Photo Bubble Butts

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How do they go about getting rid of crack hair? I want a smooth ass but idk how to do it. Shaving? I HATE stubble. Waxing? Nair? What's the secret? Lol

Using an electric head clippers (with no plastic guard attached) or a smaller electric trimmer gets it very short and there is almost 0% bumps.

Some shave but that gives you stubble and can lead to tons of bumps.

I read on this tumblr of a guy who had an incredible smooth ass, (Not quite sure of the order) but his secret was that he shaves and then showers, and then he uses alcohol on cotton pads and wipes them over the areas that he shaved. (Not sure if they are acne wipes that come in a container or if he buys cotton pads pours alcohol on them manually)