What a bunch of sad people on Ewa's facebook account and new subscribers to Busty.pl!. Can they see that see is using then for her own selfish gain. I am talking about the Miss Social Playboy and asking people to subscribe to Busty.pl. Quote from Ewa, (not Ewa as her english is very poor!)
We're climbing waaaaay over million...
Please keep login and get new votes...
- login with Facebook
- keep doing it again and again...
We'll celebrate together! :-*"
We did it!!! 
Congratulations to every single person who was voting during the last few days.
Thank You! Awesome! :-*"
The reason why I say this is she hasn't launched her own website for the fans - probably cant be bothered as she is making enough money doing hardly anything and she is always asking people to join Busty.pl which has an update (usuallya half harted and poorly done video clip) once every 5 to 7 weeks! A BIG SCAM.
Why does she fly half way round the world for a photo shoot on an island??? Focus on what you do and what she is - a topless soft porn model from eastern Europe with no real talent (now living in Florida, USA if the rumours are correct). Take away her big tits and strip her hair back to her natural mousey light brown colour and would she still be popular? The earlier clips on Busty.pl were great so stick tho what she does best. Small sexy clips done in hotel rooms which are updated once a week - not asking for much. Not sure why she has had her teeth done, and for her boobs looking saggy due to weight loss, maybe she had a baby. Explains the reason why she was gone for over a year possibly?
On a different note now my fustration and ranting is over - has anyone seen any photographs of her prior to her modeling days? If she is such a big celeb in Poland and the world why is there nothing about her pre modeling days and her ex or current boyfriends etc - very strange! You comments as always appreciated.