simply to..." He blurted out.

I burst out laughing.

"That's okay! I'm just messing with you, pal. But you could have told me so already. No need to beat around the bush, the literal bush." I ran my fingers through my pubic hair. "Is bulge even acceptable on that app?"

He was stunned.

"There are some restrictions... I... Well... People find ways around it... As long as it is not too... Too obscene." He blurted out.

This time around, he could no longer stop glancing at my fat cock.

I did not blame him; I had provoked the man on purpose.

I just thought that it was funny to barge in like that, - dick and balls out -, and since Logan was about to help me out, maybe he deserved some special treat, a cheeky eye candy.

It was not like I was shy or modest anyway!

I could not care less, if anything, I was happy that he would fantasize over me.

"No underwear then?" I asked him.

"It's your call... Depends if you're usually wear some with these shorts."

I grinned.

"You're a clever man, Logan. You're very much aware that I don't."

I slipped in the shorts in front of him, - commando -, and at this point, he was no longer making any effort not to stare.

After the move I had pulled on him in the locker rooms a few weeks earlier, that was only fair not to pretend like I did not want him to watch.

"That does look good." He commented when I had the shorts on.

"Nice. Should you record me now? I'm in the mood for some exercises."

"Take the top off."

I was a bit startled as this sounded almost like a command.

Logan corrected himself immediately.

"You should take the top off, this would help a lot making the video go viral."

"I bet." I replied.

I peeled off the top and I was only in my shorts.

"Definitely a vibe." Logan spoke.

I had not planned for this to happen when inviting him over, especially as I thought that Jimmy would be there as well, but I did have the idea of using Logan to understand how to improve my content so, in the end, doing this was not too surprising.

"Take my phone and hit record, let's go!"

I jumped and made my cock bounce in my shorts before grabbing the handles of the bar I had installed in my doorway.

Poor Logan was like mesmerized by the sight!

And by the sight, I mean, by me. My muscular dad body, my chest hair, my big thighs, the piece of veiny meat dangling in my shorts...

I needed him to focus though, the camera should not be shaking.

"I'm pressing play." He warned me, as I began my series of pull ups.

Once I was in my working-out mood, it was easy to ignore the gay dude filming me in my living-room and to focus solely on my routine.

I guess that this was the attitude which was needed for the clip to look sincere and authentic.

I was not doing jumping jacks so it was not like my bulge was moving inside my shorts too much, still, I bet that it was quite visible.

"Not too obscene?" I asked, re-using Logan's words, when I was done with my set.

"No... I... I think it's perfect."

"Great. I should complete my other sets while I'm at it, want to join me and make this an actual work-out session?"

Logan was very much into fitness himself, just like his wife's cousin.

"Maybe I should just keep filming so you have more content to choose from?"

I winked at him.

"Sure. Why not?"

We were using the pretence of getting some content out there but it was getting obvious that Logan only wanted to see more of the Silver Fox' show.

We were both aware of it and I think, both fine with that.

As I kept exercising, I tried to vary the positions and Logan seemed to get increasingly happy with the footage... His satisfaction showed in his tight pants if you know what I mean.

He filmed me from behind and even allowed himself a comment about my "juicy" ass.

The sweat dripping on my body was also getting pretty out of control but I (correctly) assumed that the targeted audience would love that.

"Wait, hold the bar, right up there." Logan intervened.

I extended my arm and held on to the thing but when I moved to do another pull up, he stopped me.

"No, don't move... Just... Stay there, like that, with your arm in the air."

"What the hell are you doing, filming my armpits?!"


I burst out laughing.

"Come on, that's enough." I ended-up saying.

He stopped recording and he looked at the phone.

"That last video though, that's the one you should post."

"Sorry mate, but there's no way I can redo this bit with the armpits, and being serious while making that pose. It's just too funny to me."

"No, I didn't mean to reshoot it! I think you should use the video the way it has just been recorded. With you, making fun of me for filming your armpits."


"Yes, look at it. You're hot as fuck right now. And people want the genuine authentic reaction."

He showed me the video.

I had not realized how much of myself I was showing off.

My shorts had slid down below my waist and you could almost see some glimpse of my pubic hair, - maybe I should have trimmed that bush, I thought -, my entire chest was wet with sweat, my hair and my trimmed beard were glistening, and indeed, I had my arm flexed in the air, displaying my biceps and armpits.

Deviating the attention from my arms, my cock was the other star of that clip.

Pressed against the wet fabric of my nylon shorts, my genitals were quite visible to the point where anyone could have told that I was uncut with that much foreskin showing through, and that I was what we call, a "shower".

Do not mind it, I was also a grower!

The video was seven-seconds long.

"Damn. I do look hot." That was my first reaction.

The clip started with a full-body shot, - from my head to my bare feet -, the camera was then moving towards me, focusing more and more on my armpits, I was grunting: "What the hell are you doing, filming my armpits?!"; the voice behind the camera was replying "Yes."; I was laughing, and the video cut as one could hear me say: "Come on, that's enough."

Logan chuckled.

"See, I've told you. Steamy as fuck! Genuine content but with some spice."

"So, I just post it like that, unedited?"

"Yeap. Use a caption like, when my buddy harasses me during my gym workout."

I grinned.

"Dude, if this goes viral, I'll fucking make you my manager cause this is non-sense to me."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm no professional so I'm not sure. I'm just telling you about what I personally like to watch and what I see on my feed every day."

"You'd like to watch me, then? Eh?"

"And you like to show off so I guess we make a great team. Right?" He snapped back at me.

"That's fair."

I checked my account; I had gained only a couple of followers in the last hour. I also checked on Nick's page; we were almost tie in number of followers.

"I should go, Bruce. Jimmy and Doreen are probably waiting for me." Logan told, picking up his bag.

"You're sure you don't wanna grab one last beer before leaving?"

I felt bad.

I had used Logan for my silly content instead of actually spending some friendly time.

Maybe I was really becoming like those Gen Z pricks: selfish, self-absorbed, only caring about my social media apps and the likes... Oh God, I hoped not.

"I'm sure, but thanks for the offer. Have a good one, mate. And you'll tell me how the video goes!"

"I bet you'll have it in your algorithm as soon as it'll be live!"

"That's probably true."

I hugged him, he did not seem to mind the sweaty bare chest, and he left.

I posted the video right away. There were supposed to be more adequate times to share content online, a strategy depending on the time zone of your audience, but I could not be bothered with all that crap.

At the end of the day, this could not be that serious.

I posted the video before hopping in the shower, looking at my body one last time and thinking that I had never been that much in shape.

At the very least, I had that going for me.

I consciously decided to stop picking up my phone during the evening as I could tell that I was getting too obsessed with these damn numbers.

I was not able to stay away from it for too long though, because it rang a couple hours later.

"I guess you owe me a job!" Logan was practically yelling over the phone.

He sounded quite excited.

"What are you talking about?"

I had, of course, completely forgotten my stupid remark about hiring him as my social media manager.

"Dude. Don't tell me you haven't seen the numbers! You were looking at your phone all afternoon."

"I know. I was becoming a bit too attached to this thing so I took a break."

"Well, that was a bad timing my friend!"

I checked on the app all the while talking to Logan.

"GOOD. FUCKING. LORD." I shouted.


"One million views, in two hours. What the actual fuck, man?! That cannot be real!"

"It is! We've found the magical formula to make you go viral!"

"Man, you're a genius, I doubled my number of followers, I'll be at 100K so fucking soon. And the stats of the video, it's so much more than the first clip."

I was floored.

The numbers kept growing so fast.

I had been impressed with the turn-out of the rooftop video but this was already exceeding it.

"Yeap... To tell the truth, I didn't know I was this good at it, myself."

"I cannot believe it; the comments don't stop coming."

I was looking at my own bulge and armpits on repeat.

"I know, dude, you really should make money out of this now. Going viral once can be random, but this, this is not random, this is becoming a serious deal."

"That's insane!" That was Jimmy's voice on the phone. "You're a super star, Bruce!"

They were on speakers.

"Guys, you think?"

"Silver Fox, if you play your cards right, you're gonna be freaking rich!" Logan exclaimed.

"And I want to be the first one invited in your mansion!" Jimmy added, cracking jokes as usual.

"That's a damn promise. You're both my guests!"

We all laughed about it and they hung up the phone. It was dinner time.

I put my phone down.

It was time to seriously consider this.

[To be continued]
[More Silver Fox and much more stories on Patreon:]

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Chapter 3: Stinky large feet and bushy armpits (Part 1)

Could I really make money out of my viral moment(s)?

The video in my gym shorts had exceeded all expectations and I was definitely having another momentum online.

In fact, it was much more hectic than the first clip on the roof.

I was earning thousands of new followers every single hour; I could no longer keep up with the comments; I had countless of guys asking me for a link to my FansVips in my DMs; My videos were shared everywhere on social media (most of the times, without any credit); And I had even been recognized once at the gym!

I caught a twink discreetly snapping a picture of me as I was lifting some weights.

When I came up to him, he admitted that he had seen me online and could not believe that I was working out at his gym.

Jimmy was impressed... and a little worried, especially as the twink was seemingly following us wherever we were exercising.

"Man, you're actually famous. Be careful that those guys don't snap pictures of you in the communal showers." He told me as we were heading back to the locker-rooms.

I looked around us.

"Hell, I'm not going to control my every move." I replied, struggling to remove the tank top glued to my chest.

Who cared if my nudes were leaking online? At my age and in my circumstances, I was fine with how I looked and comfortable with nudity.

"I guess..."

Jimmy was getting naked as well.

The 34 years-old had an incredible body.

He was sporting firm muscles, great legs and biceps, six-pack abs, but he was quite lacking on the dick department (compared to me), and he was trimming his body hair a bit too much in my opinion.

He told me that it was for enhancing the definition of his muscles but I had always found it odd.

A man should have hair on his body, right?

"You know, Jim, you could post videos of yourself too. I'm sure you'll get pretty famous soon enough."

"I'm not sure... Look at Nick. He's nowhere near you when it comes to followers and he's very fit."

This was always nice to hear, that I was doing better than the little brat at work.

I was casually soaping my large junks as we kept talking.

"Yes, but the dude is 19, people like more mature guys. And you're a daddy yourself, well, an actual one! I'm telling you; you could smash it on TikTok."

He chuckled.

"That's the problem, man. I'm an actual daddy! Doreen would literally kill me if I was posting thirst traps all over the Internet."

"Damn... I always forget that everyone is not as free as I am. Sorry for your loss, man, enjoy the boring family life."

He slapped my ass playfully.

Jimmy and I had been work and gym buddies for years by this point, and we were used to horse around naked in the locker-rooms or in the showers.

This was no big deal at all.

"Hey! Do you know how many guys would pay to slap that fat ass?" I joked, pretending to arch my back even more.

"I know! I've seen some of the comments on your page too. Are you going to open a FansVips? Logan thinks you could make a lot of money and he knows his stuff."

"I've started to do some research about it. I don't know though. I'm not a pornstar."

"I get that. Logan says you don't have to fuck on there, but that seems fishy anyway."

The truth was, I was torn.

The news article I had read about FansVips went from people making millions a year sharing nude pictures and sex-tapes online, to politicians alarmed by 18 years old girls opening an account as soon as they were of legal age.

Not even talking about the horror stories I had stumbled across of young guys hoping they would get rich showing some skin, and regretting to have ever shared their intimacy online a few years afterwards, because of the unavoidable leaks and permanent stain on their image.

That is the thing with the Internet. It never forgets.

That being said, I was old enough to make my own decisions and take my risks.

I did not have any family to worry about and I had been exhausting myself at a tenuous job for nearly 30 years of my life.

Not to mention that my financial situation was very precarious and even for a few hundred dollars per month, it could be worth it...

In the end, more than the potential implications on my life, it was mainly my awkwardness with social medial and new technology which was preventing me from opening a FansVips account.

I simply did not get it.

What was I supposed to post? When? How frequently? How was I supposed to make people pay for this? How was I expected to pay taxes out of those revenues? How much money could I really hope making?

I was not against the idea of showing off for cash but it seemed like too much trouble to worth the hustle.

For the time being, I was happy with gaining followers on my free social media platforms, and scrolling through my comments and DMs for some ego-boost.

I was now much more popular than Nick and this was a victory all in itself!

My first financial opportunity occurred a couple of weeks after the initial viral video. By then, I had gotten somewhat accustomed to managing my (flirtatious) chats.

I was going through my messages and a funny one caught my attention.

"How much to see your stinky large feet and bushy armpits up-close on video?"

I chuckled and clicked to read more, but there was nothing more.

The message was dated for more than three days prior when I read it, - my inbox, just like my balls, was quite full -, and surprisingly, it was attached to the profile of a man about my age (maybe even slightly older) who looked perfectly normal.

Well, aside from being seemingly loaded with money!

Klaus Wagner was German, wearing fancy business suits on his Instagram posts, and he was apparently working at a top management position in a European bank.

He was mostly sharing political and financial news on his feed.

And that dude wanted to see my feet!

The Internet really was an odd place.

And how did he know that my feet were stinky anyway? I mean, he was not wrong but I had never shared such information about me anywhere.

I rarely answered to the hundreds of dirty messages I was getting. Since I knew that most women were catfishes, I was mostly staying away from engaging in conversations.

When I enjoyed someone's praising, I was, at most, liking the message to show my appreciation.

This time though, I was a little drunk, alone at home, and rather bored. It was either this or watching a porn movie.

"My feet smell like European cheese, but how do you know?"

I had written this message without thinking.

I did not really expect an answer or intend to pursue this ridiculous talk, but despite the time zone difference, Klaus was very quick to reply.

"I know my stuff and I can tell when a foot exudes a manly natural scent. You didn't answer my question though. How much to see them up-close and personal?"

Most people thirsting over me were younger guys and it was nice to see that I could appeal to gay men my age as well.

Any sort of attention was good for my ego.

I had no confirmation that Klaus was gay, - he actually seemed like he was married to a woman on his profile -, but I bet that he was not that straight if he was messaging me in the middle of the night for pics of my hairy feet.

For some reason, that thought made me hard.

Imagining a wealthy white-collar guy in his fancy apartment or loft, hiding from his wife to text me in the middle of the night, as he was fantasising over my sweaty wet pits... That was hot!

"I don't do this kind of things."

I wrote, after some hesitation.

This was just a little too weird for my taste.

"We've both lived long enough to know that everything and everyone has their price. What's yours?"

Damn, he was persistent... and he was not wrong.

At the very least, it was a nice change of pace from the guys harassing me with long messages only to get a free sneak-peak or to attempt a catfish.

I enjoyed that Klaus was straight to the point.

I was tempted but I had no idea what price would be considered right.

I decided to text Logan, he was the only one I could trust to advise me on this.

"Hey, Logan. I have this freak who wants to see custom-made videos of my feet and of my pits. I might give in this time. He says he has money and asks me for a price... What do you think?"

The reply was also quite immediate.

Logan was clearly obsessed with my recent fame.

Or maybe, he was just obsessed with me and my dad's body?

I did not know if his boyfriend, Bernardo, knew how much we were exchanging on a daily basis.

Is it considered cheating when you fantasize on a straight older man when you are gay and in a relationship, or is it just normal?

"First of, you're the freak. Second, be aware, he might be all talk and no money. Try him with 100$ for feet only, if he's still interested and goes through with payment, it means that Silver Fox Daddy may have found a sugar daddy for himself!"

I smiled reading the last sentence.

One hundred bucks for feet content, that sounded like an awful lot to me, especially in comparison to what I was making for a full day of work in construction.

Hell... The German banker was seemingly wealthy, right?

Go big or go home!

"100$ for a video of my feet. Just for you. You're in?"

I typed the words feeling like a whore.

Not a cheap one though. And frankly, showing my feet was no big deal. I was mainly surprised that anyone would be interested in that shit.

"Send me the link to the platform you want to be paid on."


No bargaining, no pushing back; Klaus seemed to be for real!

Once again, I asked Logan for a little help and soon enough, I had a way to receive some cash from this foreign donor on an app.

I sent him the link but I did not get any response for the following minutes.

[Chapter 3 continues below]

Chapter 3: Stinky large feet and bushy armpits (Part 2)

Arf, I thought. It could not have been that easy.

He was probably just another guy who liked to fantasize about the idea of Silver Fox, who wanted to talk directly with me, but who had no intention to back his intentions with real cash.

I was about to go to sleep when I received a notification on my phone.

100$ had been added to the app I was using.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, out loud.

Klaus had added a message with his donation.

"I value discretion and quality service. I hope I won't regret that investment."

I was quite stunned.

The feet fetishists I had heard so much about were real then! It was not a myth. And some of them were actually willing to pay good money for a peek!

I did not even notice my cock getting rock hard as I checked the amount received on the app.

The adrenaline and the three figures number had gotten me in the mood.

"Man, I've been working for 28 years. I know the value of money and I appreciate it. Let me send you a nice video."

I was totally genuine.

I had always despised people who were not serious about work, would not arrive on time, or would half-do the job intended. I had been required a service and I intended to perform it well.

How was I supposed to film my feet though? What was Klaus looking for exactly?

Thankfully, my first ever client sent me precise instructions.

"Good to hear. I want to see both the sole and the top of your feet. I have a saliva fetish so if you could spit on your toes as well, that would be perfect. I'm already hard."

Saliva fetish. I got that.

One of my favourite things to do was to have a woman suck my dick hard and deep until she would be drooling all over my junks and make everything super slippery.

Talking about my cock, Klaus was not the only one with a hard-on. It was now tenting at full mast in my underwear!

Maybe it was because of the sensation that I was doing something taboo?

I considered that it could not hurt if my third leg was also starring in the video.

I did not remove the boxer briefs I had on, but I rightfully thought that my outrageous bulge would be a nice added bonus.

I started filming and I would be lying if I did not admit that I felt a bit awkward.

I rubbed my feet against one another, becoming self-aware of the couple of black nails that I had, of the thick hair on my toes, - some were grey, some were dark -, and more generally, of the dirty aspect of my soles and poorly upkeeping of my feet.

I hoped that it was what those feet-freaks were looking for because clearly, I was not well pedicured and everything was pretty much "in its raw juice".

I recorded my feet in their natural state changing angles of the camera multiple times so Klaus would get a full show.

As requested, I spat some saliva between my toes to make them slimy.

That was definitely strange but not much of a problem for me. I was not one to be all precious about hygiene.

I was working outside all year long; my hands were often getting dirty and I was considering this more as a badge of honour than anything else.

I wriggled my toes playfully and I finished the clip with a quick shot of my (excited) crotch. You could see the stain of precum through the thin black fabric of my briefs.

The entire film lasted one minute and a half.

Not sure that I had the talent of Christopher Nolan or James Cameron but for what it was for, I supposed that I had done the job.

And indeed, Klaus seemed very pleased when I sent him the footage.

"That's some real manly feet. Wow. Thank you! What size are you?"

I smirked at my phone.

I was a size 11.5 but I thought I could round it up a little.

"Size 12. Massive and stinky. My feet are always sweating so I'm mostly walking around barefoot."

That was not a lie.

"Fuck, you make me so damn hard."

I bet I did!

To be fair, my cock was very much stiffed as well.

It was not only the money; it was mostly about my ego.

My dirty smelly feet were all this guy had ever wanted when my bitch of an ex-wife was always complaining of the "odour of cheese" anytime I would take my shoes off.

Finally, after decades of being an outsider, I felt appreciated. Fuck you, Karen!

I took another snapshot of my feet from above and sent it to him.

I did that for free, you have to reward the good paying clients, right?

"Take a good look at this and feel free to rub one out over my dirty feet."

I received a live picture of a hard cock (rather small to be honest) leaking on a not-so-flat stomach.

"Look what you do to me..." Klaus wrote.

Spontaneously, I started stroking my dick as well. Because, why not?

"What else do you like, aside from feet?"

"Chest hair, armpits... I'm a filthy man."

"This, I could tell. Wanna be smothered under my pit, Klaus?"

"God please, yes! I'm begging you!"

I was playing that business man like a fiddle. It was almost too easy!

"Send me another donation and I'll send you something nice... and filthy."

There were a few dots mark as if he was writing something but then it stopped and I did not receive any new message.

I did get a notification that 50$ had been added to my account less than a minute later.

Those were the easiest 150 bucks I had ever made in my life!

"Show me what you've got." Klaus wrote to me.

I was in the mood to get outside of my comfort zone.

I put my left hand behind my head to showcase my armpits, - for real, they stank! -, I held my phone with my right hand and filming up-close and personal, I spat in my bushy thick hair and even went as far as giving myself a lick.


Not as bad as I thought it would be though.

I knew that this would drive my client crazy and I was clearly getting a kick out of having him all horny and excited.

Just like I had done with my dirty feet, I recorded my hairy armpits under every possible angle, I contracted my biceps and I also took a big sniff, hearable on camera.

"Aaaaaah... Yes..."

As far as I could remember, I had never been attracted to other men but I did not mind the male's scent, especially not mine.

Well, I suppose it is quite universal that everyone enjoyed his own musk.

I had never been one to wear much anti-perspirant or perfume either. Another thing my ex-wife was bitching about... She really did not know what she was missing out on!

I sent the forty seconds video, eagerly waiting for Klaus' reactions.

As we say, sometimes, images speak louder than words. My new German friend sent me a live video of his ejaculation as he was intensely jerking off to my content.

"Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmm..." He was moaning like a slut.

He did not look like he was hiding in a bathroom or trying to be discreet.

From what I could tell from his surroundings, it appeared that Klaus was staying at an hotel that night. Probably a business trip.

The most likely hypothesis was that he had not managed to get an escort-boy to join him in his room and he was satisfying himself with virtual pleasure.

As an avid consumer of porn myself, I was not one to judge, especially when Klaus' freaky mind was paying my groceries for the entire week.

He nutted on his stomach and he showed his appreciation with another 20$ tips. Nice.

"Thank you, Silver Fox."

"The pleasure was all mine... Let's do this another time if you're game." I wrote.

Klaus did not reply to that last message.

That was the sad part about those digital encounters.

Once they had emptied their balls, many of those men were no longer interested in talking with me.

Some of them might even be regretting it, feeling bad for relapsing and falling back into their perverted patterns.

At the very least, this was what I imagined as I saw them disappearing from my feed... and then coming back.

It was a shame though. What was wrong with pleasuring yourself?

Klaus had been my first client, but he was certainly not the last.

Pumped by my experience with him, I practically spent the entire following night jerking off while looking for my next target(s).

As I had been warned by Logan, many (and certainly most) of the guys messaging were time wasters, fantasising about a hot daddy without having the means to purchase what I had to offer, but they were some actual buyers as well.

A few of them followed through and before the next day, I had sold three more videos of my feet for 30$ each, rounding up the total of my revenues at 260$!

Now, I had my answer, I could definitely make money out of this.

What surprised me the most was probably my own reactions to these kinky exchanges with other dudes.

Was I turning gay myself or some shit like that?

My cock was dripping all throughout and I even had to refrain myself from showing more to my clients.

It would have been a very bad marketing strategy to put it out all there right away, but trust me, as a 21 years-old college twink from Boston was dirty talking to me and praising my "amazing body", I was fucking ready to show him how big I really was.

"You look fantastic, Silver Fox, I want to be your sub. Please... I'll let you do anything you want with me."

"You would?"

"My body is all yours... Slap me, spit on me, choke me, fuck me..."

"You're such a freak for Daddy..."

"I'll suck you better than any other woman. I promise! Just give me a chance!"

"I am straight, boy."

"I'm begging. I need to feel your manhood deep inside of me, Silver Fox."

Admittedly, those words were turning me on a lot.

Between business and pleasure, I was not sure of how to go with that new hobby of mine.

In any case, I did jizz very hard, - the cum literally hit my eyes and such a blast had not happened in a very long time -, when said Boston twink, (his real name was Harry), sent me some live pictures and videos of his smooth juicy ass that he was hard-fingering.

The dude was ploughing three fingers deep inside his own hole.

Gay men knew how to have fun!

That guy did not even pay a cent. He had just entertained me with his dirty talk and his stretched pink asshole.

I sent him a blurry picture of my own cum dripping on my upper chest when I was done as a thank you.

For now, none of these men had seen my bare cock... But for how much longer would I resist the temptation to go further?

[To be continued]
[More Silver Fox and much more stories on Patreon:]

Chapter 3: Stinky large feet and bushy armpits (Part 2)

Arf, I thought. It could not have been that easy.

He was probably just another guy who liked to fantasize about the idea of Silver Fox, who wanted to talk directly with me, but who had no intention to back his intentions with real cash.

I was about to go to sleep when I received a notification on my phone.

100$ had been added to the app I was using.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, out loud.

Klaus had added a message with his donation.

"I value discretion and quality service. I hope I won't regret that investment."

I was quite stunned.

The feet fetishists I had heard so much about were real then! It was not a myth. And some of them were actually willing to pay good money for a peek!

I did not even notice my cock getting rock hard as I checked the amount received on the app.

The adrenaline and the three figures number had gotten me in the mood.

"Man, I've been working for 28 years. I know the value of money and I appreciate it. Let me send you a nice video."

I was totally genuine.

I had always despised people who were not serious about work, would not arrive on time, or would half-do the job intended. I had been required a service and I intended to perform it well.

How was I supposed to film my feet though? What was Klaus looking for exactly?

Thankfully, my first ever client sent me precise instructions.

"Good to hear. I want to see both the sole and the top of your feet. I have a saliva fetish so if you could spit on your toes as well, that would be perfect. I'm already hard."

Saliva fetish. I got that.

One of my favourite things to do was to have a woman suck my dick hard and deep until she would be drooling all over my junks and make everything super slippery.

Talking about my cock, Klaus was not the only one with a hard-on. It was now tenting at full mast in my underwear!

Maybe it was because of the sensation that I was doing something taboo?

I considered that it could not hurt if my third leg was also starring in the video.

I did not remove the boxer briefs I had on, but I rightfully thought that my outrageous bulge would be a nice added bonus.

I started filming and I would be lying if I did not admit that I felt a bit awkward.

I rubbed my feet against one another, becoming self-aware of the couple of black nails that I had, of the thick hair on my toes, - some were grey, some were dark -, and more generally, of the dirty aspect of my soles and poorly upkeeping of my feet.

I hoped that it was what those feet-freaks were looking for because clearly, I was not well pedicured and everything was pretty much "in its raw juice".

I recorded my feet in their natural state changing angles of the camera multiple times so Klaus would get a full show.

As requested, I spat some saliva between my toes to make them slimy.

That was definitely strange but not much of a problem for me. I was not one to be all precious about hygiene.

I was working outside all year long; my hands were often getting dirty and I was considering this more as a badge of honour than anything else.

I wriggled my toes playfully and I finished the clip with a quick shot of my (excited) crotch. You could see the stain of precum through the thin black fabric of my briefs.

The entire film lasted one minute and a half.

Not sure that I had the talent of Christopher Nolan or James Cameron but for what it was for, I supposed that I had done the job.

And indeed, Klaus seemed very pleased when I sent him the footage.

"That's some real manly feet. Wow. Thank you! What size are you?"

I smirked at my phone.

I was a size 11.5 but I thought I could round it up a little.

"Size 12. Massive and stinky. My feet are always sweating so I'm mostly walking around barefoot."

That was not a lie.

"Fuck, you make me so damn hard."

I bet I did!

To be fair, my cock was very much stiffed as well.

It was not only the money; it was mostly about my ego.

My dirty smelly feet were all this guy had ever wanted when my bitch of an ex-wife was always complaining of the "odour of cheese" anytime I would take my shoes off.

Finally, after decades of being an outsider, I felt appreciated. Fuck you, Karen!

I took another snapshot of my feet from above and sent it to him.

I did that for free, you have to reward the good paying clients, right?

"Take a good look at this and feel free to rub one out over my dirty feet."

I received a live picture of a hard cock (rather small to be honest) leaking on a not-so-flat stomach.

"Look what you do to me..." Klaus wrote.

Spontaneously, I started stroking my dick as well. Because, why not?

"What else do you like, aside from feet?"

"Chest hair, armpits... I'm a filthy man."

"This, I could tell. Wanna be smothered under my pit, Klaus?"

"God please, yes! I'm begging you!"

I was playing that business man like a fiddle. It was almost too easy!

"Send me another donation and I'll send you something nice... and filthy."

There were a few dots mark as if he was writing something but then it stopped and I did not receive any new message.

I did get a notification that 50$ had been added to my account less than a minute later.

Those were the easiest 150 bucks I had ever made in my life!

"Show me what you've got." Klaus wrote to me.

I was in the mood to get outside of my comfort zone.

I put my left hand behind my head to showcase my armpits, - for real, they stank! -, I held my phone with my right hand and filming up-close and personal, I spat in my bushy thick hair and even went as far as giving myself a lick.


Not as bad as I thought it would be though.

I knew that this would drive my client crazy and I was clearly getting a kick out of having him all horny and excited.

Just like I had done with my dirty feet, I recorded my hairy armpits under every possible angle, I contracted my biceps and I also took a big sniff, hearable on camera.

"Aaaaaah... Yes..."

As far as I could remember, I had never been attracted to other men but I did not mind the male's scent, especially not mine.

Well, I suppose it is quite universal that everyone enjoyed his own musk.

I had never been one to wear much anti-perspirant or perfume either. Another thing my ex-wife was bitching about... She really did not know what she was missing out on!

I sent the forty seconds video, eagerly waiting for Klaus' reactions.

As we say, sometimes, images speak louder than words. My new German friend sent me a live video of his ejaculation as he was intensely jerking off to my content.

"Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmm..." He was moaning like a slut.

He did not look like he was hiding in a bathroom or trying to be discreet.

From what I could tell from his surroundings, it appeared that Klaus was staying at an hotel that night. Probably a business trip.

The most likely hypothesis was that he had not managed to get an escort-boy to join him in his room and he was satisfying himself with virtual pleasure.

As an avid consumer of porn myself, I was not one to judge, especially when Klaus' freaky mind was paying my groceries for the entire week.

He nutted on his stomach and he showed his appreciation with another 20$ tips. Nice.

"Thank you, Silver Fox."

"The pleasure was all mine... Let's do this another time if you're game." I wrote.

Klaus did not reply to that last message.

That was the sad part about those digital encounters.

Once they had emptied their balls, many of those men were no longer interested in talking with me.

Some of them might even be regretting it, feeling bad for relapsing and falling back into their perverted patterns.

At the very least, this was what I imagined as I saw them disappearing from my feed... and then coming back.

It was a shame though. What was wrong with pleasuring yourself?

Klaus had been my first client, but he was certainly not the last.

Pumped by my experience with him, I practically spent the entire following night jerking off while looking for my next target(s).

As I had been warned by Logan, many (and certainly most) of the guys messaging were time wasters, fantasising about a hot daddy without having the means to purchase what I had to offer, but they were some actual buyers as well.

A few of them followed through and before the next day, I had sold three more videos of my feet for 30$ each, rounding up the total of my revenues at 260$!

Now, I had my answer, I could definitely make money out of this.

What surprised me the most was probably my own reactions to these kinky exchanges with other dudes.

Was I turning gay myself or some shit like that?

My cock was dripping all throughout and I even had to refrain myself from showing more to my clients.

It would have been a very bad marketing strategy to put it out all there right away, but trust me, as a 21 years-old college twink from Boston was dirty talking to me and praising my "amazing body", I was fucking ready to show him how big I really was.

"You look fantastic, Silver Fox, I want to be your sub. Please... I'll let you do anything you want with me."

"You would?"

"My body is all yours... Slap me, spit on me, choke me, fuck me..."

"You're such a freak for Daddy..."

"I'll suck you better than any other woman. I promise! Just give me a chance!"

"I am straight, boy."

"I'm begging. I need to feel your manhood deep inside of me, Silver Fox."

Admittedly, those words were turning me on a lot.

Between business and pleasure, I was not sure of how to go with that new hobby of mine.

In any case, I did jizz very hard, - the cum literally hit my eyes and such a blast had not happened in a very long time -, when said Boston twink, (his real name was Harry), sent me some live pictures and videos of his smooth juicy ass that he was hard-fingering.

The dude was ploughing three fingers deep inside his own hole.

Gay men knew how to have fun!

That guy did not even pay a cent. He had just entertained me with his dirty talk and his stretched pink asshole.

I sent him a blurry picture of my own cum dripping on my upper chest when I was done as a thank you.

For now, none of these men had seen my bare cock... But for how much longer would I resist the temptation to go further?

[To be continued]
[More Silver Fox and much more stories on Patreon:]
Can we see the image of him in a very skimpy white thong?
If you guys enjoy this story, I can do like I've been doing with some of my other works on this website and post the following chapters weekly!

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Chapter 4: The Sex Factor (Part 1)

The heatwave was still going strong and work was not getting any easier.

I believe that part of my frustration was coming from the fact that I was now realizing how much money I could make sending silly sexy videos online, compared to what I was making exhausting myself as a construction worker.

Nick was more unsufferable than ever now that I had become somewhat famous and our obnoxious boss, Mike Porter, was seemingly also getting jealous.

He had learned about my (sexy) activities online and for some unknown reason, he was bitter about my unexpected fame.

Those guys had been growing up with social media and they had been dreaming of becoming an "influencer", - whatever that word meant -, since they were teenagers.

Unfortunately for the young bucks, it was the 46 years-old Silver Fox who had taken the spotlights away from them.

On Monday morning, I was dreading spending yet another full week with Nick on a new worksite.

We had been commissioned to renovate a porch and redo the floor tiles of an entrance corridor of a suburban house.

For once, Nick was already there when I arrived.

He did not look as smug as usual.

"What happened to you? You fell off from your bed this morning?"

"Very funny, Bruce... Mike's dad called me yesterday. He scolded me like I was a freaking kid. Some bullshit that is. Do you have something to do with that?"

"The old Porter? No. I haven't talked with him since the day I left work early because of the heatwave."

Nick shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, looks like, he wants to oversee what Mike is doing with the company now... He's not really back but he's no longer goner either."

I did not say anything but that was good news for me.

The company was running much better, and my days were much less annoying, when Mike's dad was the one in charge.

Also, our current boss deserved a good humble pie served from his father.

I was glad.

The week was definitely starting on a brighter note since, as it turned out, the house we were working on was owned by a young gay couple, - they were rare where I lived in the middle of Kansas -, and they happened to know about me already.

Mitchell, a 28 years-old HR manager, was rather hysterical when he realized that I was the one appointed to do his house renovation.

"Jesus Christ! Only yesterday, I was joking with Louis that it would be so much fun to have someone looking like you doing our construction work... But it is actually you! Silver Fox! Unbelievable!"

"Well, I go by Bruce during office hours." I greeted him with a faint smile.

"You're really working in construction then, in our city?!"

I had met a couple of quote-on-quote "fans" of my videos in real life but those interactions remained very exceptional.

I was probably as surprised as he was, and Nick right beside me, looked gutted. I could have signed an autograph just to piss him off.

Definitely not a great day for my young coworker!

I put my hand on Mitchell's shoulder, being overly friendly.

"Of course, what did you think, that I was an actor or something? I'm just filming my daily life."

"Sincerely, yes! I did think you were a performer. I mean, I had no idea construction workers could look that nice in real life."

He took a good look at both Nick and I.

"For the record, I was the one shooting that first video which went viral." Nick added.

The little brat could not help himself.

"Amazing job with that one!" Mitchell replied enthusiastically, shaking Nick's hand. "And great post, yesterday!" He told directly at me.

I could have blushed.

The day before, I had posted one of my most daring videos yet.

In three weeks of playing the social media and thirst traps' game, I had never showed that much skin.

Right before going to bed, I had recorded myself wearing the tiniest and tightest white boxer briefs, - a gift from one of my foot fetishists -, as I was doing the dishes.

My cock was bouncing in the practically see-through underwear while I was washing cutlery.

For now, the video had survived the community's guidelines but Logan had warned me that it might be taken down for being too salacious.

Another reason to open a FansVips account.

"Thanks, man. I'm just having fun with it; I'm not taking this too seriously."

"People like the authenticity!"

Mitchell was eating me up with his gaze.

I let him.

"I'll try to keep it real then."

"You do you, Silver Fox! And I follow you as well." Mitchell specified to Nick who was fading into the background.

That woke him up instantly.

"Really? Thanks! I appreciate the support and all my fans."

Being acknowledged and appreciated seemed to put Nick in a much better mood.

He awkwardly moved his arm behind his head to be in a position where he was casually flexing his pumped biceps.

What an idiot, I thought.

Now, this was all fun and games, but we did have some actual work to get to.

"Should we get started with the task at hand?" I suggested.

"Of course, sorry... Come on in, guys. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable bringing up the videos. I was just very surprised, that's all."

"Don't sweat it. We both appreciate our followers, but let's get down to the actual work."

I frankly smiled at Mitchell and after that unexpected introduction, we did get to visit the corridor we were supposed to work on.

I should mention that a large painting of a bare ass (a male one) in black and white was dominating much of the décor.

I suppose this was setting up the tone...

Maybe it was my imagination, but I felt like Mitchell was hanging around much more than our usual clients who normally preferred to do their own things once we were in their homes.

He kept on checking on us to propose a cold drink, or to ask if we did not need anything.

For many tasks, we had to be bending over the floor and I bet that Mitchell was very much enjoying the view.

I could not blame him.

Even I, could recognize that Nick's peachy bubble ass looked smooth in that suggestive position.

Overall, the day went rather uneventfully and, in the end, it had been one of my best work-shift in months.

Mitchell's husband, Louis, came back from his office job at 5:30 pm and he did not seem too happy that two hunky guys, including Silver Fox in person, had spent the entire day with his man.

He greeted us politely but he did glance at Nick and I suspiciously.

There was more to come though...

I was curious when I went back home and scrolling through my messages, I had the confirmation of what I was suspecting.

Mitchell not only was following me but he had already sent a few messages my way on Instagram.

In fact, he had tried to contact me four different times in the course of the past couple of weeks.

"FansVips link?"

"Hey Silver Fox, great content!"

"I love your last video, big daddy! I'd love to smell those pits myself!"

"Any way to buy sexier content from you at a reasonable price? Do you do meet-ups in real life?"

I did not remember reading any of those DMs, - I was getting too many of them -, but I guess I did not reply because of the "reasonable price" comment.

For now, I was only taking care of the potential clients who appeared to be ready to pay me quickly, and to pay me well.

In this regard, submissive and foot freaks were my best buyers.

There were some guys who were getting turned on solely by sending money my way. Logan told me it was called findom, short for financial domination.

Can you believe that?

Some people want you to bully them until they are completely broke. They are not even asking for specific videos; they just want you to ruin them!

I was a bit uncomfortable with that specific concept but I was happy with selling foot fetish content at a high price.

One of the top adult stars in the country, Carlos Sanchez had had his start by doing the exact same thing and he was now a multi-millionaire.

I was not sure that I wanted to follow his path though.

Carlos had recently been named Adult Male Performer of the Year after taking two huge cocks in his wrecked asshole simultaneously! Ouch!

Yes, I was following his page now. Just to see how the potential competition was doing. Nothing gay about that.

Anyway, I almost replied to Mitchell's unanswered messages before deciding against it.

That would be unprofessional and I knew better than mixing my actual work with whatever I was doing online.

Besides, Klaus was back, asking for a brand-new video so I had another client to satisfy that evening.

This time around, my favourite German sub wanted me to send him clips of some intense flexing in front of my mirror, as well as more feet and saliva footage.

In total, I had reached 1000$ with selling content like this one. I was not rich but it was pretty good in just a few days.

Although, to be fair, Klaus was responsible for more than half of this total amount. The generous buyers who were not asking for actual porn and nudity remained rare.

I went back to the worksite the next morning and only then, I understood that it would be difficult to quote-on-quote "stay professional".

I sensed a shift in the air as soon as I had set foot in the house.

Mitchell welcomed us in just a loosely closed silk bathrobe, - you could practically see his junks -, and Nick, - who was surprisingly already there and working when I arrived -, was wearing the most ludicrous work outfit.

He had a shameless sleeveless singlet on, the kind which let you display your pecs and even your nipples, and some tiny nylon shorts.

Really not ideal when you're supposed to be kneeling on concrete and tiles all day long...

I was wearing my usual work pants and a grey tank top. See, I had not gotten the memo that we were there to offer a private strip-show to our client!

The whole day was a joke but admittedly, I was also having a lot of fun with it.

Nick was doing the most to be the centre of attention and to please his first "real-life" fan, and seeing him trying this hard was simultaneously annoying and hilarious.

"Wanna help me record some videos I'll today?" He asked Mitchell.

Nick was posting a minimum of one video per day, but it could go up to five... or ten... or twenty.

The guy was relentless in becoming a social media star, and it had gotten much worse since I had gone viral.

I was not a great influencer myself as I was posting at most a single post every couple of days, but I was still getting much more followers and feedback than he was, which was driving Nick even crazier.

Here he was, arching his back like a perfect bottom to "fix tiles" as he was being filmed from behind by Mitchell, visibly hard under his silk robe.

"Really, man, this is how you work now?" I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Work still gets done!"

"I guess that's fair... You're still doing more than usual!"

Normally, he would spend half of his day "on break".

Our bickering seemed to amuse Mitchell very much.

It was pretty clear that he was finding Nick as ridiculous as I was, but the gay man was happy to indulge him.

However, once Nick went to take a break outside, it became obvious that I was his real target.

Mitchell was an HR consultant for a big cosmetic company, mostly working from home since the health crisis of 2020, and he kept on telling me how great of a model I would be for advertising campaigns.

"Older men are getting into cosmetic too, you'd be perfect to target this new audience."

"Really? I hardly think so."

"Why? Many mature men would identify themselves to you. And those salt and pepper hair, that's just a guaranteed hit!"

"I'm still very much surprised by the traction I'm getting. When I see how much Nick works hard to get there, I feel like a fraud sometimes." I admitted.

"Nick looks good but making your mark or becoming an online sensation is not really about that."

"What is it about then?"

"The X Factor. Or rather in your case, the Sex Factor!"

He had offered me a glass of water that I nearly spat out on his face.

"The Sex Factor?"

"I apologize if I'm being too upfront, but you must be aware of it, right? The manhood and sexuality exuding from you?"

"Frankly, no... I had never thought of me that way before."

"Even just right now, as we speak, as you're standing before me in your casual work outfit."

He scanned me from head to toes.

"I'm not doing anything!"

"And that's exactly it. It's the non-even trying part which makes all the difference."

"So, you find me hot, right now?" I asked, getting cheeky (and somewhat horny).

Sue me, he was clearly opening the door to some more filthy conversations!

There was no doubt that he was into me though; Mitchell was staring directly at my crotch and his hard-on had become unconcealable.

[Chapter 4 continues below]

Chapter 4: The Sex Factor (Part 2)

"Very hot, sir." He gulped.

I must really have been some sort of an exhibitionist inside because feeling this man's gaze on me was turning me on as well.

I could feel my cock getting hard under my jeans.

I was about to make a move, - but which move exactly? -, when Nick walked back into the house, now shirtless.

He had just posted a couple of videos recorded in the morning.

If only he knew that he was merely an appetizer when I was both the main course and the dessert for Mitchell!

That day, we left before Louis came back home, - which was probably a smart move given the sexual tension in the house -, and Mitchell had sent me another direct message on social media.

The fool had deleted the previous ones, unaware that I had already checked them the day before.

"Hi, Silver Fox. On this app, I should call you that way... Right? I just want to say that it's been very nice to have you around my home and I'd be very happy to show my satisfaction for your hard work with a tip."

I bit my lips.

Things were definitely slipping from being professional.

I had not done anything wrong though. If anything, it was Nick who had acted as a complete slut on the work place.

For the time being, I left the message unanswered.

Just to be clear, I was perfectly fine with Mitchell flirting with me.

Being praised, potentially receiving money for my body, and beating Nick's to the punch were all things I were very much into, but I did not want to cross some sort of a line as I was working.

No need to get fired over this.

That being said, I now had a clear plan B if I were to lose my job... A plan B which I was more and more seriously considering as my plan A.

With two more videos sent that night to two foreign buyers (one Swedish guy and one Canadian), I had made another $85.

I also posted a picture in my work clothes on my feed which received thousands of likes.

None came from Mitchell or from his partner Louis despite the fact that they were both following me.

By this point, it looked like they would rather remain discreet about lusting over the old Silver Fox.


Talking of the two of them, they were both present for our third day on site which led Nick and I to be much more focused on the work, and not talking so often with Mitchell.

He happened to have a lot of work meetings that day so he was locked in his bedroom, while Louis was occupying the home office.

Things only took a turn on the fourth day.

The renovations were advancing more or less according to plan and by noon, I asked Nick to take care of the work on the porch while I was finishing things up inside.

My colleague was certainly not the employee of the month but he knew better than not listening to me when I was giving him a direct task to perform.

Mostly, it was his cocky attitude which was getting to my nerves, but he was not so bad at it when he was actually working.

Anyway, it meant that I spent most of the afternoon alone in the corridor... on all fours.

We had not seen much of Mitchell during the morning but he appeared behind me around 2 PM. And when I say behind me, I mean that quite literally.

Out of nowhere, I felt his shadow towering over me.

"Nice..." He commented.

I was pretty sure he was not talking about the tiles but I pretended otherwise.

I stood up and looked down at the nearly finished floor-tiles plan.

"Looking nice indeed."

"Applies to both the worker and the work."

This time around, Mitchell was clearly twisting his head to stare at my bum.

I had been complimented many times about my body, my bulge, my feet, or my pits, but not so much about my ass that I was rarely showing on video.

Once again, it was something I did not think could really be attractive to anyone.

My ass was rather fat to say the truth, quite hairy, and I had clearly lost some of its firmness with age. No matter how many times I was squatting at the gym.

I mean, who still got a tight bubble butt like Nick when nearing 50?

I was not too startled by the comment though.

As you know, I enjoyed the ego boost very much and I was sort of expecting something like this coming from Mitchell.

Besides, he was not done.

He pulled a one-hundred dollars bill from his back pocket and shoved it into my jeans. Not in my pockets though, just as if I was a stripper, he shoved the bill between the waistband of my pants and my bare skin.

This, I admit, surprised me a little.

Especially the flimsy, -- but very real -, contact between his fingers and my groin. It sent sparks in my body.

Natural reaction when a man is touched in that area.

"What is this about?" I grunted.

"Sorry... Was I going too far?"

I chuckled.

"I mean, I'll keep the 100 bucks, thanks."

Mitchell smiled at me, reassured.

"I just thought you deserved some tips for such an incredible work, especially when it is being done with such a view. Do you... Do you mind if I keep watching?"

If I minded?

Freaking Hell, if only he knew that I was feeding myself off on this crap!

It is hard to explain and certainly might sound odd to some, but what can I say? I loved being watched and appreciated. And seeing how much money this guy was really to give for some eye candy, that was just hot.

"Please do... This is your own home and I'm not shy in front of an audience."

Mitchell was definitely pleased with that answer.

Nick was outside, and Louis was not home. We had the house for ourselves.

I got back on all fours to fix some joints and Mitchell took a few steps back to take all the eye candy in.

I was a naughty man. Probably much naughtier than my client thought I was. I purposely lowered my jeans and arched down so he would get a better view of the "Builder's cleavage".

I felt the slight breeze in my ass crack and I knew that I had reached my goal.

The hairy top of my crack was visible and Mitchell was certainly going crazy over this.

As far as I could tell, he never fetched his dick out of his pants to jerk off. I sort of wished that he had.

For 100, he deserved at least to enjoy himself!

Nick made a few back and forth in the house and I am not sure if he noticed anything weird or not.

By now, he had figured that Mitchell was much more interested in me than he was in him. He had given up the fight for attention, returning to work in more normal clothes.

That being said, I believe that Nick behaved well mostly because he had to go early.

He asked me to leave at 4 pm, when we were supposed to leave the job at 5:30.

"Please, don't tell the Porters about this, I really need to go..."

I did not even ask him why. He would have lied to me anyway. It was probably about a pussy he wanted to snatch somewhere in town.

Frankly, I was just glad to get rid of him.

I did not need the little brat to witness whatever was going on between our client and I.

"Go... You've done a good work today; I won't say a word."

"Thanks Bruce, you're real bro!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay... Whatever. Just leave, idiot."

By this point, Mitchell had returned to the home office to get some work done for his company but I was itching for a bit of fun.

I hesitated for a few minutes before letting go of my trowel and walking down to his office.

I put my ear against the door to check if he was talking on the phone or in a video call. It did not seem like it, so I knocked.

At worse, I could find an excuse of needing his opinion on something regarding the renovations.

When he opened the door, I realized right away that Mitchell was not working. His face was red, his hands were sweaty, his shirt were poorly tucked inside his pants.

That man was for sure stroking his meat when I interrupted him!

Perfect... He was exactly as I wanted him to be. Horny and ready to cum.

"Yes? Do... Do you need anything, Bruce?" He blurted out.

I smiled to my ears.

I felt naughtier than ever.

"I think you're the one who needs something from me, Mitch."

"What... What do you mean?"

I walked into the office and took my grey dirty tank-top off, exposing my hairy chest. He had praised my Sex Factor earlier, I wanted to give Mitchell a taste of my Wow Factor.

"Don't play stupid now, gimme some money and you'll get to take a big sniff out of this."

Mitchell's eyes widened in surprise.

Until that very point, I had not replied to any of his messages and I had done very little to show that I was willing to whore myself out to him.

I was very willing though; I had just been waiting for the proper moment.

"Damn... Bruce..."

I grabbed his chin.

"I'm not Bruce, right now. I'm Silver Fox!"

I was discovering stuff about myself as well, who would have thought I could have been so bold?!

Mitchell was stunned but he was clearly loving every second of this.

"How much do you want, Silver Fox?"

"I'll tell you what, man. I'll let you take a large sniff of my pits. And then, you'll decide what you think you should tip me for my day of hard-work. My level of sweat should reflect my commitment to my tasks. Right?"

He gulped and nodded yes.

I lifted my hand behind my head to give him an easy access to the Amazonian Forest which was my right armpit.

Tentatively at first, but then, way more straight to the point, he got his nose buried inside my bushy pit.

"Ahhhh..." He mumbled, while sniffing me like a dog.

He was rubbing his bulge through his pants at the same time.

I had never been that intimate with another man before. Things were definitely getting sexual... and raunchy.

"You like it?"

He let go of his bulge to put his hands all over my bare chest and caress me.

"Oh my God... So... So fucking amazing..."

He kept on smelling my scent, but he also stuck his tongue out to lick me off.

"Hmmm... Damn..."

That was another first.

When he bit my left nipple, I felt like things were getting slightly out of control.

I felt my dick throb in my pants, and admittedly, it did frighten me than a man servicing me could do that to my libido. Probably old prejudice coming back to me.

I should not have cared.

"That's enough." I stated calmy as he was going down and licking my stomach.

He moved away but I regretted immediately making him stop.

He was this close to be licking my cock.

I grabbed his hair and pulled the eager man back towards my chest.

Bad idea... At the exact same time, there was some noise in the house, - someone moving around -, and a guy yelled.


Louis was home!


Mitchell froze and he looked like he was about to faint, caught in the act, his tongue still lingering around my nipple.

"Damn!" He whispered.

I pushed him away, hurried to put my tank top back on and I practically ran out of the office, only to find Louis already in the main living space.

"Oh, you're here. I... I was looking for Mitchell." I pretended.

I was a mediocre actor.

Louis looked at me, perplexed.

"Looking for my husband? He's probably working in the office."

Could he tell that I was coming exactly from there?

I bet he could.

I mean, I had not thought this through. Both Mitchell and I had been caught by surprise and I freaked out.

"He is. I meant to go talk to him but I didn't dare to knock... He seemed to be working, I didn't want to bother him. I stayed behind the door but I wanted to let him know that my day was over, so..."

"If you day is over, what are you doing here?" Louis asked me, quite sternly.

I was crumbling down at every question.

"Exactly... I was just about to tell Mitchell I was leaving... I... See you tomorrow, we're almost finished here."

I practically ran away.

"Almost finished, right." Louis commented behind me.

I got into my pick-up truck thinking that it had been a close call, hoping that it was not that bad, before I realized that my tank top was on backwards.

"SHIT!" I shouted as I hit my wheel in frustration.

I had not been able to dress myself back properly!

Obviously, Louis knew.

[To be continued]