Another newbie I happen to find in the wild algorithm. I like his accent! And from what I can see, he's a role player, preferably in early 1900's and Hogwarts.
I’ve watched him since he had like 2k followers, and I’m positive he’s gay. Someone made a comment about one of his shorts being “conspicuously gay” and he liked it. Also in the video he made with his friend you can tell he’s a bit fruity. Unfortunately he’s also catholic so he would probably never come out online. Does anyone know his age though?
I’ve watched him since he had like 2k followers, and I’m positive he’s gay. Someone made a comment about one of his shorts being “conspicuously gay” and he liked it. Also in the video he made with his friend you can tell he’s a bit fruity. Unfortunately he’s also catholic so he would probably never come out online. Does anyone know his age though?
I swear someone earlier said he was underage…so idk
I have a feeling hes around 20 ish? I think I saw it in a video once but cannot for the life of me remember which one
on Instagram and in one of his videos he said that he’s working on becoming a priest within the next couple years. Can’t imagine anyone underage would be thinking about that lol
Does anyone know an asmrtist who has an onlyfans and tends to ramble on his youtube videos. He does clothes scratching ones and tends to strip down and is in his underwear in some videos.

Skinny has dark hair looks younger but I think he says he is 24 in his videos. Twink looking lol.

I can't remember his OF or channel!