i don't understand why some people simply can't control their creepy urges
I agree, that's why we should delete this thread right?
I mean someone earlier made a point about how gay guys like to pretend to show concern for a guy then go straight to the sexual stuff..which ironically is just about what everyone replying to that posters Instagram messages did.
Clutching their pearls about how it's creepy and weird to speak to Michael about anything explicit, yet perched here salivating over screen caps and videos of him naked, hard, peeing and waiting to see more. Laughing when someone made a screen cap where they used maths to determine Michaels dick size and then, even harder, when it got back to Michael.
This thread doesn't take long to come up if you google him so all the material here will be around a long time after this project is done. It will impact him on one way or another which harlens back to my first statement, if you care for Michael, ask mods to delete this thread or at the very least, not to record and screencap his stream. That's not what his project is meant for.
Personally, I have zero problems with someone talking sex with Michael, it was even anything explicit like you'd normally expect. Also Michael himself is indulging in this behaviour himself through his interactions on Instagram (talking about sex) and the fact he put a cam in his bathroom which adds abdolutely nothing to his project except to give fap material to degenerated like us.
So there's my 2 cents, love it or leave it.
(Cue angry replies from the santimonious perverts among us)