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Feb 1, 7:15 AM

Nov 2011
What a revelation. Jolenta really evolved into a leader and someone who hopes to expose the church's corruption.

Also an interesting character study of Novak. I can't blame the guy for feeling despair after everything that happened to him and his family. Heliocentrism is still influential as ever in their world.
Feb 1, 7:47 AM

Feb 2019
So glad my baby Jolenta is alive and well. Good to have her back in the show leading the next gen. It’s basically she against her father which is poetic. Jolenta was wronged by the church and Nowak feels wronged by Heliocentrism. In reality, he was wronged by corrupt church officials who wanted to force him out and gain power themselves.. if only he knew.

“Love those with different beliefs” woah we got our first actual Christian! Incredible to me these people somehow read the New Testament and saw Christ dine with prostitutes and the least of society and thought that this was an acceptable way of dealing with people who have different views.

“When you reach a dead end, rethink your assumptions” man the way Nowak instantly cracked the HLF’s plans and next steps was insane. It’s crazy how stupid the other inquisitors are without him, no wonder the HLF had been going so crazy in his absence. These other dudes are clueless lmao.

Draka still thinking about making a profit off the boom while tied up had me cracking up, I love her. Really nice philosophical heart to heart with she and Jolenta. Seeing how calm cool and collected Jolenta is now compared to the shy girl she used to be is a sight to behold. These years have taught her so much, but there’s also that regret and pain you can feel in her voice about Badeni, Oczy and losing all the time with her dad.

Perhaps most impressive though is how even after 35 years, Nowak still thinks of Rafal’s words and Rafal remains present in this story through his indomitable spirit. It makes sense why he’s the poster boy for the show because even if we can’t see him physically, he’s still just as much apart of things.
Marinate1016Feb 1, 8:49 AM
Feb 1, 7:56 AM

Apr 2014
Jolenta vs Nowak. This is going to be the fateful encounter between the father and the daughter. Can't wait to see when Nowak learns about Jolenta and her status as the leader of the Liberation Squad.
Feb 1, 8:20 AM

Jun 2019
Another amazing episode. As we now know about Jolenta and how she's doing. We saw Nowak as well and he still thinks his daughter is dead and is still stuck at Rafal's words about Heliocentrism and how it destroyed his life. He wants to reach the root of the "evil". Rafal still lingers in his mind, even after all those years. Truly an amazing character that lasted only three episodes.

Daraka knows about the book Oczy wrote and she recites the book to Jolenta, whatever she wrote there was very important to Jolenta as it is her friend's last written thing. It means a lot to her. That was a touching moment, for me. Looks like Nowak and Jolenta might cross paths again in the future and what could happen in this story going forward? I love it.
Feb 1, 8:21 AM
Dec 2020
This is some peak man I'm so glad I started watching it when I did. Can't wait to see how Nowak reacts to seeing his daughter still alive and how it will affect his view on heliocentrism.
Feb 1, 8:25 AM
Sep 2015
The writing scene makes me goosebump, even if there's no dialogue. In fact, being no dialogue might make it more special, since my ears can focus on the marvelous but subtle soundtrack by Kensuke Ushio. Reminds me of the soundtrack from Take Shelter by David Wingo.
Feb 1, 8:34 AM

Jul 2016
Oczy's image appearing at the table with Jolenta as she hears his words hit like a truck.

The eventual reunion between Nowak and his daughter probably isn't gonna be a pretty one but I hope at the very, very least, Antoni gets what's coming to him.
Feb 1, 9:17 AM

Jan 2009
Another great setting up episode as we are slowly reaching the end of the story ... next eps gonna be so goood
Feb 1, 9:24 AM

Aug 2020
another great ep

she is back and her dad too

i love the dialogues, so so good
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Feb 1, 9:25 AM

Jul 2009
Expected Nowak to be retired or even dead and not appear anymore in the story, but in this setting with Jolenta as the HLF leader it works out even more interesting. Can't wait for the next episode, truly a magnificent story <3
Feb 1, 9:43 AM

Oct 2017
Waiting for the confrontation of the father and daughter, both trapped by their own conviction. Jolenta have matured a lot, though I believe she'll die too. Draka's gonna survive and live in the new world, probably moving on from her conviction.
Feb 1, 9:48 AM
Jan 2024
damn this episode passed so fast
nowak should retire and become a detective once all of this is over
Feb 1, 10:17 AM

Jul 2022
With the waning power of the Church decallendo he forced them to bring Nowak out of retirement to once again carrying the inquisitors. It is heartbreaking to see a father and daughter at odds, unaware that both are alive and opposed to each other. Nowak drowns his sorrows over his daughter's "death" in resentment and hatred of heretics, especially heliocentrism and the curiosity of the people, which will continue to resurface even if repressed. Ironically, it helps those who really separated him from his daughter: ecclesiastical orthodoxy. Jolenta, for her part, although aware that her goal is not entirely pure, is determined to eliminate those who took her father and her friends away from her. This plot is pure cinema.

And to top it off, the brief scene in which Draka tells Oczy's book to Jolenta while remembering his old friend, who was once illiterate and believed that the greatest miracle was to read and write, was touching. Now, the battle will be to stop the publication of this book. The Absolute Peak.
Feb 1, 11:08 AM
Feb 2021
I never really got it when people talk about 5 minute episodes but now I do.
Absolute peak viewing.
Feb 1, 11:37 AM
Oct 2020
Feb 1, 11:40 AM

Apr 2020
Jolenta and Nowak's reunion is going to be peak drama. Can't wait for it.
Feb 1, 12:02 PM
Oct 2021
another peak episode🔥
Feb 1, 12:02 PM

Jul 2017
Very good episode and glad to see Jolenta again, found her and Nowak's dilemmas to be quite interesting to watch through. I miss Oczy already and the writing scene definitely hit for sure. 25 years is a crazy amount of time but glad to see her at least get that experience again with following and writing down his words that she read through well, she did help teach him how to write in the first place. That reunion with her and Nowak's going to be crazy (if it even happens since this show's found ways to defy expectations).
Feb 1, 12:08 PM

Nov 2022
"Reconnecting with an old friend." and then we see Oczy through Draka as the book is narrated to her... wow... brought a tear to my eye. To think she taught Oczy to read and write all that time ago... Just beautiful.

I worry about Nowak though, he has so much hatred for heliocentrism, what will he do once he finds out the leader to be his still living daughter...

This was one of my favorite episodes, what a series...
Feb 1, 12:36 PM
Mar 2024
This show has some ups and downs, but this episode was definitely one of the best.

I've been constantly changing my rating from 6 to 7 and vice versa due to the writing, despite the story being good overall.
This episode cemented it as a 7, and it won't go down again unless the showrunners botch the last few episodes in a spectacular fashion. Depending on the ending I could even see myself bumping it up to an 8.

The face-off between Jolenta and Nowak is something I'm looking forward to. Also, Nowak's return makes him the only character being present in all the arcs, which in turn gives him a sort of "protagonist status". Very interesting.
Feb 1, 12:51 PM
Apr 2022
I hate this anime. Literally. Seeing Oczy as Draka recites the book made me cry. Haven't cried like that since they hanged the two bros.

If I remember right, Jolenta taught Oczy how to write, so it made me double sad, realizing that the book written by Oczy was the closest thing that connected Jolenta to a man who she still considered a friend.
Feb 1, 1:16 PM

Mar 2021
I knew Badeni was rewriting Oczy's diary as they went along (ala human ChatGPT). Which was then tattooed on those homeless.
Powered by「アニソン」。

'anison' (ANIme SONg).
RAW and NOT DILUTED (aka NOT REMIXED [there are exceptions])
but...OPs, EDs, INsert Songs, & Character Songs!
Feb 1, 1:37 PM
Apr 2020
I smell jolenta's tragic end in nowak's hand in the episode to come. I hope im wrong...

Feb 1, 1:49 PM
Aug 2021
The soundtruck while Oczy was appearing hit me straight to my chest, absolutely amazing
Feb 1, 2:07 PM

Jan 2022
I know Jolenta said she had to go through stuff to get where she is, but looking at her face. The years her convictions cost her is heavy stuff. Nowak trying his best to make his little girl in a proper lady just for fate to turn his little girl just like her pops. A cold, lifeless person deciding that the ends justify the means. I get that this show is dark and twisted but wow this episode brought alot to think about and focus in terms of the characters.

The only glimmer of hope was the smile Jolenta got from listening to contents of the book. A little call back as to why reading and writing are miracles. They allow for conversations of people from the past, present and future.

MariklynFeb 1, 2:44 PM
Feb 1, 2:16 PM

Mar 2020
A battle of wills against the Church, and both sides have their ideals to follow...

I was really happy to see Nowak in the story again, since whenever he's on screen, it just makes the anime that much more better for me. It's been 35 years yet Rafal still stands strong in Nowak's head, and until he can stamp out heliocentrism, he won't stop. Sadly, he's probably fighting a losing battle at this point, but props to him for standing up for what he believes in. As for Jolenta, she's gotten a heck of a lot stronger since we last saw her as a teenager, and her talk with Draka was really interesting. Everything we saw in this episode showed just how much Nowak and her daughter Jolenta have grown and developed throughout the course of this anime, and if they ever reunite, my, that will be a great sight to behold.
Feb 1, 2:21 PM
Feb 2023
Feb 1, 2:48 PM
Dec 2016
Oczy talking to Jolenta was such a powerful scene
Feb 1, 3:02 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
With Jolenta coming into the picture once again as well as Nowak joining the investigation after the Heretic Liberation Front we know have more identities from the people in the opening sequence (she is the one in the ponytail and he is the angry old man).

I didn't believe at first how changed she was but considering how she had to escaped from being killed all those years ago and the studies she had on her back I'm guessing her convictions got the better part of her, making her a leader but also a killer in pursuit of revenge towards the Church. The plan is a simple one in theory, hard in execution and philosophical in nature with many questions to rise on what and what not to believe. With all of that said, I'll just take from the episode the part about keeping wandering until a conviction true to one's self presents itself.

This is the AOTS.
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Feb 1, 4:09 PM

Aug 2019
Nowak is back and I can't wait for him to find out that his daughter is still alive.

I almost teared up when Jolenta said she wanted to reunite with her friend.
Feb 1, 5:28 PM

Jul 2024
Beautiful, beautiful episode.
The book is back!
Feb 1, 7:38 PM

Nov 2010
  • "Your enemy is resilient." (Rafal)
    The 1st instant flashback is audience-friendly, since it has speaker's back view with it. The manga only put there a text ballon.
  • "As I told you (in ep.9), letters are miracle."
    The 2nd one is not so hard to recall the scene, since the phrase is powerful.
  • "We can find a right path in rethink." (Jolenta, Nowak)
    Rigid attitudes don't make things better. Feedback is a great invention of us.
Feb 1, 8:13 PM
Jul 2014
We finally got the title drop of the anime, the title of the book was:

"O ruchu ziemi" (Polish) translates to "About the movement of the Earth"
Feb 1, 8:24 PM

Nov 2013
how old is Nowak now? He should be at the very least 70 years old, but he doesnt look like that despite spending his last 25 years in depression..
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Feb 1, 9:02 PM

Nov 2023
As each and every episode passes by the weight of Rafal in the OP standing in the fire gets more and more heavy.

I completely forgot Nowak sidekick was alive, or even existed.

Every word Jolenta speaks just oozes wisdom.
Feb 1, 10:29 PM

Sep 2022
The shot of Oczy as Draka recites his book to Jolenta.

Man. It's enough to make a grown man cry. Absolute cinema. Peak writing and dialogue.
Gremlin Eris be like:
Feb 1, 10:55 PM

Dec 2023
Just by the way Jolenta speaks, you can already understand what she's been through.

The latter end of that episode is so profound. Talking about her enslavement to her conviction and how it's messy, but the only thing she holds onto is the assumption that her results will result in freedom.

"How do you define freedom?"
"The ability to ask that"

The hardest line in this show just dropped🔥🔥🔥

That Oczy shot....🥹

This show impresses me with each episode. This show isn't just great... It's exceptional

Feb 1, 11:45 PM
Mar 2024
I saw the key visual for the second didn't thought that was Nowak lol
Feb 2, 7:09 AM
Mar 2018
What a brilliant, emotionally potent episode!

Seeing the woman and leader Jolenta has become is quite striking. I particularly enjoyed the speech she gave while she was watching Saturn with Darka; she's not the kind of person I would've expected to have killed people, but in her position, I suppose she had no choice. Her various conversations with the girl were fascinating! I really enjoyed seeing their different (but also, not so different?) visions of the world colliding.

And Nowak is back in the picture too, now?! Oh my gosh!
Feb 2, 9:10 AM

Sep 2013
I'm starting to get why Jolenta isn't the protagonist of this arc, from her own words she lost the liberty to observe and deduce the moment she became a pawn in this conflict which changed her these past 26 years while Draka still has that potential to share something with the rest of humanity, such an ironic fate that the last feeble link of heliocentrism is Oczy's book, he wasn't the most knowledged on the subject but he sure had the passion for it and it probably was felt all over the book, may he rest in piece him,Badeni and Rafal.

Also i'm surprised Pototsky passed, i guess it was common to die around the age he should have been in this period of history, i wonder if he went back to heliocentrism after Rafal's death.
Deep dark fantasies
Feb 2, 10:05 AM

Apr 2014
Reply to dragoncapsule505
We finally got the title drop of the anime, the title of the book was:

"O ruchu ziemi" (Polish) translates to "About the movement of the Earth"
@dragoncapsule505 Yes yes yes! When I see Drake read the book, the logo appear in ep. 17. So it must be the book title. Pure Fiction
Feb 2, 11:38 AM
May 2021
The concept of conviction as described by Jolenta is really beautiful. Every character has one, it’s unavoidable and it can be a strength but also a limit. I think eventually Draka will forget her conviction and fight for heliocentrism like every other protagonist before her.
Feb 2, 11:41 AM
Oct 2023
'' The ability to ask that ''

damnnnnn love this scene so much
Feb 2, 2:12 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Goddamn! The writing in this series is so good. You know the series is special when you are watching set-up episodes with little to no "action," yet you walk away feeling the same as if you just watched a grand revelation/major arc event. This show's set-up episodes are better than most anime's peak episodes.
Feb 2, 3:06 PM
Sep 2024
"-If we forget our conditions, we can only wander!"
-Keep wandering"

"-How do you define freedom?
-The ability to ask that"

"When truth is your shield, violence can definitely accelerate"

"I was right. Reading and writing are miracles"

Dude I can't with this show 😭 it really does get better the further it goes. Jolenta just keeps cooking with these quotes. Just please have an ending that lives up to the path it took to get there 🙏
This episode had so many good things about it. Arguably, the most memorable were the discussions between Jolenta and Draka. For once, they were both the most honest and genuine that they were in a long time and they both internally wanted to understand each other even though they were at different stages of their respective lives. Also, the moment when Oczy appeared in the spot of Draka, man does that break me...
Feb 2, 3:51 PM

Mar 2010
Damn the showdown between father and daughter begins..

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 2, 4:38 PM

Jul 2013
Reading and writing turned out to truly be a miracle after all. The scene with the image of Oczy seating there was so good. Not to mention, Nowak looks like a badass. Can't wait to see how their convictions will intertwine.
Feb 2, 8:06 PM

Mar 2008
Will be interesting to see if Nowak has a change of views once he has a bigger picture of what went on. I wonder how old he is now. He might be in his late 50s or early 60s is my guess.

I noticed so many characters are changed along the way. I don't think Draka will be an exception unless she dies before then.
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Feb 2, 8:35 PM
Dec 2020
Am I the only one who hears it or is the VA for Jolenta purposely speaking her S's with a lisp, implying her broken front tooth... if I'm hearing right, I'm really impressed by the level of detail in the voice acting
Feb 2, 10:28 PM

Sep 2019
My girl Jolenta is all grown up and a baddie now! This episode made me emotional and got me to tear up.
I have mixed feelings for Nowak, I hate him but I also want him to meet his daughter again.
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